Saturday, March 31, 2012

human personality =Pujya Gurudev

=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya

The dominant influences in the formation of human personality are generally believed to be environment and enterprise. But this belief holds true only to a certain extent. It is a matter of common observation that children born and brought up in similar circumstances develop major mental and emotional differences later.
This is primarily on account of the basic life-elements, which go to make the person of an offspring. These subtle influences come down over many previous generations from both paternal and maternal sides. They combine to maintain the continuity of hereditary characteristics and also mutate in a strange way to spawn entirely new traits and identities, thereby taking evolution forward. Scientists have been able to uncover the fundamental basis of life of not only human beings but of all the life forms belonging to animal and plant worlds. Since the second half of the 20th century, a great amount of research has been made in this direction and almost daily new findings are published.
This rapid and profuse work is propelled by advances in electron microscopy and cybernetics in which information from different fields are collated and integrated into a composite whole. All living organisms from the simplest amoeba to the most complex human body have been formed by the same life-chemical, the DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid. The DNA contains in chemically coded form - the blueprint of life, i.e., all the information needed to build, control and maintain a living organism. The DNA has extremely tiny spring-like structures, which can be seen through an electron microscope.
The defined stretch of DNA is called genes. The genes have memory banks and they continually feed the body cells with instructions about the formation and functioning of body organs.
This way co-ordination among the billions of body cells is achieved. DNA is found in every living organism except in human RBC and certain types of viruses. An adult human body has 600 billion "energy packets" of DNA. In shape and chemical composition, all of these are similar whether in humans or animals or even in grass blades. The key to all of lifes diversity is hidden in DNA. The particular order of its constituent bases determines whether an organism is a human or a bird, fish, insect or vegetable. An Indian-American scientist Dr. Hargovind Khurana made path-breaking discoveries about the structure of RNA (ribonucleic acid) and was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1968. According to scientists, DNA controls and balances biochemical parameters and BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate). Sitting in the nucleus of the cell it keeps on issuing signals and commands about the pre-ordained physical, functional and behavioral traits.
All of bodys organs - heart, lungs, kidneys, intestines, skin, eyes, ears, nose etc. take shape in accordance with these directions. Different functions like digestion; heart beating and even thoughts and emotions depend on these signals. This process starts in the embryo and goes on till death. The structure of DNA molecule was first unravelled by Dr. James Watson and Dr. Francis Crick in 1953. It is made up of a double helix of two chains coiled around each other like a spiral tape. Arranged lengthwise, this tape will measure about five feet. The number of cells in a young person may reach up to 600 billion.
The combined length of the DNA molecules of all the cells will form a tape long enough to measure the whole universe. A cell biologist of Chicago University, Dr. George Beedal, explains that the DNA molecule is so lengthy because it has to encapsulate coded information about an entire life span.
The DNA molecule consists of three main chemical substances- sugar, phosphate and nitrogen compounds. Each of the two chains is made up of alternating pentose sugar (deoxyribose) and phosphate groups with nitrogen compounds linking the two strands like the rungs of a twisted ladder. Scientists believe that all the mysteries of life are hidden in these nitrogen compounds and to understand their mysterious signals massive research efforts are going on. In the beginning of the 20th century, an American scientist Dr. Sutton told the world about chromosomes.
These are thread-like bodies existing in pairs inside the nucleus of every cell of a living organism. Chromosome number is characteristic of a species. Humans have 46 chromosomes; half of which come from the father and half from the mother. Out of these 23 pairs, 22 are matched pairs, called autosomes.
The 23rd pair is sex chromosome. This pair determines the sex of a baby. In male, the pair is XY and in female, it is XX. Every cell of our body has the same number of chromosomes except the reproductive cells (gamets; egg or sperm), which have exactly half the number. A new life is formed by the fusion of two gamets. Chromosome is made up of 50-60% protein, 25-48% DNA and the rest of RNA. Each chromosome has one very large strand of DNA, which is coiled and folded to produce a compact body.
Tiny particles of nucleo-protein, called genes, exist in the chromosome in the manner of knots tied at regular intervals on a length of thread. Genes are the basis of physical and functional units of heredity. They first reach the zygote, which is formed as a result of male and female gamet union. From there, through cell division, they spread to every cell and control basic cellular operations. According to scientists every gene is located at a specific place in the DNA which is called locus and the sequence of these locations is extremely important as it determines all of an organisms characteristics. From its location, the gene transmits genetic information to the RNA molecule. RNA, in turn, goes to the cell cytoplasm and synthesizes proteins so that different agencies and chemicals concerned with body formation may be accurately instructed about their duties and functions. Genes are responsible for preservation and continuity of hereditary traits.
Heredity means transmission of physical and mental-emotional characteristics- visible or invisible  from one generation to another. This generational continuum constitutes the basis of the evolutionary progress of life. Although offspring exhibits visible likeness to their parents, they are also different in many ways. These differences called "variance" in scientific terms may exist between two children of the same parentage, or among different members of the same family, or among different animals of the same species.
The science, which studies the underlying factors behind such similarities and dissimilarities, as also the behavioral traits and physical features of the offspring and the mechanism of their transmission from parents to the next generation is called "genetics". Genetics, however, is not concerned with those changes that occur on account of environment, nurturing, experience and training. Genetics, or the science of heredity is a branch of biology. Its sub-branch is "eugenics" which deals with race improvement. This science is under serious scrutiny as a new tool of great promise in the progress of human evolution and civilization.
The ancestors of modern man were comparatively superior in terms of physical and intellectual abilities as well as longevity. Serious efforts are underway to make up this shortfall in modern man and raise him to his ancestors measure. Through genetic engineering and manipulation of DNA, harmful and disease causing genes are sought to be replaced by beneficial genes. The ongoing researches in this direction hold the promise that some day desired changes would be carried out in the structure of this most subtle and ubiquitous basic element of life and such human beings could be produced who are more strong, more talented and more long-living than their ancestors. Dr. Watson and Dr. Crick had this unbounded potentiality in mind when on the occasion of receiving the Nobel Prize in 1962 they said, "The key is in hand, but not the operator. Hopefully, we would find that too some day.
Then man who is today a puppet in the hands of nature would make the latter dance to his tunes.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Friday, March 30, 2012

Wherever you Go = Pujya Gurudev

=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya

Have you ever noticed that there is no running away from anything? That, sooner or later, the things that you don't want to deal with and try to escape from, or paper over and pretend aren't there, catch up with you  especially if they have to do with old patterns and fears? The romantic notion is that if its no good over here, you have only to go over there and things will be different. If this job is no good, change jobs. If this wife is no good, change wives. If this town is no good, change towns. If these children are a problem, leave them for other people to look after.
The underlying thinking is that the reason for your trouble is outside of you  in the location, in others, in the circumstances. Change the location, change the circumstances, and everything will fall into place; you can start over, have a new beginning. The trouble with this way of seeing is that it conveniently ignores the fact that you carry your head and your heart, and what some would call your "karma," around with you. You cannot escape yourself try as you might. And what reason, other than pure wishful thinking, would you have to suspect that things would be different or better somewhere else anyway? Sooner or later, the same problems would arise if in fact they stem in large part from your patterns of seeing, thinking, and behaving.
Too often, our lives cease working because we cease working at life, because we are unwilling to take responsibility for things as they are, and to work with our difficulties.
We don't understand that it is actually possible to attain clarity, understanding, and transformation right in the middle of what is here and now, however problematic it may be. But it is easier and less threatening to our sense of self to project our involvement in our problems onto other people and environment. It is so much easier to find fault, to blame, to believe that what is needed is a change on the outside, an escape from the forces that are holding you back, preventing you from growing, from finding happiness. You can even blame yourself for it all and, in the ultimate escape from responsibility, run away feeling that you have made a hopeless mess of things, or that you are damaged beyond repair. In either case, you believe that you are incapable of true change or growth, and that you need to spare others any more pain by removing yourself from the scene.
The casualties of this way of looking at things are all over the place. Look virtually anywhere and you will find broken relationships, broken families, broken people  wanderers with no roots, lost, going from this place to that, this job to that, this relationship to that, this idea of salvation to that, in the desperate hope that the right person, the right job, the right place, the right book will make it all better. Or feeling isolated, unlovable, and in despair, having given up looking and even making any attempt, however misguided, to find peace of mind. By itself, meditation does not confer immunity from this pattern of looking elsewhere for answers and solutions to ones problems.
Sometimes people chronically go from one technique to another, or from one teacher to another teacher, or one tradition to another tradition, looking for that special something, that special teaching, that special relationship, that momentary "high" which will open the door to self-understanding and liberation. But this can turn into serious delusion, an unending quest to escape looking at what is closest to home and perhaps most painful. Out of fear and yearning for someone special to help them to see clearly, people sometimes fall into unhealthy dependency relationships with meditation teachers, forgetting that no matter how good the teacher, ultimately you have to live the inner work yourself and that work always comes from the cloth of your own life.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Rishi Culture = Pujya Gurudev

=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Let us begin with a collective chanting of the Gayatri Mantra: "Om bhurbhuvaha svaha tatsaviturvarenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah pracodayat" Sisters and Brothers, Special crops grow in special soil and climate. The oranges of Nagpur, bananas of Bhusawal, mangoes of Lucknow, etc are popular all over the world for their special taste. But these fruits won’t taste the same if grown elsewhere, say here in Hardwar. You must have heard of the sandalwood of the Neelgiri Hills. What a heavenly fragrance! The plant might grow at your place as well, but won’t have the same smell. Then what about the unique herbs and the fruits and flowers - like Devkand and Brahmkamal - grown in the serene regions of the great Himalayan heights? These paradise-species won’t even grow anywhere else.
The soil, the climate, the subtle environment of every place has its distinct effects. The holy Himalayas are unique because of the vibrant spiritual ambience generated here by the long-term dedicated tapa-sadhanas of the Rishis - the seer-sages, saints of Vedic Age. Indeed this land is divine land that nurtures virtuous tendencies and induces angelic inspirations. Every seeker of spiritual realization and inner light wants to spend sometime in the pristine shelter of the Himalayas. I had also got this opportunity. You are all sitting here in Shantikunj, Hardwar; this is the land where the Ashrams of the Sapatarshis1 were located thousands of years ago.
This is the sacred land where these preeminent saint-sages, whose glory continues to sparkle like the unique cluster of seven stars in the sky, had undertook devout tapashcharya. The holy Ganga surrounds this place much like a mother’s lap protecting a child. This is the place where, once upon a time, lion and cow would drink water from the same water pond, standing besides each other on these banks of the Ganga! Indeed, there are such spiritually energized locations and the siddhas2 whose company can awaken the divinity hidden within us! This Ashram of Shantikunj is established at such a place. Have you seen the temple of Devatma Himalaya here? There is no deity-idol for worship in this temple; there is only a model of the holy Himalayas. As you know, the idols of God enshrined in the temples symbolize the divine powers. This temple should make you aware of the divine nature of the Himalayas.
(Translation of a discourse in Hindi on "Guru-tatva Ki Mahima Aur Garima" Delivered by Rev. Gurudev Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya on Guru Purnima, 1981 - Continued from previous issue)
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

National Obligation = Pujya Gurudev

                                   =Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Unemployment and reservation are the issues that are intrinsically connected with the very existence of the youth. Their importance in the lives of the young can be seen in the fact that because of these two reasons lakhs of youth are undergoing the agony of mental stress, leading to even suicide. For the government this may be a matter of mere statistics and for the politicians a means to gathering votes, but for the youth it is a matter of their life and death. The status of being unemployed torments all in equal measure irrespective of caste or creed. Statistics tell that the number of the unemployed is increasing every year and by the year 2006 it had gone to twenty crores.
The government is spending about 200 crores every year on their registration and training but is unable to provide them employment. Out of about 5 crore applicants for government jobs only about 70000 are able to get jobs.
The position of women is not much better. Out of 1 crore 7 lakhs women applicants only 27000 are able to secure employment. For this reason the people are feeling disenchanted with the government and its offices. But while the people are tired of the government, the government is not tired of the people. After all, the future governments are to be formed on the vote strength of these very people. So to appease and lure certain sections, it has raised the issue of reservation.
The real motive behind this reservation policy is known to everybody. Howsoever the ministers and politicians may harp on social harmony, the reality is different. Social harmony comes only by believing in and practicing the dictum of "All castes and creeds are one  All humanity is one." Historically reservation for the first time was introduced in the Madras Presidency in 1918 for some select communities.
The 1935 Poona Pact introduced reservation in the legislative bodies. When India became independent, the policy of reservation was adopted as a provisional measure. But it has continued endlessly. In 1989, V.P. Singh government accepted Mandal Commission Report on OBC reservation which had been submitted in 1980. In 1989-90 the whole country witnessed anti-reservation agitation.
n 1992 the Supreme Court removed the legal hurdles in its implementation. In 1993 reservation was extended to central government services and now the present government has introduced it for admission to IITs and IIMs. There is increasing demand that reservation system be extended even to the private sector. Presently 50% and even more positions are reserved. Today a great debate is on about the pros and cons of reservation, whether it is right or wrong. Everyone has his own viewpoint on this issue, his own logic. They all may be right in one way or the other but if we scrutinize the diverse views the sum total is that the thinking horizon of almost all of them is narrow and parochial.
The arguments revolve around the caste, religion and vote factors but the human aspect remains unaddressed; whereas the human consideration should take precedence over the caste consideration. We are human beings first and then only Hindu, Muslim, high caste or low caste. Each one of us feels hunger the same way, each one of us needs clothing and shelter. Items of comfort or luxury may not be required but the basic necessities of life should be available to everyone. This is the pain of the unemployed. Of whatever caste or creed they too need means of livelihood. Coming back to reservation, this issue is directly linked with employment opportunities. Even while not being critical of it, this humble plea can surely be advanced that the basis of reservation needs rethinking. Not all the upper caste persons are rich, nor all lower caste people deprived or poor. Media reports often highlight the opulent living styles of scheduled or backward caste ministers and politicians; reporters calculate how many crores have been sunk in their bathrooms alone. Then there are the so called deprived sections who are always engrossed in exploiting others. They are so powerful that no one can dare to maltreat or exploit them. Why should their sons and daughters get the privilege of reservation meant for the really deprived?
The young generation simply wants that the matters of employment and reservation should incorporate human element. If this is done, the logical conclusion would be to make economic status the basis of reservation. One more idea could be to increase the quantum of reservation from 50% to 100%, i.e. in the reservation ambit all communities of the country be included and their representation determined according to their population strength. This whole reservation conundrum is such that there is very real and daunting danger of vertically its splitting the whole society into caste compartments. Social harmony and equality is important for the unity and progress of the country, but it is a wrong presumption that this ideal can be through reservations. It has definitely not been achieved during the last 60 years since independence. To achieve this objective it is essential to break the obsolete traditions and wrong beliefs prevalent in the society.
The Yug Nirman Mission is doing this very work silently. Social equality will be ushered in by bread and marriage relations, not by reservation. In the Yug Nirman Mission, bread relations between different castes are the normal thing; inter-caste marriages are also increasing. This is the way to spread social harmony. In this mission even the Brahmin parijans enthusiastically perform tasks that are normally associated with lower castes. Conversely, the scheduled caste and tribe workers wear the yagyopavit (the sacred thread) and perform brahminical duties. The policy makers of the country should know that the young generation will never forgive their cunningness. Talent is a national asset and employment opportunity a national obligation. Talents are not born in specific castes only; wherever they are they should receive patronage and opportunity. It was the tragic truth of a bygone era that some Eklavya was cheated into gifting away his thumb, or some Karna was taunted disparagingly as sutputra (son of a low caste charioteer). But the time-spirit spares none.
The deceiver of Eklavya, Dronacharya, himself had to die through deceit, and that too at the hands of his favourite disciple Arjunas relative. Those who treated Karna unfairly had to become victims of unfairness themselves.
The glory of Eklavya and Karna, on the other hand, remains undiminished even today. Wisdom demands that past mistakes not be repeated, nor current policies be made with a vindictive attitude. Be it Arjun, Eklavya or Karna  all should get equal opportunity whatever be their caste, class or creed. It would be better if the youth of the country themselves come forward to frustrate the evil designs of the wily and shortsighted persons across the political spectrum. They should neither segregate themselves into castes nor allow the divisive forces to succeed. It is the duty of the youth to ensure that wherever be the talent it receives fullest opportunity to blossom forth. Similarly wherever be poverty or hunger, no effort should be spared in removing it. For this we should not keep looking up to the governments only, and must formulate our own suitable plans of action and self-reliance.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Monday, March 26, 2012

Melodious Music of Life = Pujya Gurudev

=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya

Ayurme pahi pranam me pahyapanam me pahi vyanam me pahi caksurme pahi srotram me pahi vacam me pinva mano me jinvatmanam me pahi jyotirme yacca. - Yajurveda 14/17
O God! May you protect my life-span. May you protect my prana, apana and vyana life currents. May you protect my eyes and ears. May you enrich my voice and make my mind contented. May you protect my soul and bestow light on me. Good health is the pivot of jivana sadhana. Any kind of progress - temporal or spiritual  is conditional on vibrant health. Money, fame, power, knowledge and even tapa  all depend on it. But inspite of this being a common knowledge, most of the people are casual about it, albeit with varying excuses and justifications. Some are too busy to care for health, while some lay the blame on circumstances.
What is surprising is that even the spiritual seekers are often found negligent about their health in the name of tapa. In reality, the root cause of neglecting health is the lack of a holistic vision of life.
Most of the people are in such a tearing hurry to arrive or get more and more that they do not have time to pause and think about their bodily well-being. By the time they come to their senses, it is too late and they are trapped in the vicious cycle of diseases. Their vitality has ebbed and they are reduced to the pitiable plight of the lamp which is on the verge of extinction for want of oil. Now nothing helps, not even the things which they had been acquiring so far at the cost of health.
The very continuance of life becomes a pain. The modern age is witnessing an increasing lack of self-control. Peoples craving for sense-indulgence, their madness for pleasures of all sorts is increasing by the day and this, in turn, is devastating their health. The wise are aware of the truth that lack of self-control is akin to playing holi with ones own blood. At first, the sport appears enticing, the bright red spurs one on and on to ever more rounds of carnal pleasures until soon the situation becomes grave and vicious. Incontinence of different kinds gives birth to diseases of all sorts. These diseases impose many restrictions and prohibitions on the future life-pattern; but to the habits long formed, no restriction is either palatable or implementable.
As a result, life becomes a nightmare, being slowly ground between the two wheels of mental agony and physical pain. Sometimes, in the name of tapa and sadhana, the body and health are subjected to such severities that the very edifice begins to crumble. The irony is that even the spiritual powers which had been sought prove a chimera. The only gain is a show of pretense where the practitioner gets slowly ruined and the audience, bored. Castigating these cruelties to the body in the name of tapa Yogeshwar Krishna says in the Bhagvadgita.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Saturday, March 24, 2012

National Culture =Pujya Gurudev

=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Vastreneva vasaya manmana shuchim - Rigveda 1/140/1 (Meaning: We cover the sacred and the private (organs) with the right dress.) The style of dress reveals a person’s cultural affinities; it indicates that the person cherishes deep inside him particular cultural values. Blind imitation of western dress is a pointer to thoughtless belief in superiority of western civilization and culture. This tendency shows that such persons are cut off from their own cultural moorings. Their sense of pride in Indian culture and motherland has virtually died down. Otherwise, why should they be reluctant to adopt the dress style of their own country? Those who are desirous of treading the path of jivana sadhana should be conscious about their clothing. The recent history of our country underlines the significance of this fact.
The great men who led the nation during the tumultuous days of the freedom struggle, had almost wholly received Western/English education. Many of them had studied in England. Some of them had even turned down high and prestigious posts like the I.C.S. In the initial stages and during their studentship, almost all wore English style dress. But when love for the nation began to stir them, their dress styles changed too. Barrister Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi could become Mahatma Gandhi only by adopting Indian dress and ethos. His followers and associates, too, set out on the noble task of awakening the nation after adopting native style of clothing. There is a touching incident having a bearing on this matter. The world famous chemical scientist Dr. Prafulla Chandra Roy was Professor in Calcutta University. As befitted a university professor, his apparel, too, was western. Those were the days of the Independence Movement. The whole country was resonating with national sentiments.
The sensitive heart of Dr. P. C. Roy could not remain unaffected by all this. Love for the nation began to stir in his bosom too. But he was in a fix. How could he pursue this love in the midst of his scientific work? In what way could he serve the nation? To find the answer, he met Gandhiji. He was wearing western dress as usual at that time. Gandhiji looked at him from top to bottom and said with a smile: "Roy Sir! What was the great hurry that you have come unclothed"? Dr. Roy was perplexed. Why was Mahatmaji talking in riddles today? I have come fully clothed, yet he is saying that I am without clothes. Gandhiji explained: "Nation can not be served properly under alien attire. National values, national sentiments, national culture - these all have only one identity and that is our own national mode of dressing". Now Professor Roy was able to understand the import of Gandhiji’s words.
He completely changed his attire from that day and made the ethnic khadi his life-long companion. Those who advance the excuses of dress norms operative in technical and higher education institutions should stand reminded here that there are so many persons working in our mission (Gayatri Pariwar) who have completed their technical/higher education in dhoti-kurta. Students doing engineering studies including M. Tech. and that too from the best institutes of the country, donned dhoti-kurta and maintained the dignity of our culture. There is a famous proverb: "Where there is a will, there is a way". So the need is to generate the will; corresponding ways will materialize on their own. With strong will power and overflowing love for one’s culture, the entire course of life can be transformed, what to speak of the dress style.
 The modes of dress prevalent these days reflect neither Indianness nor Indian culture. The general wear on school and college campuses is expressive of only tastlessness and lack of decorum. The situation at homes is no better. It all indicates that our cultural sense is fast depleting. Even from the health point of view experts regard the body-hugging and skin-revealing apparel as unsuitable. It lies upon the young generation of the country to check and reverse this rapidly worsening trend.
Any appeal to those whose cultural sense has died and in whom national sentiments have almost dried up is futile. But those, who have become indifferent for some other reasons, should wake up. Let such brave young men and women come forward and, through their mode of dress, reflect their distinctive nationality and culture. There are some important elements of a proper sense of dress. The first is hygiene. Not only the clothes but the body, too, should be kept clean. Unkempt hair and uncut nails, for example, are a public announcement that we are not yet civilized. The second element is selection of apparel in accord with the season. The textile and the style both should match the different seasons - summer, winter and rainy. The third point is about the general nature and form of the dress. Instead of being very tight and body-hugging, it should be slightly loose-fitting. At the same time, the cut should be such that the body could be properly covered.
The fourth element concerns the understanding of our cultural roots. There should be no glaring antagonism between the dress and the socio-cultural values. As far as possible, the attire should be in conformity with our soil and our culture. Our dress should announce to all that we are not only politically but also culturally independent and we have firm belief in the Indian ethos. To make this belief strong, we will have to give proper direction to our imaginations and learn the art of putting them to right application.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Friday, March 23, 2012

Adversities = Pujya Gurudev

What should be the Ideal Attitude Towards Adversities?
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya

Ayutoahamayuto me atmayutam me caksurayutam me srotramayuto me pranoayuto meapanoayuto me vyanoayutoaham sarvah. - Atharvaveda 19/51/1
I am unconquerable. My spirit is unconquerable. My eyes are unconquerable. My prana sakti (subtle life current) is unconquerable. My apana life current is unconquerable. My vyana life current is unconquerable. I am fully unconquerable. Do not get perturbed by adversities. Face them boldly. Problems and adversities come into everyone's life. They spare none. Even those who live in comforts or hold high positions are confronted by such situations. Life is, in fact, a composite of dualities & pleasure and pain, riches and poverty, fortune and misfortune, and so on. That the one facet may exist but the other not is simply not possible.
                   Even if it were to happen for some reason, life would become unidimensional, monotonous and dry. For complete and all-round development, times of trial are as much necessary as moments of joy. Either situation puts to test our subtle power of discrimination. If the time of adversity is utilized properly, it leads to the cleansing of the karmic sediments deposited on the soul over many previous births as also to the purification of the inherent urges and to increase in inner strength. Hence, instead of running away from crises, one should learn the technique of using them as lessions. Blessed are they who make themselves thoroughly proficient in this art. In the history of mankind, the lives of all great men and women are a testimony to the verity of this statement. They all were sculpted and shaped by Nature with the chisel of adversity and misfortune.
               The lives of those who live only in comforts and luxuries remain like uncut gems which command no real value. Whether difficulties are small or big, one should try to develop a positive and purposeful attitude towards them. There is, of course, no need to invite troubles but a dogged spirit of struggle and perseverance in life does need to be inculcated. This quality comes to those who are non-sparing towards themselves but charitable towards others. Those accustomed to an affluent life-style are staggered and even devastated by one blow of adversity while those who lead a hard and austere life are mentally strong and capable of weathering any storm with fortitude. The other quality which needs to be developed is the courage to accept challenges.

                  All the problems whether of health, money, an examination or some other matter present before us a challenge. Instead of getting perturbed or shaky we should confront and grapple with them. True it is that this fight will require us to make major changes in the pattern of our lives, in policies, values and habits. But what of that? What is right and justified must be done. To this end, no effort should be spared in marshalling all the inner resources, energy and courage.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Thursday, March 22, 2012

True Visionary = Pujya Gurudev

Who Can Be A True Visionary?
=Pt. ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Daivim dhiyam manamahe sumrdikamabhistaye Varchodham yajnavahasa a sutirtha no asadvase. - Yajurveda 4/11 We aspire for the divine intellect, which gives joyous illumination and ensures completion of the yajna. May that intellect be in our possession! To be a visionary is to acquire the ability to look far ahead into time and glimpse the future. This ability is a gift of that divine intellect which assesses its potentials and weaves a dream around it. This very dream is the goal of our life; it charts our paths and takes us in the right direction.
In those who have this ambition, a unique capability develops. They are able to perform such deeds, as others cannot even imagine. Their vision acquires the power to penetrate the mist of the present and perceive the future clearly. If you feel an urge to become someone like this, it is just natural. In fact, absence of such a feeling would be a cause of worry because that would be a sign of inertness. If there is any hint of this inertness, get rid of it, and take steps in the direction of becoming a visionary. For this, the first thing to do is to cherish lofty aims and ideals.
What should be the type of these ideals may be gleaned from the sayings of Gurudev. According to him, only he is a believer who can clearly visualize the dazzling sun of a summer noon in a dark and stormy night sky filled with dense rain-bearing clouds. In other words, only he who can dare to dream of a glorious future cutting through the forbidding pall of dense darkness of hopelessness can be a true visionary. This requires an integration of a bold and imaginative mind and a subtle discriminative faculty. Indeed, we all have an imaginative mind and indulge in fantasies all the time.
Sometimes, in our world of imaginations we become a billionaire, sometimes a record breaker in academic pursuits, another times a famous scientist or even the Prime Minister of the country. The highly fertile mindscape is always a kaleidoscope of colourful imaginations. The reason behind such a state of mental jumble is that our imagination is not tempered with the subtle power of discrimination. Only when the two faculties are harmonized do they create a composite and focused dream - a dream which is not a vent for repressed and unfulfilled desires but a correct reflection of the dormant divine qualities within. An illustration of this may be found in the life of the President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. Once a child enquired of him whether he had read the Mahabharat. The President replied in the affirmative. The child asked again who among its many characters appealed to him the most. Everybody knows that the multi-dimensional characters of the great epic reflect almost the entire spectrum of human nature.
 The President, who understood the quintessence of the Mahabharat replied that he was very much impressed with the character of Vidur. "Why?" was the next query of the child. The President explained: "Because Vidur opposed the wrongs of those in authority and dared to raise his voice of dissent when all other stalwarts like Pitamah Bhisma, Acharya Drona and Karna had surrendered themselves to the whims of the persons in power." This reply of the President subsumed his own dream, which was the product of an imaginative mind and subtle discriminative knowledge - the dream of sculpting his own character in the mould of Mahatma Vidur. Let us ask ourselves whether we can dream such sublime dreams? We must dream of being the best, the noblest, the most sublime, and never allow petty thoughts and ideas to dominate the mind. Whatever we want to become - a scientist, an officer, or an artist - we should add one more aspect to that, and that is cultivation of the noblest character.
To realize this exalted dream, four steps need be taken. The first is the step of a runner. It means that you should have the energy and spirit of a runner who is committed and determined to show his skill and ability. The second step is that of a warrior. It is generally observed that a player feels elated at success, but failure gives him disappointment. With a warrior, however, it is not so. His very motto is "a soldier never quits till death." Valiant struggle and super-human bravery in spite of numerous wounds - this is the message of the life of a great warrior. The third step is that of the ruler. This is the stage when we have realized our vision of life, have actualized the dream we saw. All that we had desired, all that we had cherished is now in the palm of our hand. Life is at its apogee; now there is only to savour this experience. But the one attendant problem, invariably found at this stage, is that after having reached here people become egoist. Lest we become one, there is the fourth and last step - the step of a great man.
Like a true saint, we should share our glories and accomplishments with others. We should go to those who need us. We should reach out to every door and every home, and help them, too, to realize their dreams. May their lives, too, be permeated with fragrance, may spring breeze come to their lives too - this should be our prayer of LOVE IN ACTION .
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Weather = Pujya Gurudev

Can Animals Predict Weather
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
In spite of all the expertise deployed in data-collection, modeling and inference in which a large number of talented, skilled and well trained brains are employed for doing the job with high-tech communication and computational instruments and networking, it is amazing to look at the natural capabilities of several species of birds and animals in sensing the future weather and geo-events far more precisely than by the well-known experts using high-tech instruments. Meteorology departments or weather bureaus in most parts of the world are now well equipped with sophisticated satellite based data collection devices, geo-information systems and remote sensing devices to continuously record the signals and signs of the variations deep under the sea, beneath the earth and far away in the space.
 However, the multiple dimensions of parameters, random nature and complexity of the data make the analysis difficult and so precise and reliable inference models and accurate predictions continue to elude from their sight. Perhaps this is the reason people often joke that "If the weather bureau predicts heavy rains, one should better not bother to take any umbrella or raincoat with him, because the atmosphere is known to not only ’disobey’ but also ’contradict’ their estimates". Electronic media keeps spreading the ’predictions’ of the local and global weather departments throughout the day so there is no dearth of information. But the question is how reliable that information is? No doubt, the accuracy of predictive methods has improved significantly over the past two decades, still the lack of precision and time-lapses witnessed in the tragic occurrences of the recent calamities of earthquakes in Gujarat, Indonesia, Tsunami at south-eastern Indian coast, Katrina in the USA, necessitates the need for further advancement of science and technology to face Nature’s challenges with timely preparations.
The present trends indicate that the predictions using modern technological gadgets are correct on an average scale for more-or-less periodic events. For example, the overall nature of monsoon in a given year generally is in good agreement with what has been inferred a month or fortnight before its onset. Prominent among the geological events that are prone to bring a drastic environmental shift for South Asia are El Nino (associated with the temperature of the Pacific ocean in regions towards coasts of Peru, Latin America) and the pressure belt from Darwin (Australia) to Argentina. Correct inference of monsoon plays a key role in national and global economy. It is more important for countries like India, where the state of agricultural production controls the gross economic growth and this crucial sector largely depends upon monsoons for irrigation.
In terms of the best-validated models so far, the inference of monsoon status is made based on estimation of sixteen parameters. Six of these deal with temperature variation pattern, two with snowfall, two with the speeds and directions of winds and five with the patterns of atmospheric pressure in specific regions. Estimators of these based on the current season and previous few years’ data are analyzed to assess the ’state of monsoon’ in general. Thousands of scientists and data processors are required to work hard for several months, using high-performance computers with specialized statistical and mathematical software for this analysis. In broad terms, if the model fitting and simulation shows indices based on all of these parameters as satisfactory then the monsoon is predicted as "average". Similar criteria satisfied by ten to twelve of these indicate above average rainfall during the monsoon. More that twelve of these being favorable implies very good monsoon. The statistics of the Meteorological Department of India support the validity of these criteria. In the year 1988, fourteen of these indices were found favorable.
 The monsoon that year proved the simulations right, as the rainfall was higher than the record of past fifty years. The scenario was the contrary in the previous year (1987) when only five indices were estimated as above threshold. Most part of our country suffered a drought that year. Similar was the case in 1979 when only two indices had passed the test. Though the data collection devices, simulation technology and methods of modeling were inferior at that time, no index was found satisfactory and the country faced acute drought and almost a famine in many parts. In case of extraordinary variations in global geological and weather changes, e.g. the likelihood of Al-nino, etc, the up-to-date data and results of global information systems are also required for adept analysis.
This demands on-line communications and Internet processing. The tasks of predicting the likelihood of storms, cyclones, hurricanes, etc, demand dedicated research by large number of teams of specialists in different centers across the globe. Some of the data-collecting centers for such predictions are placed in the high-risk zones on the coasts and on high-altitudes with extremely tough weather conditions. Indeed their job is creditable, as their efforts of accurate predictions well in advance amount to saving lives of millions of people and property worth several billions.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Monday, March 19, 2012

Vision = Pujya Gurudev

The Open Vision
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
What is the direct, Open Vision?  One may ask. One thing about it is that it should appeal to reason - that is the foundation. If something is unreasonable the question of vision does not arise.
 Do you feel as sure of God,  someone once asked me, "as you do of the lamp in front of you?"
 "I am sure, quite sure of God," I replied, "but as for the lamp, I am not nearly so sure whether it really exists or not ! This exchange, which is recorded in my Vichar-porthi, took place in 1928. On a number of occasions I have had what appears to me to be direct Vision of God. I own it partly perhaps to the attitudes I inherited in my family, and partly to my reverence for certain holy books. But my faith rests not so much on these things as on the fact of experience. Other living creatures in all their variety, and the human beings I see around me, are so many forms in which He wills to appear. What is the direct, Open Vision?  one may ask.
One thing about it is that it should appeal to reason - that is the foundation. If something is unreasonable the question of vision does not arise. First, the thing must be acceptable to reason; secondly, after that, comes the experience. Reason tests it -this is knowledge; the experience follows - that is vision through knowledge. We may take, for example, the personal experience of compassion. Reason must first recognize that the world is full of compassion, that compassion is essential to the world plan.
If my mother had not had compassion on me, I could not have received what I needed for my growth. The intellect must understand the need for compassion and recognize that it is present in the creation. Only then comes the experience of compassion. To feel in oneself the compassion that a mother has for her child, that is direct knowledge of compassion.
Thanks GOD,Thanks SAdguru,
Shiv Sharma

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Growth of Spiritual Power = Pujya Gurudev

Tapascarya Essential for the Growth of Spiritual Power
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya

After returning from England, Aurobindo took all the measures to force the Britishers to leave India. Indian princes were organized, students were mobilized, a new party was formed but he soon realized that these stray efforts would be of no avail to confront the might of the powerful British Empire. It was not possible in those days to do something like Gandhiji’s satyagrah. He, therefore, took up the work of generating spiritual power to warm up the atmosphere. He went out of the reach of the Britishers, lived in seclusion in Pondicherry and started doing special tapashcarya sadhana. People may regard it as an act of escapism but it was not so.

Those having keen observation knew it very well that Aurobindo generated powerful invisible energy by his tapashcarya. The subtle atmosphere was warmed up, giving birth to a number of great personages at a time, which was unprecedented in the history of the country. Anybody can be a political leader, but he is not necessarily a great man. Great persons are great from every point of view and they possess the capacity to visibly and invisibly move and influence the public mind. Having lost everything on account of slavery over a period of two thousand years, the country needed such helmsmen who could lead the nation out of difficulties.
They were all born at one time in large numbers like whirlwinds in hot summer. Thus, in due course, Aurobindo’s dream was fulfilled. In the history of spiritual sciences, tapashcarya and sadhana, have been regarded as the only means for higher attainments. This cannot be done by clinging to a luxurious, comfortable life style. It needs single-pointed concentration towards the achievement of the noble aim. At the time of writing eighteen Puranas, Vyas retired to a cave near Vasodhara in Uttarakhand. Ganesh undertook to help him as his scribe on the condition that he will not interrupt and will keep totally silent. Such an important work could not have been accomplished without this uninterrupted concentration.

Maharshi Raman remained engaged in tapashcarya and observed silence during the period of struggle for Independence. Besides, several other elevated saints in the Himalayas performed specific tapashcarya for this purpose. This invisible spiritual contribution cannot be seen and appreciated with material senses. Persons having spiritual insight alone know its truth.
Pls. also read in My Life: Its Legacy and Message - 22 [Autobiography of Pujya Gurudev]
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Friday, March 16, 2012

Who I AM = Pujya Gurudev

(Some great thoughts of Gurudev)

Respected Gurudeo Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya known as a YUGRISHI and his thoughts is a most valuable. Guruji said for those, who want to know
Who I AM ?

1.SOHUM (I am That): Indeed potentially I am That Absolute Truth - Consciousness incarnated in human form. Attaining higher spiritual levels are easy for me. I am a Sadhak (devotee) whom Yug Rishi has given an opportunity to do Sadhana towards Self-Realization.

2. SHIVOHUM (I am akin to Lord Shiva): Shiva means auspicious. Essentially I am a blessed person; so how can there be any place for evil in my thoughts, feelings or actions? If any inappropriate trait has stuck to me due to bad company/surroundings, it is foreign to my essential nature and I resolve to rid myself of this dross.

3. SACHCHIDANANDOHUM (My intrinsic Nature is – TruthConsciousness - Bliss): Why should I be affected by falsehood? Why should I chase a mirage? I am innate bliss; why should I vainly seek happiness in the transient world?

4. AYMATMA BRAHMA (Thy soul is a Spark of Brahma (Divine)): As the ocean is water so also is a drop. Every ray of the Sun has the qualities of its Radiator. Howsoever small the Soul confined by the ego may seem it has the capacity of uniting with its origin – Brahma. Both tap and tank are capable of giving water. So why should I remain caged in the false sense of identity with the ego and feel miserable; why not become Omnipresent?
5. TATVAMASI (You are That): You inherit the attributes of the Supreme Soul and the whole creation is your embodiment.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Divinity = Pujya Gurudev

Awaken Your Indwelling Divinity
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya

                  All sub-human life forms are born with specific instincts and usually live within its confines right till the end. The Creator has endowed only the human species with the faculty of freewill, based in the shadowy ego-self. Man has mostly used this freewill for exploitation of other life-forms and disturbance of the harmonies of Nature, instead of nurturing them, ignoring the nudgings of his soul, which is latent within him and is a spark of the Supreme Soul. All the potentialities and all the light of the individual soul are just reflections of the Supreme Soul. All the divine powers exist within the Supreme Soul. When Agni Dev gets awakened, hunger is felt.
               Varun Dev generates thirst for water. To each divine power, a direction and a task are well assigned. To ensure that these divine powers do not work at cross-purposes a proper control and balance is maintained by the Supreme Soul which has merged Itself into the creation in the form of individualized souls in the evolutionary process of consciousness. It is thus that the fascinating, extraordinary human life came into existence in the universe. From then on till date man has been like a living laboratory, exercising his freewill for ill or good. Whenever he commits mistakes he gets punished, and when he performs good deeds he is rewarded and given greater responsibilities. Misdeeds result in sorrow, good deeds like benevolence and righteousness result in happiness.

  This is the principle of ’Karma’ - ’As you sow so shall you reap.’
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spiritual Discipline = Pujya Gurudev

=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Intentionality - Parenting As a Spiritual Discipline - Intentions remind us of what is important. When we form the intention to do something, and that intention in turn informs our choices and our actions, the chances that we will be sensitive to what is important in our lives increase greatly, and we are more likely to see the big picture. Our intentions serve as blueprints, allowing us to give shape and direction to our efforts, and to assess how we are doing as we work at developing something worthy of ourselves and our lives. So at some point, whenever that is, we have to decide what is really important for us, and then work at constantly keeping that framework in mind as things unfold. In mindful parenting, certain principles are important to affirm from the very beginning.
This does not mean that if we already have children, it is too late to become more mindful in our parenting. It means that we begin, when we are ready, wherever we are in our lives, and work with the here and now, formulating the intentions that are important for us to affirm and to implement, and that are realistic. Not only is it never too late to introduce mindfulness into our lives; the very moment that we make the conscious commitment to do so becomes the perfect moment to begin. Here are some intentions that you may find helpful. Of course, you can also create your own.
Intention One: I will bring my entire creative genius to the work of mindful parenting.
Intention Two: I will see parenting as a spiritual discipline, meaning that it provides me with every necessary opportunity to cultivate wisdom and openheartedness in myself, so that I may come to know and express my true nature and share what is best in me with my children and with the world.
Intention Three: I will cultivate mindfulness and discernment in my daily life, especially with my children, using an awareness of my breathing to ground me in the present moment. Intention Four: I will make every effort to see who my children actually are, and to remember to accept them for who they are at every age, rather than be blinded by my own expectations and fears. By making a commitment to live my own life fully and to work at seeing and accepting myself as I am, I will be better able to accord a similar acceptance to my children. In this way I can help them to grow and to realize their full potential as unique beings. Intention Five: I will make every effort to see things from each child’s point of view and understand what my children’s needs are, and to meet them as best I can.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

WHAT AM I ? = Pujya Gurudev

Immortal Journey
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya

WHAT AM I ?  What am I doing here?  Where am I going?
Personally, I find it impossible to accept the traditional notions about heaven and hell. Heaven and hell are real enough as states of mind - I have known people in both. But to believe in hell as an actual place where living souls are tortured eternally, you have to believe in a crueler God than I believe it possible for Him to be. I once had a vivid vision of hell. I was outraged at the thought that the God of love whom I love could create such a place. But as the demon dragged me down into it, he said, "You don’t have the right idea about this place.
It’s only here because you need it. If you’ll look around, you’ll see there is no one here except the people you think ought to be here." As to heaven, I pray that we may one day attain it but perfect bliss would require utter selflessness and perfect love. It is pretty obvious that if we should get into it now, heaven would not long stay heavenly. Whatever else life - present or future - may contain, it must contain change. The one essential element in life, the element that makes life alive, is change. To be what makes life alive, is change.
To be what you and I are, here or elsewhere, is to change - and hopefully to grow. I believe we are immortal beings. "I am immortal, I aver, For I must live as if I were." Life does not make sense if this is all the life there is. It is too unjust, and I believe in a God who is just. Even more, He is justice. He is law. He is even the law that is love.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Monday, March 12, 2012

Supernatural potentials -2 = Pujya Gurudev

=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
The pituitary gland also lies in the head right behind the root of the nose. Brilliance or sharpness of intellect, enthusiasm, sentiments of love and affection, power of self-restraint are generated and controlled by this gland. It also regulates the growth of the body; dwarfism, or exceptional height are results of its malfunctioning. The differentiation between genders (manhood and womanhood) also originates at this center. This tiny gland governs the transitions associated with puberty, youth and reproductive potentials, too. The thyroid gland is present inside the throat. It plays a major role in maintaining mental stability and development of ones nature. Emotional level and development of character also largely depend on the functioning of this gland.
The state of this center is responsible for inducing alacrity and enthusiasm. Slight over-stimulation of this gland makes one impatient, anxious, agitated or excited prattler etc; one almost loses his senses in this condition. Harmonious activity of the thyroid gland contributes to development of talents and overall elevation of personality. The parathyroid a gland of the size of a grain of wheat is closely associated with the neuronal system. In terms of mental and emotional effects, this gland contains the reservoir of courage to fight against injustice and immorality. It also arranges for the repair of damaged or sick cells, organization of ligaments and nerve fibers. It is a rich source of immunity and vitality. The thymus gland lies in the upper central part of the chest. This gland contains the power required for the growth and development of the embryo. If this gland is underdeveloped or functionally disordered then the foetus will not receive proper nourishment even from a healthy mother. This is the principal gland that governs the normal development of an infant through the successive stages from childhood up to teenage and youth. In short, this is a regulator of the growth and healthy development of the body.
The spleen is the largest gland in the endocrine system. Metabolic activities, efficiency of the digestive system and the purity of blood mainly depend on this gland located to the left of stomach below the diaphragm. It also plays a major role in the activities of the nervous system. This gland has special connection with the solar plexus and the subtle body and is therefore considered to be responsible for transmitting the effects of cosmic activity to the body and mind. The adrenal gland, located right above the kidneys, is also called supra- renal gland. Its shape and size resemble that of a large seed of a kidney bean. Many of the natural tendencies and biological characteristics of male and female genders are developed through the specific secretive activities of this source. This center is also called the second brain. It triggers inspirations for taking courageous steps and appropriate actions in situations of severe difficulties and crises; valor, or cowardice are the results of different types of functions of this gland.
The occurrences of change of sex are often triggered by some disorderly variations in the hormonal secretions from this gland. Gonads the reproductive glands - regulate the activities of the genital organs and reproductive potentials. The sexual strength and related youthfulness and reproductive capacity of an individual depend upon the secretions from these glands. It is a common observation that in old age, all the sense organs are gradually weakened and the body loses physical strength. However, sometimes people nearing hundred or more years in age are found producing children like the young ones. Such unnatural and surprising events result because of the extraordinary functioning of the gonads in those old persons.
The progress of research on the endocrine glands is still in its infancy. The knowledge obtained by modern scientists on hormonal secretions is far from complete. Still, whatever has been observed and analyzed so far is quite encouraging. Physiologists are surprised to find that the negligible quantities of hormones secreted by these glands are indeed the principal regulators of vital functions of the body and the mind. The physical health of brain, heart, spinal cord, kidneys, liver, stomach, intestines and other organs is commonly regarded as the basis of total health; causes of diseases (if any) are attributed to the possibly sick states of these organs. Hematological tests are performed to identify the presence of germs and viral infections. Pathological tests of stools, urine, saliva, etc are also used as indicators of the internal state of the body and treatments are offered to rectify or remove the disorders or infections found through such investigations. However, ever since the remarkable role of hormonal secretions has come into light, it has become clear that the states and functions of different organs and the cellular and molecular systems are only the leafs and branches of the tree of human body. Its roots lie deep in the core of the endocrine system. The stoutness, alacrity, beauty, extraordinary potentials of different sense organs, immunity and vitality etc, are no longer attributed to the physical strength and functions of the body. Instead, the specific hormonal secretions are given most of the credit for such manifestations.
The same is true in case of mental faculties also. If the dormant state of intellect, hasty or illusive mentality, etc do not change in spite of best psychological and medical treatments and sincere efforts of the persons concerned, the imbalance of associated hormonal secretions is identified as the major cause of such deficiencies. On the other extreme, sharp memory, bright intellect, sound reasoning, foresightedness etc are also considered as the gifts of perfect order and efficiency of specific hormonal activities. Moving a step further from the level of body and mind, we find the deeper and altogether different aspects of personality reflected in the nature and character of a human being. These belong to the domain of convictions and emotions and thus bear upon spirituality, too.
The latent power of hormonal secretions seems to be associated even with the status of the inner self, expressed in internal tendencies and deep emotions. A natural question arises here "Could morality and high ideals of life also be governed by hormonal reactions?" Then what is the use of swadhyaya and satsang etc. in the development of personality? If the endocrine glands, in some way, are the principal regulators of the integrity of character and emotional purity then we ought to review the present understanding of the methods of refinement and sublimation of internal character and research deeper on the subtle activities of consciousness. In this context, it would be appropriate to consider the ancient Indian science of the Shat chakras (the six extrasensory energy nuclei, ESN, along the endocrine column). These six subtle centers of etheric energy, located in different plexuses along the spinal column, are junctions which link the human consciousness with the latent currents of conscious power existing in the cosmos and thereby affect the activities of their functional counterparts - the endocrine glands.
The Sadhanas of Kundalini Jagrana involve penetration and stimulation of the Shat chakras at an orderly pace. The effects of associated processing within the body may be understood in gross scientific terminology if we consider the eternal connection of the Shat chakras with the endocrine glands. This approach would explain how the spiritual sadhanas are useful in regulating all aspects of personality development and opening the paths of all round progress and elevation in a natural way. Most of us may want to understand how the awakening of the shat chakras and corresponding control and refinement of the functions of the endocrine glands could be accomplished by spiritual sadhanas? For finding an answer, we will have to undertake research into the scriptures on yoga and study the subliminal effects of practicing the Shat chakra sadhana.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma