Thursday, June 14, 2012

Vastu Shastra -II, Pujya Gurudev

Vastu Shastra : An Established Science-II :
The importance of northeast angle in Vastu Shastra
Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya
Ishanyam Devatageham Purvasyam Snanamandiram | Agneyam Pakasadanam Bhandaragaramuttare ||
Agneyapurvayormadhyeda Dhimanthanamandiram | Agnipreteshayormadhye Ajyageham Prashasyate ||
Yamyanaiatayormadhye Purishatyaga Mandiram | Naiatyambupayormadhye Vidyabhyasasyamandiram ||
Pashchimanilyormadhye Rodanartha Gahamasmatam | Vayavyottararmadhye Ratigeham Prashasyate ||
Uttareshanayormadhye ushadharthantukarayet | Naiatyam Sutikageham Napanam Bhumimichchitam ||
Meaning: The worship and meditation chamber or temple should be constructed in the ishana angle (corner of the plot/house in the northeast direction); bathroom in the eastern direction, kitchen in the agneya angle (corner in the southeast direction), strong room or locker (safe for money and jewellery etc) should be made in the vayavya (northwest) direction and storeroom in the north. The portion between the northeast and eastern direction should be used for storage of dairy produce: milk, curd, buttermilk, butter, ghee etc. 
The sector of the plot/house between the south and the southwest (naiatya) direction should be used for toilets and septic tank. Study room should be in the west or between the southwest and the west directions. 
The portion between the west and the northwest (vayavya) direction is best suited for constructing the solitude chamber (where one could sit in the moments of sadness and grief) and/or the family conference room (where people in the joint family could discuss family matter of mutual concern). The entertainment space should be provided nearby or in the northwest direction. Living rooms for the married couples should be made somewhere between the northwest and north direction. The portion (of the plot or the house) between the north and the northeast (ishana) direction is best suited for the construction of clinics, hospitals or the room for patient-care. The corner in the southwest direction should be used for labor room (for the birth and nursing of infants). 
The dining hall should be placed in the west; bedroom in the south, the reception or drawing room should lie between the east and northeast and the grocery store and cattle shed (if any) in the northwest direction. The weapons room (or room for security guards duty), if any, should be in the southwest angle. 
The northwest direction is also suitable for garage (parking space for vehicles, if any). The garage could be made in the southeast direction as well, but the northeast direction should be avoided for this purpose. The well or water-tanks should be made in the east, west or north directions. The above scriptural description is a broad classification that could be used as per the rooms or the utilities required in the house (or any building) being constructed. If felt necessary, one can also make minor alterations or modifications in the existing settings of the house or building already built and in use, in order to minimize the adverse effects or to gain extra benefits of vastu. The scriptures unequivocally affirm the favorable and auspicious effects of architecture and interior designs as per the guidelines of Vastu Shastra.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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