Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Reincarnation Therapy ; Pujya Gurudev

An Emerging Integrative Healing Therapy: 
Reincarnation Therapy
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
A plethora of unknown secrets of this life have deep roots in our previous life experiences stored in our subconscious and so-called unconscious realms. The causes of our present life circumstances can only be understood by fathoming the depths of vast realms of the subconscious and the unconscious. Today many modern psychologists are trying to find reasons of our pain, maladies and difficulties in these fields of the subconscious and unconscious. Countless observations prove the fact that whether a disease is physical or mental, its seeds are hidden somewhere in a persons unconscious self.
As a result it is necessary to dig up and clean the dirt lying buried in our unconscious layers of the self. After all what is unconscious self? Psychologists consider it as a storehouse of the imprints of our past lives. Yogis call it the "Black Box", in which the essence of all our desires, habits and sanskars (impressions) of the past are stored in a pell-mell state. The hypothesis is that an integral part of a person (consciousness or soul) survives each time the physical body dies, and sooner or later takes on a new body (reincarnation). Whatever we did, thought or felt in the recent or remote past is still alive in this unconscious mind as indestructible memories. It can be said that the accumulated experiences of the past create the unconscious self. If it is full of bitterness, hatred and pain then, it is manifested in this life in the form of all kinds of disease and problems.
The therapy to solve these problems is called "Reincarnation Therapy". "The basic starting point for reincarnation therapy is simple: problems, whether you experience them as mental, emotional, physical or spiritual, originate in experiences that are unresolved, which can be tracked down, exposed and therapeutically re-lived" (Rob Bontebal, Adam). Reincarnation therapy can also be called Spiritual Therapy. This is an in-depth approach to healing and its perspective is wide and broad. Spiritual therapy is Indias ancient method of healing. Nowadays it is a major subject of research for western psychotherapists.
Modern psychotherapists like Dr. Brian Weiss, Dr. Moris Netherton, Dr. Roger Woolger, etc have accepted the principles of spiritual treatment. Dr. Brian Weiss found that the reason for any patients present pain usually lies in the deepest layers of his consciousness. To some extent he was successful in understanding some of the facts of a patients previous life while delving deep into the personality. 
Because of this success he came out with a new psychotherapeutic theory, according to which, without understanding a persons previous life, one cannot get rid of the problems of this life completely. Many of our involuntary reflexes to certain life situations keep creating an unknown fear in us. For example, walking over a bridge, swimming in water, seeing a fire, seeing blood, sleeping on roof top, encountering darkness, being in the crowd, being administered an injection, swallowing a medicine, using an elevator, etc make us uneasy. There is no remedy for these fears. Similarly some diseases like asthma, migraine, schizophrenia, obesity, addiction to drugs, depression, tension, etc refuse to respond positively to treatment.
According to modern therapists, these diseases have roots hidden deep in our unconscious. By probing properly and deeply you may find that the reasons for these reflexes are related to either something that happened in childhood or even in previous life. So to cure such diseases, it is necessary to diagnose its original cause. Without doing that, with routine treatment the symptoms may subside temporarily but will re-appear when the conditions again become favorable.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Monday, February 25, 2013

Personality ; Pujya Gurudev

How to Make the Personality Magnetic?
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
For proper expression of this beauty, the dress should be in tune with the place and occasion. In this connection, the important thing to always bear in mind is that the real source of the accentuated charm of the body is the subtle vital energy and this vitality comes only by tapa and continence. Purity and piety increase person’s vital force whereas unrestrained sensual proclivities sap it. To maintain attractiveness for a long time, one has to retain vitality and vigor for long too.
To become capable and strong at mental plane, develop the habit of introspection because it helps promote one’s abilities and hidden talents. Identify what is your special talent, your innate aptitude and set about to work on that. It could by anything r music, sports, management, houserkeeping, or any other branch of knowledge and art. If you find yourself unable to identify it, consult your friends, or guardians, or even Shantikunj. Do not lag behind at any level in the rigorous striving for talent nurturing. Physical strength and mental prowess make one powerful. 

Now the turn is of the virtuous qualities that give expression to this power. So, try your utmost to inculcate the qualities of courage, bravery, patience and fortitude in you.
These attributes will make you the sinecure of all eyes, not only at home and in the immediate locality but the society at large. Only the virtuous and the righteous radiate real magnetic, not the vicious and the wicked. Even the latter need a cloak of virtues to look attractive. It is another matter that after the spurious fade is gone, they are in for great ridicule and derision. The truly virtuous, on the other hand, retain their pull till the last breath. Besides being strong and capable, one must be sensitive and emotional, because power without sensitivity makes a person arrogant. People will soon start running away from him.

The three expressions of sensitivity presently relevant here are; 
(i)                 service to the needy, 
(ii)                generosity, and 
(iii)              tolerance. 

You will be able to develop your abilities through the instrumentality of all the three. The one basic rule to be observed is r be a giver, not a beggar. Only he who gives, attracts; a beggar repels, and people just shun him. In this way, the sadhana of combining strength and emotion will continue to add charm to your personality. But you will have to remain continually vigilant for its full and effective expression.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Personality ; Pujya Gurudev

How to Make the Personality Magnetic?
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
How to Make the Personality Magnetic? Priyam ma krnu devesu priyam rajasu ma krnu Priyam sarvasya pasyata uta sudra utarye. Atharvaveda 19/62/1 O Lord! Make me dear to gods. Make me dear to kings. May I be dear to all the viewers, be they sudra or vaisya (the servitors or the professionals). Attractive personality is formed by the judicious mixture of strength and emotions.
The better the synthesis of these two elements, the more magnetic and charming the personality will be. Both the attributes are doubtlessly essential but their real significance and meaning lies in their proper synthesis. In isolation, either of the two loses its effectiveness. Strength alone without emotion and sensitivity does make a person capable and competent, but simultaneously makes him cruelrhearted too.
Consequently, people, even as they feel attracted to the powerful person, also remain inwardly scared of him. The same is the case with emotions without strength. In this condition, the personality develops tender feelings but lacks in determination and competence.
This type acquires "the poor fellow" image inviting from the people a patronizing attitude. Such a personality can be anything but attractive. It is true that the thinking and behaviour of such a person touch the inner chords of those who come in contact, but for want of sufficient capability he is unable to provide them any succor. All the tender emotions in life can not add up to power and strength, and such persons are generally forced to lead the life of an imaginative and emotional but weak person. 
Therefore, if you are desirous of making yourself magnetic, combine your strengths with emotions and then see how soon you become the centre of everybody’s attraction. People of every age, class and qualification will vie with one another to be near you.
The world will hold you up as a role model; it will talk about you, dream about you and want to become like you. Whether you are a man or woman, farmer or officer, student or housewife, it does not matter. In every condition and every situation, the doors to personality furbishing are open to you. You have only to make a start. The first step is to get ready to make the body and mind receptive and deserving. Remember, body becomes capable by selfrcontrol and mind by introspection and contemplation. A disciplined and regulated liferstyle and light physical exercises impart a certain beauteous luster to the body.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Friday, February 22, 2013

creative talents-III; Pujya Gurudev

How to enrich our creative talents and memory?
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya

This technique has certain stages. The first stage is that whatever is read or listened that should be with a calm, composed and concentrated mind. Indeed, the sense organs are mere doors through which messages are sent to the mind. It is the mind which is the real thing. The more the holding power or capability of the mind, the more the information which can be imprinted on it.
In fact, memorizing something or recollecting it is but a mere process, which is called memory (smriti). But the storehouse of memory is talent or intelligence (medha). In each individual, this talent exists in direct proportion to his mental composure, tranquility and concentration. For this very reason, things read, heard or seen in a hurry, or in state of instability, or casually and perfunctorily do not register in the mind. 
The more clearly and deeply a thing is imprinted on the substratum of mind, the more vivid and detailed its recollection will be. If for some reason, this imprint is not clear in one attempt, the process should be repeated. It will be helpful if the important points are jotted down, since the process of writing, by itself, generates steadiness and concentration.
The third important point in connection with memory power is that one should be conceptually clear about the subject or points which are sought to be memorized, because it is easy to retain in memory those facts or events which touch our inner chord. Interest in and aptitude for the subject matter is another important consideration; again concentration comes as a matter of course when the topic is of interest to us. In addition to all these, an essential requisite is that our nervous system be stable and strong.
Those who lead a regulated and disciplined life are found to have a sharp memory and they can also absorb information very fast. One cannot lay too much emphasize on the distinct correlation between an orderly and disciplined life style and highly developed and sharpened memory as well as creative abilities.

Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

creative talents-II ; Pujya Gurudev

 How to enrich our creative talents and memory?
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
There are contrary claims too - of committing a thing to memory in just one reading, or recollecting exactly every detail of what had been read, or memories of long bygone times being still vivid in the mind etc. There is an instructive anecdote, which will help in understanding these diametrically opposite statements relating to memory function. This anecdote is from the life of Vivekanand. Those days Swami ji was in pravrajya (ascetical wanderings) within India. He had a gurubhai (brother disciple of a common teacher) as companion.
A continuous routine of swadhyaya (self-study), satsang (company of the truth seekers) and rigorous tapa (austerities) was being followed. Whenever he could lay his hand upon a good book, Vivekanand would not miss reading it. In every new place, his first search was a good library, and when he came across one he would make full utilization of its treasures. At one place, in course of this pravrajya, a library impressed him much and he decided to stay at the place for an extended period. His gurubhai would fetch for him a variety of books is Sanskrit and English, which the Swamiji would return the next day after reading them. This routine of issuing fresh books daily  and quite voluminous ones at that- and receiving the same the very next day perplexed the librarian. 
He enquired of the gurubhai: " Do you take all these books daily only to took over them cursorily? If so, I will show them to you here itself, why carry so much weight all the way to your place of stay? Hearing this remark of the librarian, the gurubhai replied in all seriousness: "It is not as you think. My gurubhai does read these books seriously before returning them". Surprised at this reply, the librarian said: "If it is so, I would very much like to meet the gentleman". The next day, Swamiji met him and said: "Sir, do not be perplexed. I have not only gone through the books, but have also memorized their contents". Having said so, he handed him back some previously issued books and repeated verbatim many important passages from them. For the librarian, this spectacle was nothing short of a miracle. Very humbly, he asked Swami ji the secret of his super-human memory. Swami ji laughed and said: "There is no miracle or mystery in this. It is simply a technique of mental concentration". 
Rhanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

creative talents ; Pujya Gurudev

How to enrich our creative talents and memory?
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya

Yam medham devaganah pitarashcopasate |Taya mamadya medhayagne medhavinam kuru svaha | | -Yajurveda 32/14 
O Fire - God incarnate! Bestow on me the brilliance (of intellect), which is prayed for by the gods and the spirits of the ancestors through devout adoration. Everyone is interested to find some sure - shot formula to increase memory power. The student community, in particular, feels its need more acutely. How to memorize a lesson fast? How to retain and not forget what has been learnt? Such questions keep cropping up in the minds of students. In search of their answers, they indulge in all sorts of tactics, including recourse to some medicines/drugs.
The drug companies, too, on their part exploit this vulnerability of the students. Through attractive and high - power advertisements and false promises of miracles they are ever eager to make a fast buck. It is not known whether the really needy ever derive any benefit or not from the advertised drugs.
This much, however, is certain that the so-called recipe of strong memory remains a much sought after mirage. In this connection, we should know and for certain that such wishful miracles do not happen anywhere in the universe. Every action, every event is defined and regulated by set rules of cosmic order, be they in the realer of physical laws or the spiritual.The same principle operates with respect to memory.
This has a science of its own, it own techniques. Those who know and understand it are able to derive benefit easily, while the ignorant ones waste their time in futile ventures and feel disappointed on crucial occasions. SO it is better that one should thoroughly understand the correct techniques of firmly committing some thing to memory and use them properly. Those who suffer from memory problems have some standard complaints: What can I do, I just cannot memorize; I had indeed memorized this, but forgot it; I can recollect but only piecemeal, and so on and so forth.

Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Freedom of choice; Pujya Gurudev

Freedom of choice - A basic human characteristic 
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Human being is endowed with basic freedom of choice. Nature provides him with a variety of options to choose from. It is up to him to exercise this God-given gift either positively or negatively. Thus, he is the maker of his own destiny. This fundamental freedom is a great boon to the human race. However, if used negatively, it can also turn into a bane. It is sad to say that for the vast majority, this freedom proves to be a bane, because they choose to misuse this freedom for destructive rather than constructive purposes. Destruction is far more easier than creation. 
What can be easier than ruining oneself  In fact, doing nothing in the direction of self-upliftment in itself amounts to self-destruction. One, who is not consciously progressing in soul-growth, is knowingly or unknowingly sliding down the scale of consciousness into the dungeon of darkness. Once a point was raised in the Satsang-Sabh of Maharshi Raman. 
Some people were saying that a human being is superior most amongst all the creatures, while some others were arguing that a human being is worse than the animals, because sometimes conduct of animals appears to be far nobler than that of humans. Both the sides requested the Maharshi to elucidate. Maharshi said -"The truth is that a human being is a combination of mortal body and immortal consciousness.
The one who follows the body and its cravings goes on groping in the darkness and the one who investigates the inner realms of consciousness, ultimately realizes the Supreme Consciousness and thus his real self." This is the Eternal Truth.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Monday, February 18, 2013

True Visionary ; Pujya Gurudev

Who Can Be A True Visionary?
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
 The President, who understood the quintessence of the Mahabharat replied that he was very much impressed with the character of Vidur. "Why?" was the next query of the child. The President explained: "Because Vidur opposed the wrongs of those in authority and dared to raise his voice of dissent when all other stalwarts like Pitamah Bhisma, Acharya Drona and Karna had surrendered themselves to the whims of the persons in power." This reply of the President subsumed his own dream, which was the product of an imaginative mind and subtle discriminative knowledge .
the dream of sculpting his own character in the mould of Mahatma Vidur. Let us ask ourselves whether we can dream such sublime dreams? We must dream of being the best, the noblest, the most sublime, and never allow petty thoughts and ideas to dominate the mind. Whatever we want to become - a scientist, an officer, or an artist - we should add one more aspect to that, and that is cultivation of the noblest character. 
To realize this exalted dream, four steps need be taken. The first is the step of a runner. It means that you should have the energy and spirit of a runner who is committed and determined to show his skill and ability. The second step is that of a warrior. It is generally observed that a player feels elated at success, but failure gives him disappointment. With a warrior, however, it is not so. His very motto is "a soldier never quits till death." Valiant struggle and super-human bravery in spite of numerous wounds - this is the message of the life of a great warrior. The third step is that of the ruler. This is the stage when we have realized our vision of life, have actualized the dream we saw. All that we had desired, all that we had cherished is now in the palm of our hand. Life is at its apogee; now there is only to savour this experience. But the one attendant problem, invariably found at this stage, is that after having reached here people become egoist. Lest we become one, there is the fourth and last step - the step of a great man.
Like a true saint, we should share our glories and accomplishments with others. We should go to those who need us. We should reach out to every door and every home, and help them, too, to realize their dreams. May their lives, too, be permeated with fragrance, may spring breeze come to their lives too - this should be our prayer of LOVE IN ACTION .( Akhand Jyoti)
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Saturday, February 16, 2013

True Visionary ; Pujya Gurudev

Who Can Be A True Visionary?
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
“Daivim dhiyam manamahe sumrdikamabhistaye Varchodham yajnavahasa a sutirtha no asadvase.” - Yajurveda 4/11
            We aspire for the divine intellect, which gives joyous illumination and ensures completion of the yajna. May that intellect be in our possession! To be a visionary is to acquire the ability to look far ahead into time and glimpse the future. This ability is a gift of that divine intellect which assesses its potentials and weaves a dream around it. This very dream is the goal of our life; it charts our paths and takes us in the right direction.
In those who have this ambition, a unique capability develops. They are able to perform such deeds, as others cannot even imagine. Their vision acquires the power to penetrate the mist of the present and perceive the future clearly. If you feel an urge to become someone like this, it is just natural. In fact, absence of such a feeling would be a cause of worry because that would be a sign of inertness. If there is any hint of this inertness, get rid of it, and take steps in the direction of becoming a visionary. For this, the first thing to do is to cherish lofty aims and ideals. 
What should be the type of these ideals may be gleaned from the sayings of Gurudev. According to him, only he is a believer who can clearly visualize the dazzling sun of a summer noon in a dark and stormy night sky filled with dense rain-bearing clouds. In other words, only he who can dare to dream of a glorious future cutting through the forbidding pall of dense darkness of hopelessness can be a true visionary. This requires an integration of a bold and imaginative mind and a subtle discriminative faculty. Indeed, we all have an imaginative mind and indulge in fantasies all the time. 
Sometimes, in our world of imaginations we become a billionaire, sometimes a record breaker in academic pursuits, another times a famous scientist or even the Prime Minister of the country. The highly fertile mindscape is always a kaleidoscope of colourful imaginations. The reason behind such a state of mental jumble is that our imagination is not tempered with the subtle power of discrimination.
Only when the two faculties are harmonized do they create a composite and focused dream - a dream which is not a vent for repressed and unfulfilled desires but a correct reflection of the dormant divine qualities within. An illustration of this may be found in the life of the President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. Once a child enquired of him whether he had read the Mahabharat. The President replied in the affirmative. The child asked again who among its many characters appealed to him the most. Everybody knows that the multi-dimensional characters of the great epic reflect almost the entire spectrum of human nature. 
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Friday, February 15, 2013

Occult Science ; Pujya Gurudev

Occult Science of Astrology and its Role in Healing and Health
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
The positive role of astrology in spiritual healing has been demonstrated through the ages. If the spiritual healer is well versed in astrology he can draw a very close estimate of the patients past and future courses of life. True, in modern times astrology has become a victim of many kinds of misconceptions and criticisms. Variety of malpractices and superstitions have tarnished and overshadowed the basic scientific premises of this great science. But if these layers of popular blind beliefs are unpeeled and its real character deciphered, its scientific worth becomes apparent. It is a very effective technique of personality assessment. It gives a glimpse into a person’s latent potentialities and future prospects. It fairly accurately predicts what major hurdles one will be coming across in life or which ill-fortunes are likely to befall him at which specific points of time. But for this, it would be necessary to have a clear understanding of its nature and functioning. Modern science accepts the truth that this universe is instinct with energy. Indeed, the physicists have now gone to the extent of according primacy to energy waves over material particles. 
They hold that matter is only an elusive appearance; the substratal reality is nothing but energy. Everything in this creation whether animate or inanimate was pure energy before taking form, will dissolve into the cosmic formless energy waves after physical death. The scientist and the spiritualist both agree that this all-pervading energy has many levels and states, which are continually changing. This perpetual flux is the cause of the origin, sustenance and dissolution of the creation
There is, however, a theoretical disagreement though between the scientists and the spiritualists as to why this change occurs. While science ascribes this to mere chance factor, the spiritual viewpoint considers it as born out of the cosmic consciousness-force as an absolute necessity for the creational process. According to this view, change in the circumstances of a human being, a higher order living being, is caused and guided by his actions, thoughts, emotions and resolves. 
This is the core premise of the science of astrology. This science also postulates that in this life-long cycle of changes the different levels of the cosmic energy are also affected in some way. These different energy levels have been classified by the experts of astrology in symbolic codes, which are expressed as navagraha (the nine planets), twelve zodiac signs, twenty-seven naksatras (constellations), etc.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sleep = Pujya Gurudev

The Science of Sleep
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Sleep is a biological need of man. It is essential for the smooth running of life. Like hunger and thirst, it too comes at fixed cyclic intervals. It energizes the body and freshens the mind. Lapsing into sound sleep is an art; it is not something haphazard. Those who are skilled in this art are able to put it to optimum advantage. Ayurveda gives very deep analysis of sleep. It classifies sleep into six kinds: 
(i) sleep generated by physical exhaustion, 
(ii) caused by mental fatigue, 
(iii) post-ailment sleep, 
(iv) sleep induced by some bodily hurt, 
(v) that brought about by increase in cough, and (vi) tamoguni sleep. 
This last kind fills the body and mind with tamas or darkness instead of freshness and vigor. Death is known as the mahatamoguni sleep. The physical death of yogis, however, is called divine sleep. Modern psychology divides sleep into three phase-types: light sleep, deep sleep and the dreaming phase. These phases come in succession. In the deep sleep state, a person becomes completely oblivious of his surroundings and remains totally unaffected by them. Scientists believe that it is this phase which is the real sleep time. It takes away all mental and physical tiredness and fills a person with energy and vitality.
In the third phase of dreaming, the conscious mind takes a back seat and the unconscious mind becomes active. It is this mind, which sees dreams.The psychologists are still not able to fully grasp the mechanism and meaning of dreams. But the yogi understands this phenomenon in its totality. Through various yogic techniques he refines and purifies his unconscious mind to the extent where it becomes non-existent. The yogi acquires full control over sleep.
He does not dream; rather he illumines this dream phase with the bright rainbow-like lights of a Deepawali. An ordinary person requires sleep because his unconscious has a vast ocean-like expanse. But how much sleep is really needed? Psychologists opine that the required quantum of sleep varies from person to person. It depends on many factors  physical and psychological state of a person as well as on his social and material environs. A child who sleeps for 15 hours can hardly manage a sleep of even 4-5 hours in old age. The thumb rule is that only that much sleep is required as fulfills the requirements of the body and mind. Napoleon slept for only 3 hours while Einstein for 10. On an average, a person sleeps for 5  7 hours.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Monday, February 11, 2013

India’s Destiny = Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev Pt. ShriRam Sharma’s Kripa :
Yugarishi’s Advent and India’s Destiny
(Akhand Jyoti)
What happened? How the circumstances changed overnight? There was no political initiative, no pressure of world polity. Analysts, who are pioneers in American administrative procedures, say that after reaching this stage, Pentagon (America’s Defence Headquarters) never changed its decision. There is no instance, of ordering a naval fleet to move forward and then ordering it to return, in the history of America or any other country. Why did the Defence Ministry of America reverse its decision? The power of declaring or stopping the war rests only with the American President. What was the sudden compulsion confronting the then President, Richard Nixon, which forced him to retreat? Strategic analysts could not find the answer to this puzzle till date.Was there any Divine intervention? At that time too, there was such a curiosity among the people having faith in God. One sadhak Mohan Devangan of Rajnadgaon (Chhattisgarh) dreamt in the early morning of December 7, 1971 that the American Fleet after crossing the Indian Ocean was entering the Bay of Bengal. It was crossing the border of Sri Lanka and was accelerating its speed every minute.
There seemed to be no visible signs of the place but it appeared the warship was right at that point where Rameshwaram Bridge was built. At that spot some stones seemed to be floating. On those stones ‘Ram’ was engraved. The sadhakwho was watching this scene in the dream further saw that a warship (obviously Seventh Fleet) was passing through that region. Suddenly there was a flash of lightening and a hand with a clinched fist rose from the sea water. First of all the fist appeared, then the forearm, the elbow and the hand seemed to be touching the sky. The fist then opened up and the palm got wider and slowly fully covered the warship. The next moment the situation became normal. The sea appeared calm. The Sadhak in the dream was realizing that the shape of hand appeared to be similar to the one holding ‘Flaming Torch’ (the emblem of our mission).
Dev Kanyas reciting japa near Akhand Deep in Shantikunj also had almost a similar vision. Before the news of the retreat of Seventh Fleet broke out, Vandaniya Mataji told the sadhakswho came for pranam in the early morning, “A disaster has been averted. Now India will surely win this war; no power in the world can defeat it. You will see that, once the war is over, India will progress day by day. It has to shoulder the responsibility of leading the world and very soon it is going to become capable of it.” Ten days after Mother’s forecast and omens and dream-visions of the sadhaks , India won the war; and demonstrated to the world that in spite of its being a developing country, it was capable of facing any challenge and no one could defeat it.
After this victory, India progressed day by day on all the fronts. In fact this destiny of India was written long back. ‘The Tryst with Destiny’ that India’s first Prime Minister Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru mentioned in his famous speech on August 15, 1947 had already been announced long time back; but it was made manifest in the year 1911, when Yugarishi, Acharya Sriram Sharma was born. (To be continued)
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Saturday, February 9, 2013

India’s Destiny-IV; Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev Pt. ShriRam Sharma’s Kripa :
Yugarishi’s Advent and India’s Destiny
(Akhand Jyoti)
India too could not remain unaffected by this freedom struggle of Bangla Desh. Those who could not bear the prevailing fiery circumstances started fleeing the country; and for them the natural destination was India. The number of people reaching India went on increasing from thousands to lakhs to crores. India had to bear the burden of feeding these refugees. Those days, the resources were meager; so by levying extra taxes on citizens, the Indian Government was somehow managing the situation.
Not satisfied with the brutal torture of the people of Bangla Desh, the rulers of Pakistan, under the compulsion of political upheaval, declared war on India. The pressure started increasing on eastern and western borders from July 1971, which took the shape of full-fledged war within a few weeks. Those days it appeared that the super powers too were with Pakistan.
 There was fierce fighting on both the fronts. Within 2-3 days Pakistan’s army was losing the war and it started retreating. When the countries friendly to the attacker sensed the marching forward of Indian army on the Bangla Desh front, they started preparing to take the matter to the Security Council; and USA was leading this initiative. The purpose of such an exercise was obviously to put moral pressure on India.
USA did not stop here. It also increased strategic pressure by ordering its Seventh Fleet to move towards Indian Ocean. At that time it was world’s mightiest warship which carried a fleet armed with warplanes, missiles, guns and sufficient arms and ammunition. From strategic point of view, it was so powerful that it could change the outcome of Indo-Pak war. At that time, Indian Navy too was not strong enough to confidently face the might of the US naval power.
As Indo-Pak war turned fierce, the decision in India’s favour was certain within a week or ten days; but after the Seventh Fleet started moving towards Indian Ocean, the circumstances took a different turn. However, suddenly news came on the morning of 7 thDecember, 1971 that the Sleet Fleet had reversed its direction and that it was moving away from Indian shores.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Friday, February 8, 2013

India’s Destiny-III ; Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev Pt. ShriRam Sharma’s Kripa :
Yugarishi’s Advent and India’s Destiny
(Akhand Jyoti)
After a moment’s pause Gurudev looked at the parijan intently. Whatever was said in words, far more was transmitted through that gaze. That parijan writes his experience as follows – “The incident inspired me to recollect the memory of my childhood. Whenever I used to encounter any complex question, I would go to my father. He would not directly answer my question nor would he quote any facts / figures; he would tell a few basic things and give an affectionate look. I would forget what the answer to my question was. After listening to his talk and absorbing his affectionate glance I used to get satisfied. It appeared as if I got the key. The book is a closed box which is locked. Get the key, open the lock and find the solution. A short address by Gurudev and his affectionate glance of few moments revived the memories of my childhood.”
“If you want the solution through logic that is also there” - Gurudev said again–“The world is like a wheel. When it revolves, some spokes go up while others come down. This is what exactly happened to India. No race remains on top for ever. The rise is followed by downfall. The slavery of few hundred years may be considered the downfall; but that did not ruin it. Several races have succumbed to the subjection of hardly a few hundred years. The ancient civilizations of Greece, Egypt, Iran and Rome could not survive. Their original civilizations have vanished long back. India was subjugated and suppressed far more longer than the civilizations of these countries. Even then, today it is standing on its own feet. Will you call it the destruction of India or the proof of its will to survive? Even if you see in the light of facts, you will find that there is something that has kept India intact and unconquerable.”
One more sample of the grace of Rishisatta was observed in the form of a major incident in December 1971. Those days India-Pakistan war was going on. Almost everyone knows the circumstances prior to this war. Thousands of refugees were crossing over to India everyday from East Pakistan (now Bangla Desh). The rulers of Pakistan were torturing the public brutally. The natural resources of East Pakistan were mostly used by the governing people in West Pakistan.
People of East Pakistan bore this brunt for nearly twenty years and raised their voice for their just and lawful rights. Instead of fulfilling their genuine demands, the rulers adopted the policy of negligence and repression. When this repression and tyranny became unbearable, the people of East Pakistan revolted. When the government’s repressive measures took the form of brutality, the people’s resistance took the shape of the wild fire of a bloody revolution which resulted in the creation of Bagla Desh as an independent state.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Thursday, February 7, 2013

India’s Destiny-II ; Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev Pt. ShriRam Sharma’s Kripa :
Yugarishi’s Advent and India’s Destiny
(Akhand Jyoti)
In the first decade of twentieth century, except for Bang-Bhang movement, there was hardly any incident, by which it would appear that the dormant consciousness of India was getting awakened. There was certainly fierce opposition to the division of Bengal. However it was not that strong that one could forecast on its basis the independence of India. Yogi Vishnu Bhaskar Lele, who initiated Sri Aurobindo into Yogavidya, called the revolutionaries opposing this division as the instruments of God. He also said that India is a nation that will achieve freedom through Divine Dispensation.
In the following lines the context that is being described matches very well with this message of Yogi Lele. It was the year 1972, when Param Poojya Gurudev Pt Sriram Sharma Acharyaji had just returned from the Himalayas after spending about six months in some spiritually surcharged esoteric regions. Gurudev was sitting on a chair on the first floor of the main building of Shantikunj, where now his and Mataji’s Padukas (wooden slippers) are kept. A discussion on the research on how to acquaint the world about the grandeur and glory of India was going on. If we wish to tell the world about our greatness and glory, we need the facts and figures too. The aim of research was to collect such material evidences.
The findings of this research were later published in the form of a book titled ‘ Samast Vishwa ko Bharat ke Ajasra Anudan ’ (India’s Perennial Gifts to the World). In the writings and speeches of Gurudev, he stressed that India was the Land of Divine Play. A parijan asked him ‘Why is God specially attached to India and takes birth here? We consider ourselves the inheritors of the oldest civilization and culture in the world. If we are no less than others in power, knowledge, skills and organization, then why were we slaves for centuries? If we were very powerful and brave, the aggressors should have never succeeded.’
This question of the parijan was not to express doubt or blame anyone but was out of curiosity. Not many people had the information of the return of Gurudev from Himalayas. Hardly four-six persons used to visit him daily. At that time Gurudev used to work in a room adjacent to Matji’s chamber. In reply to the parijan’s query Gurudev gave a short answer: “India is a country preferred by God. Don’t you know that God has incarnated twenty four times in physical form in this land and has established Truth and Divinity? One cannot estimate the number of Indian sages, seers, saints, yogis, etc. If one counts the number of saints born in all other countries and weighs them with their Indian counterparts, the latter’s pan will be heavier.
\The numerous schools of thought, faiths, sadhana -sects, that are alive and active here cannot be found elsewhere in the world. The remarkable thing is that there exists harmony among all the currents of intellectual and spiritual seekings. Had there been such diverse currents of thought elsewhere, the concerned scholars would have perpetually engaged in denunciation of each other. In India, there is diversity in nature, seasons, rivers, mountains, flora and fauna and even amongst the residents of different parts of the country. Observing this diversity can’t we realize that India is a country preferred by God? Here He is incessantly doing newer and newer experiments with human nature.”
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

India’s Destiny ; Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev Pt. ShriRam Sharma’s Kripa :
Yugarishi’s Advent and India’s Destiny
(Akhand Jyoti)
Twentieth century or the past hundred years had been the years of major upheaval and radical changes not only for Indian society but also the history of world. In the year 1905, the reaction that was witnessed in the entire country after the division of Bengal and the way in which the nationalist sentiments were aroused in the years to follow, ultimately resulted in the form of freedom of India 42 years later. The incident of ‘ Bang - Bhang ’ (division of Bengal) was only an instrument. In a broader perspective, however, it was not so significant that it could change the destiny of British Rule. Six years later in 1911, the division was revoked but that spark awakened the entire nation; and the thirst for freedom in the Indian public went on increasing.
The division of Bengal stirred up the emotions of millions of children of Mother India. They got united and organized and after passing through many stages like protest against the Rowlett Act, the tragedy of Jalianwala Bagh, Non-cooperation Movement, Civil Disobedience, Satyagrah , Boycott of Simon Commission, Quit – India Movement, etc culminated in freedom of India on August 15, 1947.Did India really win Independence?
The occult vision of Siddha Purushas , gifted with divine insight, sees something different. According to them, the freedom of India is a part of a larger Divine Plan. According to that Plan, the world has to enter a spiritual era. India is destined to play a crucial role in the ushering of the new era, because it has a unique message to deliver to the world. It is capable of giving a new direction to the destiny of the human race. If India’s independence is a part of the Divine Plan, why did this country become slave at all? Answering this question Sri Aurobindo wrote at length in the April 1908 issues of ‘Bande Mataram’. Its essence is as follows: “England’s time is over in Hindustan.
It is God’s will that England should rule India for sometime. The entire world was surprised to see how easily British rulers captured the entire country. People thought that this was made possible due to extraordinary genius and power of British rulers. Indeed, England helped propagate this notion and got greatly benefited by it.
“But the truth is that England never won India. Before it could know ‘why and how’, they returned India to its natives. In general, those who worked for England were really trivial people, leaving aside a few exceptions. Without God’s grace they would not have been able to make place in history or elsewhere. The defeat of India can neither be attributed to the genius or power of the winning side nor to the weakness of the dependent race. It is such a miracle of the history that cannot be explained. It may be said that it is such an example in which without any specific virtues, a great task was assigned to an agency; and an angel was supervising that the given task was completed in time.
“Once that goal is achieved, the messenger of God who is protecting England and is removing its obstacles and solving its problems will no longer serve as its shield. England will remain here so long as India needs it. Once this need is fulfilled, it will have to go back; because the British rule neither came here by virtue of its own power, nor it is surviving on its strength. India will achieve its goal whether England helps it or not or even if it opposes.”
Thanks Sadguru,Thanks GOD;
Shiv Sharma

India’s Destiny ; Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev Pt. ShriRam Sharma’s Kripa :
Yugarishi’s Advent and India’s Destiny
(Akhand Jyoti)
Twentieth century or the past hundred years had been the years of major upheaval and radical changes not only for Indian society but also the history of world. In the year 1905, the reaction that was witnessed in the entire country after the division of Bengal and the way in which the nationalist sentiments were aroused in the years to follow, ultimately resulted in the form of freedom of India 42 years later. The incident of ‘ Bang - Bhang ’ (division of Bengal) was only an instrument. In a broader perspective, however, it was not so significant that it could change the destiny of British Rule. Six years later in 1911, the division was revoked but that spark awakened the entire nation; and the thirst for freedom in the Indian public went on increasing.
The division of Bengal stirred up the emotions of millions of children of Mother India. They got united and organized and after passing through many stages like protest against the Rowlett Act, the tragedy of Jalianwala Bagh, Non-cooperation Movement, Civil Disobedience, Satyagrah , Boycott of Simon Commission, Quit – India Movement, etc culminated in freedom of India on August 15, 1947.Did India really win Independence?
The occult vision of Siddha Purushas , gifted with divine insight, sees something different. According to them, the freedom of India is a part of a larger Divine Plan. According to that Plan, the world has to enter a spiritual era. India is destined to play a crucial role in the ushering of the new era, because it has a unique message to deliver to the world. It is capable of giving a new direction to the destiny of the human race. If India’s independence is a part of the Divine Plan, why did this country become slave at all? Answering this question Sri Aurobindo wrote at length in the April 1908 issues of ‘Bande Mataram’. Its essence is as follows: “England’s time is over in Hindustan.
It is God’s will that England should rule India for sometime. The entire world was surprised to see how easily British rulers captured the entire country. People thought that this was made possible due to extraordinary genius and power of British rulers. Indeed, England helped propagate this notion and got greatly benefited by it.
“But the truth is that England never won India. Before it could know ‘why and how’, they returned India to its natives. In general, those who worked for England were really trivial people, leaving aside a few exceptions. Without God’s grace they would not have been able to make place in history or elsewhere. The defeat of India can neither be attributed to the genius or power of the winning side nor to the weakness of the dependent race. It is such a miracle of the history that cannot be explained. It may be said that it is such an example in which without any specific virtues, a great task was assigned to an agency; and an angel was supervising that the given task was completed in time.
“Once that goal is achieved, the messenger of God who is protecting England and is removing its obstacles and solving its problems will no longer serve as its shield. England will remain here so long as India needs it. Once this need is fulfilled, it will have to go back; because the British rule neither came here by virtue of its own power, nor it is surviving on its strength. India will achieve its goal whether England helps it or not or even if it opposes.”
Thanks Sadguru,Thanks GOD;
Shiv Sharma