Monday, January 31, 2011

Women’s right to do gayatri sadhana-II.= Pujya Gurudev

Glory Of Maa Gayatri
Women’s right to do gayatri sadhana-II
                               =Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya      

At the root of all difficulties lie some attitudinal flaws. With the growth of virtues there is change in one’s  food, habits, daily routine, outlook and nature. This change becomes the key for removing such flaws  and establishing happiness and peace. Many a times our desires, cravings and passions are such that they are not in keeping with our worth and circumstances. With purification of mind a prudent man abandons delusions and stops becoming needlessly unhappy. Ordinary people weep and cry when they face calamity due to unavoidable destiny but a Gayatri Sadhak, on account of his increased spiritual awareness, faces them calmly.
Gayatri Sadhana is also performed for averting a particular crisis and fulfilling specific needs. The results are often astonishing. It has been observed that where utter darkness, failure, apprehension and fear prevailed, a divine light emerged, hopelessness was transformed into hopefulness and difficult  tasks became easy by the grace of Vedmata. Having seen several such instances with my own eyes, it has become my firm belief that Gayatri Sadhana in never in vain.
Gayatri Sadhana is a sure spiritual technique for developing latent spiritual powers. Many people practise wrestling and do physical exercise to win a wrestling bout. If per chance a person loses a wrestling bout it should not be considered that his efforts have been wasted. Such a practice strengthens his physique and he gets its advantage throughout his life. Good health, vibrancy, longevity, capacity to do hard  work, marital happiness, good progeny, fearlessness from enemies and similar other advantages are in no way inferior to winning a wrestling bout. If due to destiny a specific purpose is not fulfilled by Sadhana it is certain that immense advantage has accrued to the Sadhak in terms of his inner soul growth.
Soul is the respository of countless divine powers (riddhis-Siddhis). The immortal soul, which is the prince of Omnipotent God-head, possesses all His divine powers. But, just as a live charcoal covered with ash becomes dimmed so also, due to internal impurities, the light of the soul becomes dimmed. By Gayatri Sadhana the dark dense covering of impurities gets removed and the soul of the Sadhak manifests with divine powers (riddhis-Siddhis) and shines brilliantly with Brahmatej. A Gayatri Sadhak attains high goals with little effort, which the Yogis attain with difficult prolonged tapasya.
This effect of Gayatri Sadhana is seen from time to time even in the present day. During the last fifty or hundred years, hundreds of persons have achieved wonderful results by Gayatri Sadhana and have made their lives so elevated, that thousands of people have received inspiration from them. Gayatri Sadhana has the capacity of uplifting the soul to great spiritual heights.
In the ancient times, eminent seers had undergone great penance and performed yog-Sadhana and had achieved riddhi-Siddhis like anima, mahima etc., the basis of which was Gayatri Sadhana. Ancient scriptures are full of descriptions of miraculous powers which they possessed. Such illumined souls  are present even today and they are of the view that there is no other as sure and easy a way of achieving success in yog-marg as Gayatri Sadhana. All the emperors of Suryavansh and Chandravansh were worshippers of Gayatri. By virtue of this divine power, brahmans were called Jagatgurus and kshatriyas as emperors. This is an eternal truth and is as effective now as it was in the past. No one who takes refuge in Gayatri Mata with devotion is ever disappointed.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru
Shiv Sharma

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Women’s right to do gayatri sadhana-I = Pujya Gurudev

Glory Of Maa Gayatri
Women’s right to do gayatri sadhana-I
                               =Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya      
Gayatri is the mantra which imparts true wisdom. It inspires the mind, intellect inner psyche and emotions of the devotee towards the righteous path. Its Sadhana helps in progressive growth of righteous (sat) elements. When the Sadhak concentrates on the meaning of this mantra he realises that the supreme prosperity and the greatest success in life is to attain true wisdom. When he gets fully convinced about the true aim of life, he single-minded  starts his self-effort towards this goal. This aspiration creates an ever expanding vibrations in the universal realm which attracts and assimilates waves of righteous thoughts, emotions and inspirations pervading the subtle atmosphere. The magnetic power of thoughts is well-known. Thoughts attract thoughts of similar kind scattered in the mental universe with the result that powerful eternal thoughts and spiritual attainments of living and past illumined persons start accumulating spontaneously within the Sadhak as a divine boon and his accumulated capital of such thoughts goes on increasing.
The effect of this influx of righteousness (satogun) in the body and mind is amazing. This is not visible to the naked eye nor can it be understood from purely physical point of view. But those who are endowed with the occult knowledge of the working of the inner being know it well that decrease in the elements of tam and raj and increase in sat is almost similar to the steady process of elimination of disease producing toxins, viruses and germs from the body and replacing them with health-giving  rejuvenating cells. True, the process will not be instantly visible, but there can be no doubt that it will have miraculous effects on health in due course. Rejuvenation of body is a scientifically proved phenomenon. Whether  this benefit is a divine gift or it is due to human efforts is a matter on which opinion may differ but it is certain that Gayatri Sadhana increases virtues in the inner psyche of the Sadhak and simultaneously throws out the vices and impurities. This results in internal transformation of the Sadhak. There is no use in entering into the controversy whether the advantage accrued is an individual attainment or a divine boon. No work, whatsoever, can be accomplished without the grace of God and so it may be said that all that happens is due to Divine grace.
With increase in sat element in the body there is significant change in physical activities. The constant turbulence of sense organs steadily calms down. Bad habits like greediness for delicious dishes; craving for eating articles of different tastes; desire to eat more and repeatedly, irrespective of any consideration whether what is being eaten is eatable or not; dislike for satvik foods and liking for pungent, spicy, sweet, gross, indigestible items of food are gradually reversed. The Sadhak develops liking for light, easily digestible, juicy simple foods and shuns luxurious, tamsik food. Like-wise, sexual urge is restrained and moderated on account of righteous thoughts and the mind hardly gets an opportunity to get engrossed in passion, debauchery and intense sexual desire. Faith is developed in observance of brahmachrya which helps in increasing vitality. Sex and taste  are the two main sensual urges which on being controlled can promote preservation of health and physical wellbeing. Coupled with these restraints, other daily  routines like physical work, sleep, awakening, cleanliness, simplicity etc. also get regulated with the growth of satogun. Such a pious way of life automatically leads to vibrant health and longevity.
In the mental sphere, with the development of virtues, vices like passion, anger, greed, attachment, pride, jealousy, selfishness, laziness, intoxication, lewdness, deception, falsehood, pretence, worry, fear, sorrow etc. get reduced and with their reduction virtues like self-restraint, regularity, sacrifice, equality, humility simplicity, straight-forwardness, truthfulness, fearlessness, carefulness, valour, wisdom, courage, patience, compassion, love, service, generosity, dutifulness, devoutness etc. start developing in the Sadhak. The result of this inner transformation is that the Sadhak acquires the wisdom and strength to meet with equanimity routine challenges and setbacks of daily life. Physical ailments are averted on account of exercising self-control over sense organs and maintaining regularity. With the awakening of the power of discrimination, one gets rid of worries, sorrows, fear, apprehension, attachment, loss etc., which are all created due to ignorance. On account of faith in God, the intellect remains unperturbed and the Sadhak remains care-free about his future. Other people are also benefited by the sadhak’s virtues like service-mindedness, politeness, generosity, philanthropy, honesty, benevolence etc. and there is no apprehension of any harm being done to anybody by him. The result is that out of gratitude for  his unconditional service people become his admirers, friends and defenders. On account of this mutual goodwill, life becomes exceedingly blissful. Thus, with the increase in the element of righteousness (satva) in the physical as well as mental sphere a current of divine bliss overflows and Gayatri Sadhak remains always immersed in it.
Man being an integral part of Divinity, all divine powers are hidden in the human soul in seed form. These powers remain dormant under the debris of mental agitation , sensual peversions, defects and vices in the form of ignorance. People think that they are poor, miserable, insignificant and infirm, but the sadhaks who are able to sweep away this debris from within themselves are able to have a glimpse of the pure light of the inner self. They know that the light of the Omnipotent Supreme Divine is present within their own soul and they are its true  inheritors. As soon as the ash covering live coal is removed, red-hot flame of blazing fire is revealed. This live coal, although small in size, has the potentiality of causing devastating  conflagration. With the unveiling of this curtain an insignificant man becomes a great man. Human soul is a storehouse of supreme knowledge, wisdom and extra-ordinary powers. By their unfoldment  a Sadhak becomes a siddha-Yogi. Nothing is required to be brought from outside nor does it require the grace of some god or demon to attain Siddhis. What is needed is simply to remove the dense and dark covering which envelops the inner light. The sun of righteous Sadhana of Gayatri removes the clouds  of ignorance and the resplendent divine light of the soul is manifested. This is instinct with all divine powers, riddhis-Siddhis.
The development of righteousness through Gayatri Sadhana gives birth to numerous kinds of spiritual and material prosperity. The purification of the body and mind makes worldly life happy and peaceful. With the growth of prudence and spiritual power several difficulties which appear to others to be daunting like a steep mountain top become as simple and light as a straw. The Sadhak finds no insurmountable  hindrance in accomplishment of any work. Either circumstances change according to his will or he adjusts and changes his desires to the circumstances. Suffering is due to conflict between desire and unfavourable circumstances. A prudent person is always resilient and  avoids conflict and thus leads a happy life. For him the
Ganga of divine bliss flows on this earth.
In fact, the basis of happiness is not external  material resources or circumstances but man’s own attitude. A man whom once even rich delicious dishes and thick silken cushions and pillows did not satisfy considers plain ground in the forest to be an ideal bed and edible roots and wild fruits as best food, when, under the advice and guidance of an illumined person, he tames his wayward mind and  takes a vow of leading an austere life. Gayatri is the goddess of supreme wisdom  and we seek wisdom from Her. There is thus nothing impossible if as a result of Gayatri Sadhana the quality of our thinking is elevated and by understanding the true aim of human life we start enjoying life in whatever circumstances we are placed.
Since long I have been trying to popularise Gayatri Sadhana and so I am acquainted with several sadhaks. Thousands of persons have received guidance and inspiration from me in this direction. Those who have followed this path firmly and single-mindedly  have been richly benefited and they regard it a boon given to them by Divine Mother Gayatri. They do not subscribe to the scientific rationale that the miraculous looking boons are the reward of their own self-effort. They ascribe them to the Divine Mother,s grace. Thus their egos are subdued. This attitude is quite appropriate. There should be intense love, gratefulness and complete identification with our chosen deity to increase our faith and devotion. Even though the benefits which  Gayatri Sadhana provides are the result of an exact scientific method, it is necessary to have feelings of deep gratitude and devotion to the Divine Mother , whose manifestation  in creation each soul is.
Rejuvenation of life
Gayatri mantra rejuvenates a person spiritually. As soon as a person starts Gayatri Sadhana he feels a new vibrancy surging within himself. With the increase in the element of righteousness, vices, evil thoughts, evil tendencies, malice, avarice etc. start decreasing and virtues like self-restraint, politeness, sweetness, honesty, truthfulness, generosity, love, contentment, peace, service-mindedness, warmth start increasing day by day. The result is that people are positively impressed by his sweet nature and conduct and entertain feelings of praise, gratefulness, faith and respect for him and gladly extend to him all the help that they can. Besides, these virtues in themselves are so uplifting that  a person possessing them always feels self-contentment and perpetual peace.
An extra-ordinary change takes place in the general attitude of a Gayatri Sadhak. On account of development of prudence, true knowledge and ritambhara intellect, suffering due to ignorance are eliminated. Everybody has to face difficult circumstances due to destiny and as an essential outcome of his own deeds. Whereas, an ignorant and unrefined person  feels suffocating pain and suffering on account of loss, bereavement, disease, violence, opposition, shock  etc., a Gayatri Sadhak endowed with spiritual discernment and faith meets these  adversities with perfect equanimity. He remains in blissful peace even in adversity.
Besides worldly benefits, a Gayatri Sadhak acquires spiritual gifts. Several persons entangled  in great difficulties like disease, weakness, unemployment, family quarrels, litigation, violence, absence of conjugal happiness, instability and weakness of mind, daughter’s marriage, apprehension about the  future, fear of not getting success in examination, bondage to evil habits, etc. have been able to overcome such challenges by Gayatri Sadhana.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru
Shiv Sharma

Friday, January 28, 2011


Glory of Maa Gayatri
                          =Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
                 Gayatri is the mantra which imparts true wisdom. It inspires the mind, intellect inner psyche and emotions of the devotee towards the righteous path. Its Sadhana helps in progressive growth of righteous(sat) elements. When the Sadhak concentrates on the meaning of this
             mantra he realises that the supreme prosperity and the greatest success in life is to attain true wisdom. When he gets fully convinced about the true aim of life, he single-minded starts his self-effort towards this goal. This aspiration creates an ever expanding vibrations in the universal realm which attracts and assimilates waves of righteous thoughts, emotions and inspirations pervading the subtle atmos phere.
The magnetic power of thoughts is well-known. Thoughts at tract thoughts of similar kind scattered in the mental universe with the result that powerful eternal thoughts and spiritual attainments of livingand past illumined persons start accumulating spontaneously within the Sadhak as a divine boon and his accumulated capital of such thoughts goes on increasing.
        The effect of this influx of righteousness (satogun) in the body andmind is amazing. This is not visible to the naked eye nor can it beunderstood from purely physical point of view. But those who areendowed with the occult knowledge of the working of the inner being know it well that decrease in the elements of tam and raj and increase in sat is almost similar to the steady process of elimination of disease producing toxins, viruses and germs from the body and replacing them with health-giving rejuvenating cells.
True, the process will not be instantly visible, but there can be no doubt that it will have miraculous effects on health in due course. Rejuvenation of body is a scientifically proved phenomenon. Whether this benefit is a divine gift or it is due to human efforts is a matter on which opinion may differ butit is certain that Gayatri Sadhana increases virtues in the inner psyche of the Sadhak and simultaneously throws out the vices and impu-rities. This results in internal transformation of the Sadhak. There is nouse in entering into the controversy whether the advantage accrued is an individual attainment or a divine boon. No work, whatsoever, can be accomplished without the grace of God and so it may be said thatall that happens is due to Divine grace.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru
Shiv Sharma

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Gayatri is Kalpavriksha= Pujya Gurudev

Glory of Maa Gayatri
Gayatri is Kalpavriksha
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
1. Art of Living: A devotee of Gayatri realizes the significance of life and hence utilizes this opportunity for the refinement of self and welfare of others. He remains free from the fear of death and remains poised in pleasure and pain. This art of living makes him successful in every endeavor.
2. Conservation of energy: Dissipation of vital energy causes disease in the body and that of spiritual energy causes disorder in the mind and unhealthy developments in the society. Worship of Gayatri inspires a person to conserve his energy, which automatically rectifies these disorders.
3. Excellence: A man of principles and idealistic values would surely be called excellent even though he may be poor or resourceless. The generosity of heart developed through Gayatri sadhana gives inner peace that cannot be achieved through any other materialistic means.
4. Purity: External purity augments health and beauty and internal purity awakens divinity within. Gayatri bestows both which, in turn, provide peace, satisfaction and fame.
5. Divine Vision: People with corrupted vision see evil everywhere but a devotee of Gayatri develops a divine vision with which he sees happiness and beauty all around in this garden of the Lord.
6. Virtues: Prayerful worship of Gayatri augments virtues like humility, politeness, sweet speech, service, cooperation, honesty, regularity, habit of working hard, conscientiousness, courage, valour, hopefulness, patience, frugality, etc. A person with such virtues will certainly lead a happy and healthy life.
7. Discernment: It is a kind of spiritual light with which it is possible to distinguish between true and untrue, right and wrong, necessary and unnecessary, etc. In majority of cases, the cause of sin and suffering is ignorance, confusion or foolishness. Gayatri bestows the faculty of discernment, which saves the devotee from all the pitfalls.
8. Self-control: Human body is a storehouse of wonderful powers. If these powers are utilized in a proper direction, one can achieve great successes. Gayatri does bless a devotee with the virtue of self-control and hence with success.
9. Service: We should serve others in such a way that helps them to become self-dependent, enthusiastic and active. Helping others to make them progressive, making this Earth green and clean and environment pleasant is a great service. Gayatri amply bestows this prudence of selfless service on its devotees.

Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru
Shiv Sharma

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Paeans of praise= Pujya Gurudev

Glory Of Maa Gayatri
Paeans of praise
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
“Several concepts are prevalent in the Hindu religion and there are controversies and conflicting opinions also in respect of some of them. But all the sects, saints and rishis have accepted the pre-eminence of Gayatri mantra with one voice.”
  • Atharva Ved incorporates a prayer (19-1-71) in praise of Gayatri stating that it grants longevity, energy, power, fame, wealth and divine brilliance (Brahma-tej). 
  • According to Vishwamitra, there is no other mantra like Gayatri mantra in all the four Vedas. All the Vedas, Yagya, charity, tap (devout austerity) are not equivalent even to a small portion of potency of Gayatri mantra.
  • According to Parashar, “of all suktas and Ved Mantras, Gayatri Mantra is the superiormost. Between the Vedas and Gayatri, the  latter has an upper hand. One who performs Gayatri jap with devotion becomes pure and gets liberated. A person without Gayatri worship cannot be considered a Brahman, although, he might have read Vedas, Shastras, Purans and history”.
  • Shankha Rishi is of the view that “Gayatri alone extends a helping hand and saves a person from falling in the ocean of hell. There is nothing superior to it on this earth as well as in the heavens. Undoubtedly, a person who masters Gayatri attains heaven (swarga)’’.
  • According to Shounak rishi “ a dwij may or may not do other worships. He gets liberated by doing Gayatri jap alone and attains all material and spiritual boons. Performance of ten thousand japs averts calamity in the hour of crisis.”
  • Attri muni says “Gayatri completely purifies the soul. By the glorious power of Gayatri deep-rooted defects and vices are cleansed out. Nothing else remains to be attained in this world by one who fully understands the substance of Gayatri.”
  • Bhardwaj Rishi says that “even God like Brahma performs Gayatri jap. It leads to God realisation. A vicious man gets rid of his vices by performing Gayatri jap. A person devoid of Gayatri Sadhana is worse than a shudra.”
  • A person who worships Gayatri, observes Brahmacharya and consumes fresh fruits of Anwala tree (emblic myrobalan ) attains longevity according to Charak Rishi. According to Narad  “Gayatri is devotion (bhakti ) personified. Wherever there is Gayatri in the form of devotion, God-Narayan, undoubtedly resides there.”
  • Vashishtha says  “ persons who are dull, way-ward and fickle-minded become highly intelligent and steadfast and rise to great heights in worldly and spiritual pursuits by Gayatri Sadhana. Those  who worship Gayatri steadfastly and piously attain self-realisation’’.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru
Shiv Sharma

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Meaning of Gayatri Mantra= Pujya Gurudev

Glory Of Gayatri
The Meaning of Gayatri Mantra
                         =Pt. ShriRam Sharma Acharya

            Rishis have selected the words of various Mantras and arranged them in such a way that they not only convey some meaning but their chanting also creates specific energies. Gayatri is a mantra which inspires righteous wisdom. It means that the Almighty God may illuminate our intellect, which may lead us on the righteous path. This is the most important prayer. All the problems of a person are solved if  he is endowed  with righteous wisdom. Having far-sighted wisdom, a man is neither entangled in avoidable calamity nor does he tread a wrong path.
         A wise man intuitively finds solutions to his problems. Those who lack this clear-sightedness find themselves always facing  problems and ever living from crisis it crises. The worship of Gayatri mantra bestows the boon of righteous wisdom. The teachings of and the powers incorporated  in Gayatri mantra fulfil this purpose. Righteous wisdom starts emerging as soon as Jap of this mantra is taken up as a Sadhana.
Om  bhurbhuvah swah  tatsaviturvarenyam  bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah  prachodayat.”
 Om!                Brahma or Almighty God
 Bhuh               embodiment of vital spiritual energy (Pran)
 bhuvah           destroyer of sufferings
 swah                embodiment of happiness
 tat                   that
 savituh           bright, luminous like the Sun
 varenyam       best, most exalted
 bhargo           destroyer of sins 
 devasya         divine
 dhimahi         may imbibe
 dhiyo             intellect
 yo                  who
 nah                our
 prachodayat  may inspire

           In short it is a prayer to the Almighty Supreme God, the Creator of entire cosmos, the essence of our life existence, who removes all our pains and sufferings and grants happiness beseeching His divine grace to imbibe within us His Divinity and Brilliance which may purify us and guide our righteous wisdom on the right path. 
        A man gets imbued with divine qualities contemplating and meditating on this meaning of Gayatri. One should contemplate on these feelings daily and regularly. Three prayer-filled meditations are given here which should be silently recited and projected on the mental screen through imagination.

1. “The Almighty God, who is known as pranav pervades all the three Lokas, viz, Bhooha-lok, Bhuvaha-lok and Swaha-lok. He is Omnipresent. The cosmos is physical manifestation of God who pervades its each and every particle. I am seeing Him everywhere. I would always refrain from evil thoughts and evil deeds and perform true worship of God by extending cooperation in promoting happiness, peace and beauty in this universe which is His creation”.
2. “This (tat) God is extremely bright (savitur), most exalted (varenyam), devoid of sin (bhargo) and divine (devasya). I visualise this Divinity within me, in my soul. By such contemplation, I am      becoming illumined, virtues are growing  in all the layers of my being. I am being saturated with these virtues, these characteristics, of God.”
3. “That God may inspire (prachodayat) our (
naha) intellect, wisdom (dhiyo) and lead us on righteous path. May our intellect, the intellects of our family members and of all of us, be purified and may He lead us on the righteous path. On getting righteous wisdom, which is the greatest achievement and is the source of all the happiness in this world, we may be able to enjoy celestial bliss in this life and make our human life purposeful.”
                 We should contemplate and meditate on these three prayer-filled meditations slowly and pausing for a moment on each word and an imaginary picture of that word should be drawn in the mind.
                  While contemplating upon the first meditation, it should be imagined that God pervades all the three Lokas, the earth, heaven and Patal (nethermost world). God should be visualised pervading these Lokas in the form of light, heat and electricity, life force (Pran) etc. This vast universe is the living physical image of God. The Sadhak should try to visualise in his imagination a glimpse of the All-pervading Omni-present God just as was given to Arjun by Lord Krishna. He should imagine that God is all around him and he is sitting in God’s lap. It should be pondered how evil thoughts and evil actions could remain lodged in his mind and body in the presence of the Omni-potent Divinity. He should imagine that each and every manifestation of this universal Godhead is adorable and that well being lies in selfless service of this universe, this vast humanity and in beautifying God’s creation.
     While reflecting on the second meditation, one should imagine the extremely bright and luminous, supremely exalted God adorned with all divine qualities, seated on the throne of  Sadhak’s heart. God can be also visualised in the form of Virat Purush. (2) Ram, Krishna, Vishnu, Gayatri, Sarsvati etc. and (3) in the flame of a lamp. God can be meditated upon  in male or in mother’s form according to one’s own sentiments. God is female as well as male. Gayatri Sadhaks prefer to meditate on the Almighty God in the form of Gayatri Mata. Brilliance, supreme excellence, utmost piety, purity and divine righteousness should be visualised in the beautiful image of Gayatri Mata. It should be imagined that such a beautiful and virtuous divine power permanently dwells in the sadhak’s heart and permeates all the pores of his body.
                    While thinking on the third meditation, it should be felt that the divine power of Gayatri has caught the intellect and feelings of our head and heart and is guiding them on the path of righteousness. We are pure, concerted and enthusiastic and are getting attained to move in the direction of righteousness with the grace of Gayatri Mata.
             These three kinds of prayer filled meditations embodied in Gayatri are symbolic of Gyan-yog, Bhakti -yog and karma-yog. In fact, contemplation of the meaning of Gayatri amounts to immersion in the Triveni of these three kinds of yog.
By such contemplation, the meaning of Gayatri Mantra is fully assimilated in the heart of the Sadhak. The result is that in a short time his mind gets diverted from evil thoughts and evil deeds and he starts taking enthusiastic joy in righteous thinking and good actions. Howsoever little this tendency may be in the beginning it is  almost certain that if the practice persists, the inner-self of the Sadhak becomes more and more awakened and the ultimate aim of life  draws closer and closer.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Glory of MAA Gayatri
The Primordial Power
=Pt.Shriram Sharma Acharya
The origin of Universe is said to be the manifestation of God's (Omnipresence Consciousness) wish to express thyself in multiple forms. Being the original source of the creation, existence and manifestation of Nature and the universe, this supreme power was named Adi Shakti or (Gayatri). In other words Adi Shakti, known as Gayatri, is the inspiring and governing power acting behind the eternal cycle, order and harmony indwelling in the cosmic system and the laws of nature and the existence and activities of the world. This eternal presiding power is the cause of all energy and is subliminally governing the cosmic existence, expansion and activities towards the ultimate evolution...

Lord Brahma, the supreme creator is described in the scriptures to have attained the absolute knowledge of the universal creation and the limitless manifestations of Nature by the dedicated sadhana of Adi Shakti Gayatri. This supramental knowledge and science constituted the Vedas. This is how Adi Shakti became the Vedmata -  the mother (origin) of Vedas. The Gayatri Mantra is regarded to enfold the essence, the seed of Vedas.

The divine powers governing the order of Nature also emanate from the Adi Shakti. As the same electricity flows in tube light, heater, refrigerator, cooler, etc and appears active in different forms, similarly, the singular force of Adi Shakti is reflected in Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva -- as thy powers of eternal creation, execution and evolution. The other manifestations of thy impulse (deva Shaktis) too are different expressions of the Adi Shakti. Thus, Adi Shakti being the absolute source of divine powers is also revered as DevaMata. Beatitude of this Devamata endows a devoted sadhaka with divine virtues and vigor.

As the appearance of Nature and the world emanate from the infinite kernel of Adi Shakti, the latter is worshiped as VishwaMata -- the mother of the world. A true devotee of this realization of the Adi Shakti, unifies his self-identity with global unity and lives with the altruist feeling of "vasudhaiva kutumkam" -- the whole world is like his family to such a generous fellow.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru
Shiv Sharma

Friday, January 21, 2011

Gayatri and Yagya-III = Pujya Gurudev

Glory Of MAA Gayatri
Gayatri and Yagya-III
                                                         =Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Broadly speaking, the main result of performance of Yagya is showering of parjanya. The gross meaning of parjanya is clouds but its subtle meaning is Pran or energy. In ancient times whenever there were famines, people used to perform of specific agnihotras, which resulted in rainfall. In fact, parjanya is the subtle element of Pran which is created by Yagya and people derive benefit through the air and the clouds. All creation (animate as well as inanimate) gets a special upsurge of energy and vibrancy through the showering of parjanya, which leads to all-round growth and progress. The greatest advantage of Yagya is purification of the atmosphere and environment. It also influences all aspects of the personality of man. His thinking is regulated by getting proper direction and inspiration and thus a sound basis for refinement of human tendencies is created. Performance of Gayatri Yagya at a mass scale plays an important role in creating beneficent environment.
An individual, society or a nation can prosper only on the basis of knowledge and science. Knowledge means learning, wisdom, discretion, far-sightedness, goodwill, generosity and judiciousness. Science means strength, efficiency, power and resources, prosperity and capacity to create abundance. In ancient times, India was rich both in
knowledge as well as in science.
Knowledge, these days, is based on what is actually seen or experienced and science is based on machinery. This is not only less fruitful and more laborious but also temporary. All the knowledge which is being amassed by professors, research scholars and so-called learned persons does, no doubt, add to our physical knowledge, but it does not help at all in inculcating spiritual upliftment, benevolent outlook and a spontaneous feeling of self-sacrifice for the sake of public good.
 Modern knowledge makes people more and more selfish, self-centred and self-indulgent. Although there have been marvellous achievements in the field of physical scientific development and research, it has, at the same time, proved extremely harmful. Production of food grains and other crops has remarkably increased with the massive use of chemical fertilizers but the foods so produced contain elements which are injurious to health. Machinery has, no doubt, increased manifold our production of goods but can one imagine how much long range damage is being caused by poisoning the atmosphere due to pollution as a result of ever-increasing industrialisation? Scientists are very much worried over the fact that much before the end of the next century expires, all stocks of coal, fuel, oil, will be exhausted and huge factories, machinery etc. which are working at present will become idle. Production of energy by atomic devices is most expensive and it is also bound to adversely affect the environment even more seriously.

The basis of knowledge and science was quite different in the ancient days. It was, unlike today, spiritual and not materialistic. It is now scientifically accepted that everything which we see by our naked eyes is available in far more quantity in the subtle or astral world. Rishis in the past realized this scientific aspect that atoms of all the matter existing in the universe are available within the mind and body of a man. On this basis they conducted scientific research through different Sadhanas, and awakened various powers which lie hidden in human body and mind.
This research in the ancient times used to be conducted on the basis of Gayatri and Yagya which were regarded as mother and father of spiritual knowledge. Methodical and systematic worship of Gayatri awakens divine powers hidden in the body and the mind, helps in spiritual growth, refines the intellect and develops deep insight to handle the life’s problems calmly, confidently and wisely. When dissolved Ved-Mantras are chanted and Yagya is performed by offering samidhas, havi, charu etc. in the sacrificial fire, radioactive vibrations are created. These powerful waves can be transmitted to any part of the world or to any particular person or to achieve some specific object. They can be used for causing rainfall in the form of parjanya, promoting growth of food-grains and vegetation and also for enlivening or infusing life and energy in the atmosphere. The power released through Yagya can also bring about positive charges in ideas, feelings, circumstances and environment.
Rishis had attached special significance to Yagya because it was helpful not only in material progress but also in emancipation of the soul and building peaceful atmosphere by purifying mind and body. Balivaishya Yagya used to be performed in every house for promoting devoutness, spirituality and diety in the family life. Bajpeya yagyas were performed for awakening the dormant spiritual, intellectual and moral consciousness of the masses. For solving national and international problems, Rajsooya and Ashwamedh yagyas were performed. Gayatri Yagya is regarded as the quintessence of all kinds of yagyas.
Of all the Vedas, Rigved is the first to come into existence. In its first Mantra. “agni mide purohitam”, “Fire” has been described as the first name of God. Everything which is worth attaining in human life can be achieved through the power of Agni, which has been described as purohit (religious priest). God being omni-present has no form but He can be experienced in the form of divine attributes of Sat, Chit, Anand. There can be no better visible symbol of God than fire and it is for this reason that God has been described as divine fire in the first Mantra of Rig-Ved. He is also called as Brahma-Tejas, latent light, divine light, holy light etc. The  ancient Indian masters were, therefore, called fire-worshippers by several noted research scholars. Aryans who lived in Iran and call themselves as Parasis also worship fire. Fire temples are their places of worship. In India fire is worshipped in the volcanic miountains in the northern region. In Rishi-Ashrams, fire was kept alive through perpetual  fumigation, known as “dhooni”. Panchagni used to be installed in all Vedic Karma-kanda and daily Yagya used to be performed. Thus agnihotra is nothing but symbolic worship of God in the form of fire.
Why do we regard the sacrificial fire of Yagya as purohit (priest)? It inspires us to imbibe its five idealistic qualities in our life.
1. Fire has the characteristic of always being hot and bright. We are inspired to lead bright, radiant, active lives like fire, full of wisdom and brilliance.
2. The flame of fire always goes upwards. One may apply any amount of pressure but its flame never goes downwards. It teaches us that despite immense pressures of fear and temptations our flame of wisdom, and foresight should ever be kept-alight and up-turned.
3. Anything coming in contact with fire becomes fire itself. We should also have such a quality of excellence in our character, so that any one coming in our contact may become refined.
4. Fire accumulates nothing. Whatever is offered in the fire is vaporized. It is scattered throughout in the atmosphere and becomes universal. We should also not accumulate possessions  for our selfish ends but utilize all our resources and qualities for advancing the good of the people. We should be generous and lovingly kind.
5. The residue of fire are ashes. Ultimately physical forms of all human beings are going to be reduced to a handful of ashes. The idea behind applying (ashes of Yagya) on the forehead is that man should always remember the inevitability of death and utilize each and every moment of his life in the best possible manner.
These five teachings are known as panchagnividya which the priest (purohit) in the form of fire teaches to every human being. A man is truly blessed if he imbibes these teachings in his daily life by performing symbolic worship in the form of Yagya.
The real purpose of Yagya is to imbibe virtues like self-sacrifice, self-restraint (sanyam), charity, beneficence, generosity, compassion etc. in our daily life. It inspires us to surrender everything, body, mind, ego and soul to God. A Sadhak on surrendering himself to God, who has been described as Yagya-purush in the scriptures, becomes one with Yagya, just as samidhas on being consumed in the sacrificial fire of Yagya become fire itself. In fact the real Yagya is to follow the directions and inspirations of our indwelling divinity and imbibe righteous tendencies. Constant rememberancce  of the Divine, keeping an attitude of detachment and remaining engrossed in regular sacred studies and devotion amounts to leading a Yagyiya life. Such a person sees the presence of God in everyone, everywhere and becomes free of evil deeds and sins.
Geeta describes several categories of Yagya, just as Deva-Yagya, Atma-Yagya, Brahma-Yagya, Tapa-Yagya, Yoga-Yagya, Swadhyaya-Yagya, Gyan-Yagya etc. and enunciates that whatever is done for realization of God or for self-realization is known as Yagya. Agnihotra or performance of material part of Yagya is a first step which culminates in the ultimate goal of spiritual Yagya. In the beginning, a Sadhak starts with symbolic idol worship but after some practice he starts meditating on the formless Omnipresent Brahma. Yagya is a specific and an inseparable part of Gayatri Sadhana which purifies a person’s thoughts, emotions, sentiments and actions, to be able to surrender himself at the lotus feet of the Almighty and become Yagya -maya or one with God. In short, it promotes virtues like beneficence, mutual cooperation, righteousness, good will, self-restraint, sacrifice, generosity, etc.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru
Shiv Sharma

Gayatri and Yagya-II, Pujya Gurudev

Gayatri and Yagya-II
                                                =Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
It is said that Devtas performed Yagya and attained divinity. Emergence of Brahman element in man is possible only by Yagya. Otherwise, devoid of it, man is no better than an animal. Performance of Yagya has been said to be the main function of a Brahman. The essence of Yagya is common good, universal peace and happiness. The chariot of human life runs smoothly so long as different parts of the body work in cooperation with each other. Every thing will be topsy-turvy if selfishness or non-cooperation predominate in social life. Take, for instance, the example of the cycle of water. Clouds get water from the sea, earth gets water from the clouds, rivers get water from the earth, and sea gets it from the rivers and thus there is growth of vegetation and greenery everywhere and the thirst of all living-beings is quenched. If there is any interruption anywhere in this cycle of unhindered giving or sacrifice this earth will become like a hot iron plate.
 Similarly, living-beings thrive on different vegetations which get their nourishment and diet from urine and faeces, (excrements) of the former. Living-beings inhale oxygen emitted by the trees and the latter thrive on carbon-di-oxide exhaled by the former. There is also a similar mutual give-and take between human beings and animals. This is the philosophy of Yagya, of give and take, around which the entire universe revolves. All outstanding problems find their solutions when these righteous tendencies are nurtured and properly followed. Their neglect, on the other hand, is bound to result in mutual strife, disharmony and destruction. The Geeta states that prajapati (God) created man and Yagya simultaneously and directed that human-beings will enjoy peace and happiness if there is this glad spirit of yagya ( give-and-take) in them. This great principle of promoting universal good is known as Yagyiya way of life and agnihotra is just a symbolic sacred ritual to educate the public mind.
There is one more aspect of Yagya, which relates to environment. It plays an important role in purifying the atmosphere neutralising  which has been polluted to the extreme by vehicular emissions and gaseous pollutants from industrial units. The energy produced by Yagya is extremely effective in killing the germs of several diseases. In ancient times, physical ailments and mental disorders were successfully controlled by Yagya. We must rediscover and further develop the science of yagyopathy (treatment through Yagya) which is equally effective in the healing of physical as well as mental disorders. The process of fumigation and vaporization by burning herbal medicines in the sacrificial fire is a subtle, and very effective and efficacious method of healing. Treatment by yagyopathy is effective in eccentricity, evil habits, criminal tendencies and similar other mental disorders with which a large number of human beings are suffering these days.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru
Shiv Sharma

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Gayatri and Yagya= Pujya Gurudev

Gayatri and Yagya-I
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Gayatri and Yagya form an inseparable pair. One is said to be the mother and the other, the father of Bhartiya Dharma. They are inter-dependent. Gayatri anushthan cannot be considered fully accomplished unless it is accompanied by Yagya. In old affluent times agnihotra used to be performed of one-tenth of the quantum of Jap, but now in view of the prevailing circumstances ahutis are given in one to hundred ratio. Those lacking in requisite resources fulfil the requirement of Yagya by performing one-tenth additional Jap.
There is reference in the scriptures to a famous dialogue between Janak and Yagyavalkya. Janak went on pointing out difficulties in performing yogya and yagyavalkya, while emphasizing the essentiality of performing Yagya, suggested alternatives, one after another. Yagyavalkya said if charu and other articles of Yagya are not available, food grains of daily consumption can be offered in havan. If food grains are not available one can make do with herbs and vegetation. If they are also not available, mental Yagya can be performed by offering meditation and prayers in the symbolic fire of reverence and devotion. It has thus been emphasized that not only in anushthan, but even in daily Sadhana, Yagya is essential along with Gayatri Jap.
In emergency, house-wives used to utter Gayatri Mantra and offer five morsels of first chapati in the hearth. The daily routine of bali-Vaishya is nothing but a short form of havan. The purpose of symbolic worship of agnihotra can also be fulfilled by uttering Gayatri Mantra and offering ghee and sugar in the fire or lighting a ghrit lamp and burning incense-sticks. The celebration of Holi is nothing but a form of collective Yagya performed once in every year. Yagya is an essential part of every auspicious religious celebration, whether it be in the form of offering ahutis in sacrificial fire ( Yagya-kunda) or burning candle-sticks, incense sticks or ghrit-lamp.
Our ancient scriptures describe one of the names of God as Yagya-Purush. In shatpath, Yagya has been described as Vishnu, “Yagyovai Vishnu”. In the beginning of Rig-Ved, Yagya has been described as purohit (priest or religious guide). The importance of the fire of the Yagya has been stressed in all Vedic literature. In “ Agne naya supatha raye.........” an ardent prayer is made to Almighty God to lead us on righteous path as contained in the words “ dhiyo yonaha prachodayat” of Gayatri Mantra.

Yagya is essentially linked with all traditional religious functions. None of the essential sixteen purificatory rites (Shodash - Sanskar) right from child birth till death can be celebrated without performance of Yagya. The ceremony of Yagyopaveet is intrinsically linked with Yagya. It combines the ideology and philosophy of Gayatri with the performance of Yagya. In marriage ceremony it is essential for the bride and the groom to perform Yagya and take seven rounds of the fire of Yagya. Circumambulation of the sacrificial fire alone is the visible proof of solemnization of a Hindu marriage. The last rite in the series of sixteen rites is the funeral rite, in which the dead body is put on funeral pyre, set fire to and kapal-kriya piercing of the skull is performed with ghee by way of purnahuti.
This ancient tradition of Yagya incorporates the principles of theoretical knowledge and applied  science and contains in it all the elements of material elements in seed form. It is a sacred process conducive to the welfare and happiness of the individual as well as the society.
The meaning or purport of the word Yagya is an act or celebration of self-giving which aims at the highest universal good, an act which is generous, magnificent, noble and magnanimous. Yagya is a Sanskrit word which has three meanings, (1) divinity (2) organization and (3) charity. These three virtues can be said to be triple divine currents of individual and social transformation. Divinity means refined personality, divine virtues. Organization implies unity, cooperation team-spirit. Charity implies generous sharing, devotion to society, and considering the entire universe as one’s own family. All these three tendencies are thus combined in Yagya and it can be said to be the flaming torch of knowledge. It inspires man to translate higher sentiments and motives into righteous deeds. Coordination of knowledge and action creates the ground for making progress. Righteous deeds, which is known as tap, and true knowledge, which is known as yog, are the basis of spiritual progress.

The philosophy underlying Jeevan (life)- Yagya is to make a man great by adopting the philosophy of self-sacrifice. It has been stated in the Geeta that a man who eats without giving to others is a thief, he commits sin. A man should eat the leftover of Yagya -
Yagyashishta Shinah Santo Muchyante Sarva Kilvishaih
Bhunjate Te Twagham Papa Ye Panchntyatmakaranat - Gita 3/31
Devtas (divine beings) attain divinity only by Yagya. This is nothing but propounding the fact that in individual life man should not be selfish or self-centred and in his actions and behaviour, he should demonstrate sincere devotion for the welfare and upliftment of the society. This is a highway leading to all-round happiness, progress, peace and tranquillity of the individual as well as society.

There is no other religious medium as powerful as Yagya to educate the public mind by explaining the subtle implications of sacrifice, generosity and benevolence for purifying the individual and making the society capable and competent. According to Rig-ved, the fire of Yagya, although speechless, acts as purohit (spiritual priest) and inspires people in achieving all-round progress, happiness and peace. If the philosophy of Yagya is fully understood and assimilated in practical life circumstances can be created for the emergence of divinity in man and descent of heaven on the earth. These ideals have to be lived for changing the present era and building a bright future.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Foundation of New Era =Pujya Gurudev

Foundation of New Era
                                                  =Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Gayatri is known as Adya Shakti because Brahma who was born from the Navel lotus of Vishnu was directed to take support of this Maha Mantra for creation. Brahma worshipped it and performed tap and brought forth all animate and inanimate creation.
This great power will now be known as the power of a new golden era because the deadly poisons permeating the atmosphere, environment and minds and hearts of human-beings can be neutralised only with the help of collective Sadhana  of this Mantra. The new era is also descending in the form of Pragya (Enlightened Intelligence) movement, or Pragyavtar. The next era will be known as Pragya Yug  (Era of Enligntenment). It can also be called Satyug.
 What will prevail in the new era, what ideologies will be adopted, have all been described in detail in Gayatri Geeta, Gayatri-Smriti and Gayatri Manjari. The sum and substance of this enunciation is that the people of the world will soon live like one family.
There will emerge one unifying spiritual vision, making  the earth a happy home for all the peoples and nations of the world, united in universal love, understanding and good will. It will be true unity in diversity Sovereign nation states will become obsolete. None will be poor or rich. This earth is mother of all. All humankind will unite together to use its bounties. Glaring economic and social disparities will be eradicated. Everybody will get according to his  need and will have to work according to his capacity. Everyone will live on his own self-earned income. Nobody will subsist on ill-begotten money. None will get an opportunity to give unearned wealth through inheritance and indulge in riotous merry making.

 No country will be allowed to subjugate a neighbouring country to fulfil its selfish ends. This one world organisation will have a combined judicial system and there will be one peace keeping force directly under the global government. Disputes will be settled by Panchayats. It will be the duty of the global government to check any infringement of universally accepted and acclaimed laws of harmonious collective living. Immorality, atrocities, blind faith, evil traditions, foolishness etc. will become things of the past. None will be required to indulge in litigation to get  justice. Women will command greater respect than men. Family planning will be strictly enforced so that the world population is stabilised .
 Universal education and health will be the responsibility of the state. Old persons will also work in accordance with their capacity. Everyone will have to adopt the principle of simple living and high thinking. Nobody will be allowed to usurp the fundamental rights of anybody else. Culprits will be given exemplary deterrent punishment.

            People will earn money for livelihood in a limited time. The rest of the time will be utilized in self-refinement and in rendering selfless service for the good of others. Retirement will not mean a permit for idleness. Not only his family but society as a whole will get benefit of the wisdom and talents of an old person. Scientific discoveries will be applied more in the field of spiritual upliftement rather than for increase of physical or material well-being. Spiritual super-science will get preference over material,science.
 This prediction of the advent of the new golden era is foretold in the scriptures of the world and has been foreseen by the seer-vision of mystic masters around the world.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru
Shiv Sharma

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Glory of Gayatri=Pujya Gurudev

The Glory of Gayatri
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
It is difficult to fathom the root cause of the astonishing demonstrations of Gayatri Sadhana. Right from Brahma, the Creator of this universe, down to the present era, all the rishis, saints, spiritual seers and seekers have demonstrated the beneficent effects of the chanting of Gayatri mantra. No other mantra has been worshipped and chanted as much as Gayatri Mantra. Since ages highly elevated souls have been practising Gayatri Sadhana. Thus, a huge mass of highly elevated spiritual energy has been accumulated in subtle celestial spheres (loks) enveloping the earth.
It is a scientific truth that no sound or idea ever perishes. Whatever is uttered or thought today will spread in the space along with its waves and will remain there till infinity in some state or the other. Waves which are most powerful remain specifically alive. Scientists are trying to catch waves set in motion during the Mahabharat battle and those of the music of Tansen. If they succeed, we will be able to listen to sounds of important conversations which took place in ancient times. It will then be possible to listen Geeta directly emanating from the mouth of Lord Krishna.
Although, it may not be possible to transform sounds and thoughts into material forms in near future, it is certain that they do not vanish into nothingness. The faith and devotion towards Gayatri which have been nourished by countless persons still exist with all their potentialities in the subtle realm. According to the principle of convergence of all homogeneous elements at one point, the faith, devotion, sentiments and devout austerity of all the devotees have combined to contribute to the accumulation of a huge store of conscious spiritual energy.
Those who are acquainted a little with the science of thinking know that a magnetic field of the type in which a person thinks is created in his mind. This magnetism attracts thoughts of similar nature permeating the entire space and in a short time there is a vast accumulation of similar kinds of thoughts.
 Persons who think about gentlemanliness become more and more charged with righteous thoughts, virtues, tendencies and nature. In the same way a sinful mind becomes all the more so in a short time. All this happens according to the science of attraction of identical thoughts, according to which thoughts of all divine souls who were devotees of Gayatri right from the beginning of this creation get inter-linked. It is difficult even for a strong man to climb over a high wall but if a ladder or a stair-case is provided, anybody can climb over it easily. With the help of the stair-case built by the devotees of Gayatri in the past we can easily attain the  fruits of Gayatri Sadhana .
We get enriched suddenly and spontaneously with all the boons of Gayatri Sadhana for which great seekers in the past had put in extremely hard labour.
By these past Sadhanas powerful energy fields have been created in the subtle spheres by tuning into which we can march ahead with great speed. A drop of water, when it falls in the ocean, becomes the ocean itself. A person recruited in the army becomes part and parcel of the army. In the same way, a Sadhak who gets linked  with the accumulated power of Gayatri derives all its benefits. No other Ved-Mantra possesses so  much radiant and puissant energy as Gayatri Mantra. It is for this reason that immense benefits are obtained through Gayatri Sadhana with the least effort.
Even then we find that most of the people do no take advantage of it although they know its importance. A person may have ample money in his possession but if he does not use it and enjoy it, it can only be considered his misfortune.
Gayatri is divine knowledge which has been made available by God to us. Rishis and saints  have been directing us at every step in the scriptures to take advantage of  Gayatri  Sadhana. Yet, if we do not perform  Sadhana and get its benefit, it our misfortune and nothing else.
Gayatri is Spiritual Triveni
Some instances about the importance of Gayatri have been furnished in the fore-going pages. It is difficult to  consolidate and publish all of them. Ganga, Geeta, Gau (cow) and Gayatri, these four are pillars  of Indian culture. Every person who believes in Hindu religion reveres them like Mother and feels a special sense of mutual bonding with all others with similar faith.
Gayatri has been called spiritual Triveni. The confluence of
Ganga and Yamuna creates an invisible, subtle, divine river which is known as Saraswati and the confluence of these three is known as Triveni. On account of this Triveni, Prayag is called king of all the Teerths. In the same way Gayatri is Triveni of the spiritual world. Its first letter ‘ga’  is suggestive of Ganga, second letter ‘ya’ of Yamuna and third letter ‘tri’ of Triveni. Several trios viz. (1) Sat, Chit, Anand, (2) Satyam (truth), Shivam, Sundaram (beauty) (3) Sat, Raj, Tam, (4) Ishwar (God) Jeev (soul) Prakriti (quality), (5) Rik, Yaju, Sam (6) Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya (7) Gun (virtue), Karma (action), Swabhav (nature), (8) Shaishav (childhood), Yauvan (youth), Budhapa (old age), (9) Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, (10) Utpatti (creation), Vridhi (growth), Nash (destruction) (11) Sardi (winter), Garmi (summer) Varsha (rainy season) (12) Dharma (righteousness), Arth (wealth), Kam (sensual enjoyment), (13) Akash (space), Patal (nether-most world), Prithvi (earth), (14) Dev (God), Manushya (man), Asur (demon) etc. are interwoven and lie embedded in Gayatri chand. One who observes deeply by meditation and contemplation, these trinities gets the same spiritual merit as one gets in the material world by taking a dip in Triveni. These various trios represent various kinds of problems which the Sadhak is required to face and by solving which he attains the ultimate goal of self-realisation.
The three currents of Triveni appear to be vast, deep and daunting. In the same way, Gayatri Sadhana appears to be very difficult. But just as fear disappears and tranquilizing cheerfulness is attained by taking a dip in Triveni, so also by thinking, contemplating and probing deep into various aspects of  Gayatri Sadhana a person attains such spiritual insight which inspires him to follow righteous path and ultimately leads him to eternal peace and bliss. Gayatri, undoubtedly, is spiritual Triveni, it is teerathraj because the philosophy underlying it is easy, simple, and intelligible and it leads to perennial happiness.
The importance and glory of Gayatri is infinite. Ved, puran, shastras, history, rishis, saints,  house-holders all acknowledge its importance. It has a marvellous power of changing our outlook towards life. If our perverted thinking and mental back-ground are set right, our desires, aspirations, thoughts and sentiments get refined, we can rise higher than even the gods. Gayatri Sadhana can emancipate us from bondage to hellish perversions, of envy, hatred, malice, ill will etc, thus manifesting in our lives the Divine attributes of Satyam, Shivam and Sundram.

Tripada Gayatri
Gayatri has three phases and so it is called tripada. It is also called tripada because it is Vedmata, Devmata and Vishwamata. Vedas have originated from Gayatri mantra and so it is known as Vedmata. It is Devmata because  it helps in manifestation of divine virtues (gun), actions (karma) and nature (swabhav). It gives inspiration for establishment of universal family “Vasudhaiva kutumbakam” and so it is known as Vishwamata. It enjoins to regard every human being as one’s own self. It advocates lofty thinking, ideal character and polite behaviour. It is known as Guru-mantra which means that of all the Mantras, it is the best and supreme. Gayatri Mantra was the first lesson to be taught in the schools in the ancient times and students were explained that the purpose of education is to attain spiritual wisdom. It directs cultivation of human dignity and observance of self-imposed rules and regulations. Education and learning are meaningful only if these factors are kept in view. The letters of Gayatri mantra are interwoven in such a manner that by their utterance special vibrations are created and the secret subtle centres of energy within the Sadhak get activated and awakened, manifesting their paranormal potencies.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sdguru
Shiv Sharma

Monday, January 17, 2011

Essence of Gayatri in All Religions = Pujya Gurudev

Essence of Gayatri in All Religions
                    =Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
 Hindu: God is the eternal source of life-force; Supreme embodiment of unalloyed bliss and Almighty destroyer of all worries and vices. Meditate upon the preeminent radiance of His pious inspiring power that will enlighten our intellect and motivate it towards the righteous path of elevation.                (Rigveda 3|62|10; Yajurveda 36| 3; Samveda 1462)
 Jew: 'O' Jehova (God) Guide me on the path of religion (righteousness); Show me Thou way which is straight, noble and perfect.                                            (Old Testament-Prayers 5|8)
 Shinto:  'O'  Lord!  Our  eyes  might  see  indecent  things  and  vices,  but  our  hearts  (inner minds) should be free from all evils and impurities. Our ears might hear what is immoral and profane, but our hearts should not perceive anything unholy or wrong.                                                                                                                                                                                       (Japanese Preaching)
Parsi: That Supreme Master (Ahurmazda - God) is the Supreme King because of His pure intelligence and truth. Executing altruist deeds in His name makes us beloved of            God.                                                                            
Dao (Taoism): Dao (the Supreme-Self: God) is beyond all perceptions and thoughts. Righteous conduct as per His disciplines is an ideal religion.                                   
Jainism: Revering salutations to all the Arhantas, the Siddhas, the Acharyas, and the Upadhyays (all of whom are enlightened masters). Revering salutations to all the saintlybeings.                                                                                  (InvocationPrayer) 
Buddhism: (For ultimate peace and joy) Surrender to buddha - the enlightened awareness; Surrender to dhamma - the inner righteousness; Surrender to Sangha - the collectiveconsciousness.   (DikshaMantraTrisharanam)
 Confucius: Must I behave not what I like others behave not.     (Notable Quotes) 
Christianity: 'O' Father! Please do not put us under test; Save us from all sins and evils. All the infinite power, noble prosperity and greatness is eternally Thine.                   
                                                                                         (New Testament 'Matte' 6|13)
Islam: 'Ya Allah!' We pray to you only and need Thou help alone. Show us the righteous path - the path of those who are blessed with Thou light and grace, and not the (wrong) path of those who are unholy and worthy of Thy punishment.                                 (QuranSura:Al-Phatiha) 
Sikh: 'Omkar' (God) is one. Thy name is the ultimate Truth. HE is the creator of Nature, HE is Almighty, absolutely bright and brave. HE could be known only by the blessings of a noble Guru (enlightened divine intellect).                                           (Guru Granth Sahib - Japujee)
Bhahai: 'O' Lord! Refresh and gladden my spirit. Purify my heart. Illumine my powers. I lay all my affairs in thy hand. Thou art my Guide and my Refuge. I will no longer be sorrowful and grieved; I will be a happy and joyful being. 'O' God! I will not longer be full of anxiety, nor will I let trouble harass me. I will not dwell on the unpleasant things of life. 'O' God! Thou are more friend to me than I am to myself. I dedicate myself to thee O Lord.   
                                                       (Abdu'l-Baha in 'The secret of divine civilization')

Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma