Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Noble path of Buddha = Pujya Gurudev

The Noble Eight-Fold Path of the Buddha
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
(1) Blessed are they who understand That Life is One. Its "forms" do come and go: But Life itself floweth on!
RIGHT VIEW (Samyak drishti)
(2) Blessed are they who resolve That they will build the strength To lessen suffering and pain And attain to Wisdom pure!
RIGHT RESOLVE(Samyak sankalpa)
(3) Blessed are they who speak In sympathy and gently to all, Who do away with bitter words And never speak in anger or in hate!
RIGHT SPEECH (Samyak vak)
(4) Blessed are they who rightly act and put away all thought of gain, Who know that motive is the deed And who, renouncing power, are pure, indeed!
RIGHT EFFORT (Samyak Prayatna)
(5) Blessed are they who earn Their daily bread in such a way That brings not hurt nor pain To living creatures on the Earth!
(6) Blessed are they who cast Out ill-will and pride in daily life And act obedient to the Law In sympathy and love!
RIGHT ACTION (Samyak karmanta)
(7) Blessed are they who walk the Way, Aware by night and day that life is sacred still! They strive for Peace: and ever before them shine The noble Truths of life!
(8) Blessed are they who meditate In silent joy and see how rich, indeed, Is the life of compassion, Service, Love! Radiant as the Lamp of Light is such a life!
Thus taught the Blessed One, moving from town to town and village to village, teaching men and women the Way of Deliverance the Way of Peace, Compassion and Illumination.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Monday, January 30, 2012

Self-Expression = Pujya Gurudev

Self-Expression Should Be Effective
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Ashvina saraghena ma madhunankta subhaspati Yatha varchasvatim vacham avadani janan anu. - Atharvaveda 9/1/19 O the gods of light, Ashvini Devas! Endow me with the honey made by honeybees, so that I may speak to the people in a sweet and illuminating tongue. Speech is the chief medium of expression. It reveals the inherent qualities of the personality. Behavioural skill, talent, and inner strengths - all find expression through it. But on the obverse side, the blemishes and weaknesses are also mirrored. For the wise, even a short conversation is sufficient to assess the general qualitative level of a person. It does not take long for the pettiness of the petty and the goodness of the good to come out through this medium. But although the chief medium, speech is not the only one; there are other agencies too, namely, facial expressions, eye expressions, modes of sitting and standing, gestures, and so on. They are all voices of the personality which many times are able to communicate it fully even if the tongue is silent.
The buoyancy of self-esteem, the gleam of self-confidence, the listlessness of self-contempt and the hesitations of latent complexes - all these feelings and emotions reveal themselves this way. This expression of self is not an entirely unconscious or involuntary action. It can be improved and refined by the use of will power and by proper training. But for this, we will have to understand and evaluate ourselves afresh, watch our conduct, and resolve to root out the bad habits, which have crept into our characters. Are we ready for this? Ask this question of yourself repeatedly. If the answer is in the affirmative, you can definitely express yourself so effectively as to impress and even overwhelm those whom you meet.
For this, you will have first to keep close watch on the bodily gestures and postures, which constitute what is called the body language. How you walk and sit, what is your demeanor when meeting any person etc. are some such aspects, which need a fresh look. Walking with a drag or thump, shaking legs while sitting and many such common habits make the personality unattractive or even repulsive. Some people walk with the head bent down, some bite nails while sitting or twist fingers, some keep picking nose. These and other such bad mannerisms show that the unconscious has our personality and its expressions under its thralldom. The sooner this condition is changed, the better.
When you walk, the gait should reflect elegance and assurance. Moving with measured pace and comfortable ease is a sign of self-confidence. Similarly, while preparing to sit, it is not proper to drag the chair or seat. After sitting down, do only that for which you are sitting there in the first place. Do not allow the involuntary actions of the unconscious to take a grip over you. Such finer points acquire greater significance when we go to meet somebody or present ourselves for interview. In such cases, permission should be sought before entering. If called in, you must not forget the appropriate salutation or greeting. There should be, on these occasions, a hint of cheer and natural calmness on your face.
A tense expression shows lack of self-confidence. When you meet someone, meet affably and genially, regardless of the immediate situation you are in, i.e., even if you are busy or surrounded by problems. A conscious effort to generate such emotions within oneself helps the growth of control over feelings, cool assertiveness and bold self-confidence in life. Also keep in mind that a dress mode appropriate to the occasion enhances the effectiveness of self-expression. Now comes the turn of expression by the tongue. Often the mode of speaking, too, suffers from many faults of involuntary mannerisms, e.g. idiosyncratic repetition of particular words or phrases, speaking either haltingly or too rapidly, launching into speech immediately after taking a seat and without surveying the situation, or alternatively, taking so much time to take off that the time is over. These defects are again the outward signs of the pressure of the unconscious. We should free ourselves from its hold.
 Whenever we meet somebody or go to a public gathering, we should speak in a manner which is in tune with the ambiance. Normal courtesies towards those present should be observed. We should speak only when our turn comes, or after obtaining due permission. The matter should be presented methodically, point-wise, and supported by self-explanatory examples and proofs when required. Every stage of the speech should reflect our inner assurance, but not arrogance. When someone has to be contradicted, it should be done politely, with due respect to the person concerned. The speech should be made in a comprehensible, polite, firm and controlled tone. Be it speech or conduct, the more it is made free from the unconscious-driven reflexes, the better. Only such achievers, through their impressive personalities, assume the mantle of true leadership in life and society.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Status of Women = Pujya Gurudev

Restore Women to their Rightful Status of High Esteem
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
The Scripture says, "It is woman who creates man. The creative power of woman should be rightly understood." Man is born from womans womb. Mother is the childs first teacher. A drop of fathers semen is only the cause; the whole body and organs are formed by mothers blood. Childs body, mind and character are formulated according to the qualities, traits and character contained in her blood and her health, talents, trend of thinking and sentiments. If women remain unhealthy, uneducated, undeveloped, uncultured, dependent and pitiable, the children born of them will be afflicted with these flaws. Barren land cannot yield rich crop. If an orchard yielding good crop of fruits is to be made, it needs soil of good quality.
If humanity wants to progress, it is essential to make women develop their talents and capabilities in physical, intellectual, social and economic fields. Only then can qualities like strength, competency, noble sense, virtue, greatness etc. develop in society. Keeping women chained in backwardness is doing grievous harm to society. Society consists of two parts  men and women.
Efforts are made for betterment, comfort and safety of man, but woman is lagging behind in every field. As a result, half of our nation, half of the society, half of the world, half of the family, half of the life force remains backward. If a cart is fitted with one bigger and one smaller wheel or one big and one small bullock are yoked together, they can't work properly. Our country, society and community cannot be deemed developed in the true sense, so long as women do not get the opportunity to develop their potential, intelligence and talents.
To-day mans distrust, restrictions, narrow mindedness, etc. toward women are very much visible. We distrust all women  be they our sisters, daughters, wives or mothers  and think that they would become profligate, if allowed to live unfettered natural lives. Under this false apprehension, all their simple natural human urges are suppressed and heavily fettered. To view our own sisters and daughters as unworthy of trust is a much more heinous sin than distrusting our own self and our own soul. This degraded mentality is totally against the greatness and magnanimity inherent in the Indian culture.
The trait of piety in women is much more than in men. Women are much more abundantly endowed with the virtues of love, kindness, compassion, pity, generosity, gratitude, etc than men. In the same way, from the point of view of character, restraint, morality and sanctity, her place is much higher than that of man. So there is no reason why man should consider her inferior to him, distrust her and obstruct her all round progress. More than the sons, Mother Gayatri adores the daughter, because they abound in virtues, which the mischievous boys lack. So it is the message as well as the command of Mother Gayatri that women should not be kept in weak, illiterate, undeveloped and dependent condition and efforts should be made to make them strong, developed and self-reliant.
There are many obligations of women on men. Her obligation in the form of mother making the body of the child by giving a portion of her own body and nourishing it, enduring immense pain, is enormously great. The obligation of woman by becoming the better- half, surrendering her entire self is also no less great. As of sisters and daughters, they put on us loads of obligations by pleasing us with gentle sentiments. Man cannot pay back for these obligations even by surrendering his all at her feet. In spite of it, if man remains ungrateful, considers her inferior and becomes a hurdle in the development of her life, it is manifestly unfair and even sinful. In the dual divine names such as Prakriti-Brahma, Sita-Ram, Lakshmi-Narayan, Radhe-Shyam, Gauri-Shankar etc., woman comes first and man next. In the same way in respect of eminence and natural greatness woman�s place comes first in our social life. If proper respect is given to her, if proper opportunity for progress and development is given to her, she will prove to be a boon to the society and humanity at large. Man�s quarrelsome and selfish tendency having gained supremacy, has created the horror of near-total destruction of the world today.
But if womanpower is developed properly, she can reverse this widespread devilishness and fill today�s hellish world with gentleness, simplicity, affection, art and beauty and heavenly peace and happiness. Many schemes are being devised for taking the nation ahead. Many methods are being worked out to make a better future for humanity. All these will yield no worthwhile results so long as womankind remains in the present sorry state. If the soil itself is not good, how can any good crop be expected? Only through noble culture and virtuous women can great men be born. A country or society becomes truly rich, not by money or materials, but by its citizens. The country or race whose pedigree is spoilt, whose ill- cultured mothers give birth to evil-minded children will ever remain in degraded condition even if they were materially rich. More attention is paid to the sick and the weak. More efforts are made for their care and treatment. In the same way today more attention needs to be paid for the betterment of womankind than of men. Mother Gayatri brings about revolutionary changes in our attitude and outlook.
 She ordains us to look upon womankind with reverence and to treat them accordingly. In western countries a movement for equal rights to women is going on. In Indian culture, much more higher status than equality has been given to woman. By implementing this high ideal we can bring about true well-being of our country and society.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Friday, January 27, 2012

Self-refinement = Pujya Gurudev

Self-refinement is the best service to the Society
= Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya
Pujya Gurudev Pt. ShriRam Sharma Acharya Known as a great spiritual thinker and creater of scientific spirituality. Gurudev Wrote 3200 books in his life and each printed word  has a great inspiring power.
Pujya  Gurudev  said :-
There are only two ways to be happylife :-
(1) minimize your needs; and live in harmony with the circumstances.
(2) Man is the master of his own destiny. If one can change his thinking process, he or she can control the circumstances.
Gurudev Also Wrote :-
“when we reform ourselves the world will be reformed”
“ when we transform ourselves the world will be transformed”
Apeal by Pujya Gurudev :

The bell of change is ringing. It is time that we awaken, change our attitude, and expand our sensitivities to the call of the time.
Come and follow Pujya Gurudev’s Guideline for Happy and Peaceful world.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ayurvedic Therapy = Pujya Gurudev

Ayurvedic Decoction Therapy-IV
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Ingredients of the Insomnia Relieving Kwatha: (1) Brahmi� 5gm, (2) Shankhapushpi� 5gm, (3) Jatamansi� 10 to 30gm, (4) Vijaya� 5gm, (5) Harada�5gm, (6) Ashwagandha� 2.5gm, (7) Sarpagandha� 2.5gm, (8) Khursani Ajvayan� 1.25gm, (9) Giloya� 5gm, (10) Punarnava� 5gm, (11) Arjuna� 5gm (12) Varu�a� 2.5gm. Method of Preparation and Use: Take the above herbal (plant) medicine in the indicated amount (or a multiple of these, maintaining their mutual proportions as per those in the above mentioned amounts). Grind them to make a coarse powder. This mixed powder may be kept in an airtight container to protect it from moisture. For one day�s average dose of the kwatha, soak about 5-6 teaspoons (approximately 30 gms) of this mixture in about half-liter water sometime in the evening. Like for the other kwathas, this soaked solution is boiled the next morning on mild heat till it concentrates to one fourth of its original volume. It is then cooled to normal drinking temperature and filtered through a clean cloth piece. The filtered decoction is now ready for use. About half of it should be drunk in the morning itself and the remaining in the late afternoon/early evening. Care should be taken to keep the remaining amount of the kwatha protected from light, dust etc, and cool enough so that it remains in good condition till evening. Diet restraints should be strictly followed in case of insomnia, especially when it is caused due to hypertension. Intake of fried food should be avoided; meal in the night should be very light and devoid of all fats and fried things. Its quantity should also be about half of that in the morning (lunch). Two tablets of the Ayurvedic drug "Mahashankhavati" should be taken with water after each meal. This prevents acidity and heaviness or restlessness due to disturbed metabolism. Practice of meditation and japa provide excellent support in soothing the nervous system and relaxing and rejuvenating the mind-body system. Patients of insomnia must practice these regularly. As such, early morning and evening are the best times, but, as part of remedy against sleeplessness, the following easy practice may be adopted after going to bed. Lie down in the calming posture of "shavasana". The body should be straight but left loose, with hands and legs spread in their natural relaxing positions. Take a slow but deep breath and then exhale all your worries and tensions while breathing out in the same manner. Let the breathing go on at a natural pace thereafter; close your eyes and practice silent (mental) chanting of the Gayatri Mantra or the Mahamritunjaya Mantra; feel as though the subtle vibrations of the mantra are soothing even the tiniest nerve cells of the brain and the rest of the body. Gradually the pace of chanting should be slowed down and calming current of sleep should be invoked simultaneously in the imagination. This imagination should be coupled
with a feeling that the soothing sense of sleep is embracing every part of our being�. Within a few days, this simple practice together with the medicinal effects of the kwatha blesses the patient with the boon of good sleep. (Countinue)

Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ayurvedic Therapies = Pujya Gurudev

Ayurvedic Decoction Therapy-IV
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
In the previous article of this series, we had read about the materials and methods for two Ayurvedic decoctions (kwatha) and supporting medicines against the diseases and disorders of Vata Dosha and High Blood Pressure. The present article is a continuation. Important information extracted from the research findings at Brahmavarchas Shodh Sansthan is given here on kwathas that are found to be effective remedies against some other diseases/disorders that are also quite common complaints these days. The English and Botanical names of the herbs referred here may be found in [1].
3. Kwatha for Relief from Insomnia Insomnia or lack of sleep is a psychosomatic disorder, which not only reduces patients efficiency, but also invites different kinds of other mental and physical health related problems. In most cases, an over-ambitious and self-possessive attitude and/or stressful irregular routine, unbalanced diet and artificial, luxurious life-style are attributed to its occurrence. Patients often start consuming tranquilizers (sleeping tablets) that induce some kind of intoxication and drowsiness rather than regulating the natural cycle of sleep or inducing peaceful natural like sleep even for a few hours.
The patient gets used to them and starts consuming more of these, as the initial quantity becomes ineffective after sometime. Thus, instead of healing, these medicines eventually increase the patients sufferings. Sometimes, one does not get sleep because of acute pain in some part of the body, fever, indigestion, asthma, cardiac problems, tension or worries due to some adversities, etc. But, sleeplessness of this sort is temporary. Cure of the sickness or improvement in the situation revives the original sleep. But the lack of sleep in case of hypertension and consequent restlessness or due to psychological complications is often unbearable. One takes shelter of sedative medicines in such cases as well. The doctors also often have no other choice but to advise such drugs in general. The following kwatha offers an excellent alternative. If taken with prescribed diet restriction under Ayurvedic treatment, it not only uproots insomnia, but also allays and controls the problems of blood pressure, restlessness etc.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Monday, January 23, 2012

Reality = Pujya Gurudev

Whatever may the Eyes See ,
or the Mind Think Reality is Something Else-II
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya

Neptune takes 164 years to complete one elliptical revolution around the Sun. Astrophysicist Lowell had predicted about the possibility of another planet, at a distance of 6.4 billion kilometers from the Sun, which would take 284 years for one revolution. Fourteen years after his death in 1916, an American scientist Clyde W. Tombaugh discovered Pluto, the ninth planet. Pluto is 5.86 billion kilometers from the Sun and makes one revolution in 284 years. But the path of its orbit does not appear to be very precise. After the discovery of these two planets scientists do not rule out the possibility of the existence of more planets in our solar system. Even though invisible to the naked eye owing to distance they might be very large and important. In the vast expanse of the universe our Sun is merely a tiny bright speck. The universe contains numerous known and unknown worlds.
Evolutionary biologist J.B.S. Haldane observed about the universe, "The universe is not as strange as we imagine, it is much stranger than we can imagine." American astrophysicist Shapley found that the distance from earth of the cluster of stars forming the Milky Way galaxy ranges from 20,000 to 2,00,000 Light years (1 light year = the distance traveled by light in 1 year at the speed of 3 lakh kilometers per second). These form a very large saucer like circle whose center lies in the Milky Way, which, like a wood panel, cuts across the middle of this circle.
 The center lies 50,000 light years from the Sun. Thus Shapley proved that, unlike what earlier scientists had said, the Sun is not at the center of the Milky Way. Thousands of galaxies form a super-galaxy and there are myriads of such super-galaxies in the vast space. �Coma Cluster� is such a super-galaxy containing thousands of Milky Way-like galaxies. Galaxies are millions of light years apart from one another. The reasons behind the apparent big size of the moon and speck-like smallness of the stars scattered throughout the universe are the same � importance we give to things nearby and neglect of those far away. The seekers of truth know how misconceptions and errors keep cropping up about the existence and significance of both near and far objects. The above examples prove that not everything that the eyes see or the brain pictures is the reality.
What looks close may not be actually so. The present being very close, its results tend to acquire the greatest significance, whereas the future, being distant, is given only cursory attention. Actions done in self-interest give immediate results, while service to others bears fruit only in the future. This induces man to indulge in acts of immediate self-interest. For him, wisdom lies in such a course of behavior. But the reality is contrary to this wrong notion. If we were to develop a telescopic vision to look into the distant future and see its permanent brightness, we would realize that good deeds and right means are not fruitless; they prove in the long run rewarding and important. The vastness of the moon and the smallness of the Milky Way are nothing but an optical illusion. Similarly, it is myopic to remain engrossed in the present only and in its narrow selfish considerations, to the complete exclusion of the ultimate goal. Only those who rise above this temptation are able to reach the ultimate truth and attain bliss.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Reality = Pujya Gurudev

Whatever may the Eyes See
or the Mind Think
 Reality is Something Else
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya

It is the law of nature that things in close vicinity appear big and assume disproportionate significance whereas much bigger things begin to look insignificant with increasing distance. This fact becomes apparent when we observe the vast expanse of the universe around us. The small moon has a stature no more than a satellite of the earth. But its nearness to earth gives it an importance next only to the sun among the celestial bodies. In the night sky, massive stars appear tiny to the naked eyes while a ridiculously small moon becomes the largest bright object.
Among all celestial bodies moon is closest to us. Scientific investigations have provided us with a lot of information about it.
 Its average distance from the earth is slightly less than 4 lakh kilometers. We can reach it in one month by an aeroplane cruising at a speed of 500 kms per hour in vacuum. In size, too, moon is much smaller than the sun or the earth. With a diameter of 5000 kms it would take 49 moons to equal one earth. In weight, it is 81 times lighter than the earth. The rocks of the earth and the moon form a ratio of 5:3. The moon has a very weak gravitational force. An object on the moon will fall from a height with 6 times lesser velocity than it would do on the earth. Similarly, a 100-kg object on earth will weigh only about 17 kg on the moon.
These modern findings are at complete variance with the previously held presumptions about the moon. It is not the Nishanath or Tarapati as the traditional belief is wont to eulogize it. Many other planets of the solar system are larger than the earth in size but they look insignificant on account of great distances involved. Truth is not limited to the pool of knowledge, which we presently have. Powerful radio telescopes constantly observe very distant stars and have gathered much information about them - their birth, death, size, expansion, position, temperature, gravitational pull, etc.
         They have discovered a tenth planet of the solar system. Nicknamed Xena by the discoverers, it is positioned farther than the Pluto, its mass is 300 times that of the earth and it completes one revolution around the sun in 558 earth years. The strangest thing about this planet is that it revolves around the sun in a direction opposite to all other planets. The farthest planet in the solar system is Pluto. But some findings indicate that Neptune is the farthest. According to scientists, Pluto and Neptune kept changing their orbits regularly for thirty years from January 1969 to March 1999. Thereafter, Pluto reverted to its original position. Astrophysicists consider this unique phenomenon as indicative of the mystique of the universe.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Friday, January 20, 2012

Longevity-2 = Pujya Gurudev

The Secret of Longevity
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
There are innumerable unusual events and happenings of Nature. Some of them can even be witnessed in our day-to-day life. However, the human mind is unable to understand the mystery behind them because it has its own limitations. Dwellers of Bama village in China have also achieved the goal of longevity. They take tomato and black pepper in good quantity. Tomato and black pepper have beta-carotene and vitamin C in large quantity, which are very good for health. Tomato has antioxidant Lycobin in high amount, which stops cancer. They take a green leafy vegetable named Amaranth.
It contains twice the amount of calcium present in milk. Apart from that it contains potassium, folic acid, iron and vitamin A, C and E in good quantities. Hemp, full of nutritional elements in balanced quantity, and corn full of antioxidants and folic acid, are part of their intake. Bama inhabitants are very fond of eating brown rice, which has magnesium, iron content and vitamins. Probability of having cholesterol in the blood and heart diseases decreases by taking brown rice. Their food stores have the tradition to keep Ginseng and astragalus herbs. They are very fond of music also. Tribal inhabitants of Hunza area in the North East of Pakistan also possess long life. They eat lot of spinach, radish, sweet potato and carrot. Due to the habit of drinking more water each person carries an earthen pot with him / her. They daily drink an average of one large pot of water. They love sports very much. Their traditional sport is Polo.
 They like dancing also. Scientists researching on this tribe have found that up till now nobody has got cancer in this area. Even the roots of ulcer, tumor in the intestine and appendicitis cannot be found. Their family life is run on the basis of cooperation and good will. Age of quite a number of people living in certain special areas of the Himalayas has been found to be more than 100 years. Many researches and tests have been conducted to understand the secret behind the longevity of these inhabitants of different regions but no conclusive outcome has been achieved. Human mind is finding itself incapable and helpless in uncovering this mystery of Nature. But one thing is for sure that by leading life in a balanced, harmonious, mutually loving, self-controlled and systematic manner and in companionship with nature, one can attain good health and longevity.
 Naturalists have also come to a consensus that nature and life have deep inter-connection. What is the reason that in today�s world, long life has become only a dream whereas in ancient India average age of a person used to be 100 years (Jeevem Sharadah Shatam)? Ayurvedic scriptures provide an answer to this. They profess to follow the regimen of Hitbhuk, Ritbhuk and Mitbhuk to attain long and healthy life.
Hitbhuk means eating according to the state of health and what is beneficial for health. Eat for health and not taste. Ritbhuk means eat food according to the season and that is prepared with goodwill. Mitbhuk means eat with moderation. Don�t overeat. People desirous of attaining healthy body and healthy mind should strictly follow this advice.

Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Thursday, January 19, 2012

longevity = Pujya Gurudev

The Secret of Longevity
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Normally, only a few people are blessed with long healthy life. But at some places, it has been found that the average life span of the residents is 85-100 years! This is one such mystery of Nature. Let us see the facts and figures regarding this riddle. The Secret of Longevity In Italy, on top of the mountain range between Sienna and Naples, there is a village named Campodimele. The natural beauty of this village is scenic, heavenly and marvelous. In Europe, this village is also known as "Forever Young" village. All the inhabitants of this village have seen minimum of 85 spring seasons. To unveil the mystery behind the long life of these villagers, a group of European psychologists went to Campodimele and did research on them. They found that the villagers live a peaceful and tension free life. Their eating habits are vegetarian and controlled.
Their diet is mandated by fresh fruits, green vegetables, milk, sprouts and boiled cereals. They take rest for a while after lunch. Traditionally, they sleep by the dusk and wake up quite early in the morning. They spend their life in the proximity of Mother Nature. Natures similar gift has been given to the people of Symi island of Greece. The average age of the people here is 90 years. All inhabitants use tomato, vegetables and salad in good quantity. Normally they eat raw or less cooked vegetables. Either due to the diet or natures unique gift, these people are found working very hard even at the age of 80-90. Hard work, honesty and goodwill are the foundations of this society. Their family life is bonded with strong threads of mutual love and caring with cooperative and generous nature. Their way of celebrating festivals is remarkable. They celebrate them with full gusto and enthusiasm. Inhabitants of this island live tension-free and happy life with their families. In the East China Sea, there is a group of 161 islands.
This island group is known as Okinawa Archipelago. This island is also blessed with people who live long. It has been found that the vegetables like sweet potato, leafy vegetables, and cereals are part of their daily diet. Soya bean also forms an essential part of their diet. According to the physiologists, all these elements contain antioxidants, which stop the harmful effects of aging and growth of cancerous free radical cells.
The topmost specialty of their food is that it contains minimal salt. It is a known fact that salt increases blood pressure. Hence these people don't have blood pressure and heart related diseases. Even at the age of 80, they can easily do farming. They are very fond of exercises. These include gardening, walking, folk dance and ancient marshal arts. Inhabitants of Okinawa give much importance to meditation. They successfully try to resolve all their problems through meditation.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

deeps of the Himalayas-3 = Pujya Gurudev

Companions in Solitude-2:
 Entrance into the deeps of the Himalayas
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya

But I realized that my musings were misplaced. How far are most of grown-ups free from follies and misconceptions? In the same manner as these children mistook snow for silver, the grown-ups too consider many worthless or cheap things like pieces of silver or copper, sexual excitements, worthless ego-displays and this mortal body to be of lasting value and stay attached to them, smugly forgetful of the true aim and purpose of life. We are more deeply and pitiably entangled in transitory and meaningless worldly pleasures and attractions than the small children are in playing with toys and paper boats.
The grown-ups admonish the children for their lack of foresight and for spending their valuable time in fun and frolic, instead of attending to studies. But who will admonish the gown-ups who, like puppets, dance to the pull-strings of sensual pleasures, instead of upliftment of the soul? The children could be convinced of snow not being silver. But who will convince the grown-ups that the aim of life is not sensual pleasures or gratifications of desires but self-realization? Yellow Flies (Wasps) Today while we were silently passing through a dense forest we were suddenly attacked by a swarm of yellow flies that were buzzing over some trees. Some of them stung us so deeply that it was hard to pull them off. We tried to drive them away by hands or clothes and we even ran to get away from their range. But they did not leave us for a long distance.
 After over half a mile�s running, during which we stumbled and fell down too, the flies, at long last, left us. Wherever they had stung, it had swelled up due to poisonous stings and was severely painful. I began to ponder over the matter. Why did the flies attack us? Did they get anything by doing so? What did they intend to gain by hurting us? Perhaps the flies might have been thinking that the forest territory was theirs; it was their dwelling place; and it had to remain safe and secure for them; no one should dare trespass that territory. When they saw us passing through the forest they might have taken it as an act of arrogance, endangering their security and posing a challenge to their sovereignty. So they might have deemed it necessary to teach us a lesson for our imprudent trespass.
If this be so, it is sheer folly of the flies. The forest is made by God; not by them. They must stay atop the trees and make their living. Their greed to occupy and keep for themselves the entire territory is unreasonable; for they have no use of the whole territory. They should also understand that this world is a co-operative venture, and it is only proper that it is equitably shared by all. They should have had the forbearance to let us pass through it enjoying the beauty, the green cool shade of the trees and fragrance of the wild flowers. Instead of showing magnanimity, they stung us, lost their stings; some of them were even mauled to death and others badly injured. Had they not exhibited their mad anger in this way, they could have spared themselves from the unnecessary harm they suffered and the ill-will and bad impression that they created on us. From all angles their attack and greed of power did not exhibit wisdom. They proved themselves true to their name, "Yellow flies" implying "mean creatures".
 But why blame the poor flies alone? Why should they alone be call foolish? We, the human beings, are also behaving in a similarly avaricious way. The vast resources created by the Almighty to be equitably shared and used by all, are being rapaciously grabbed by a few of us for ourselves alone. We never pause to think that the needs of the body and even our family are limited and that our amassing the nature�s resources beyond our needs would deprive others of even their bare survival needs. The excess acquisition only helps feed the ego�s insatiable hunger of being the owner of vast resources; which one cannot keep with oneself for ever. Man too, like the yellow flies, gets blinded by greed and selfishness. He does not acknowledge the nature�s eternal law of mutual caring and sharing.
 He does not care two hoots for the suffering caused to others by his self-aggrandizement. The yellow flies went back after stinging and chasing us for half a mile. But when I think of the horrific misdeeds perpetrated by man intoxicated by the craze for pelf, power, and self-indulgence, I feel shy of blaming the bees, who live by survival instinct of their species and are not endowed, like humans, with discriminative intelligence (which can distinguish between the good and the bad). How sad that so few of us consciously exercise this gift of the Creator.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru
Shiv Sharma

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

deeps of the Himalayas-2 = Pujya gurudev

Companions in Solitude-2:
 Entrance into the deeps of the Himalayas-2
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
The Mountain of Silver Today I was put up in a room on the top floor of Sukki camp. Right in front was seen the top of the snow-clad mountain. The snow was melting slowly and was flowing down in a thread-like simmering stream. Some flowing pieces of snow were still half-melt. The sight was heavenly and soothing to the eyes. Some other pilgrims were staying in a room third from mine. Among them there were two children - a girl and a boy, both of about 11 or 12 years of age. Their parents were on the pilgrimage. The children were brought on a device called �Kandri� carried by porters. They were sweet natured and precocious. Both were debating on what the shining mountain was made of. They had heard that the mineral mines were situated in the mountains. The boy logically concluded that the mountain in front of us was that of silver. But the girl disagreed, reasoning that had it the silver been lying so open and unguarded, people would have plundered it long time back. She, however, could not herself say what metal the mountain was made of nonetheless she continued stubbornly disagreeing with the boy. The debate interested me. I called them both to my side and explained that the mountain was made of stone, but being of high altitude, it is covered with snow. During summer the snow melts and in winter the snow covers the mountain tops again. It is the snow that shimmers in the sun and assumes a silvery appearance. The children got their doubt cleared on this count, but went on asking me more questions related to it. I readily and gladly provided them with lot of information about the mountains in order to enrich their knowledge. This made me think of the innocently ignorant human intellect in childhood, which makes him to assume an ordinary thing like snow as valuable silver. But when grown up, man thinks more deeply and gets down to the reality. If the human intellect were properly educated and developed right from childhood, children, too, would get to know the reality of things while young.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru
Shiv Sharma

Sunday, January 15, 2012

deeps of the Himalayas = Pujya Gurudev

Companions in Solitude-2:
 Entrance into the deeps of the Himalayas
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
The Fatal Narrow Path Today I had to walk along a very treacherous trail. There was the Ganga flowing below and the mountain standing high above. By the foot of the hill, there was a very narrow footpath. It was hardly 3 ft. wide. We had to go along this path. Even a slight faltering step could result in hurtling down and getting lost in the roaring rapids of the Ganga hundreds of feet below. If you thought of avoiding it and walk away safely, there stood the high mountain almost vertically rising hundreds of feet above refusing to budge an inch. On this narrow and difficult path, every step had to be taken with utmost caution - the distance between life and death was hardly a foot and a half long. For the first time in life I experienced the fear of death.
Long time back, in my childhood, I had heard this epic story. Once sage Shukdev visited King Janak and asked the latter as to how he remained unperturbed like a Yogi while attending to his multifarious duties as a king. To explain the point Janak handed to Shukdev a bowl filled with oil and asked him to make a round of the town and come back without spilling a drop of oil, the punishment for failure being severing of the head. Out of fear of death Shukdev, made the round as ordered, concentrating all his attention on the oil-filled bowl, totally unaware of things and people that he came across during his round of the town. King Janak then explained to him that as he (Shukdev) had concentrated only on the oil and nothing else out of the fear of losing his life, he too always remembered death while going about his duties and this helped him in putting his best in the performance of his duties and daily routines - every moment of life with a totally focused mind.
The moral of this story was acutely experienced by me while negotiating that narrow path. There were a number of other pilgrims traveling with me. All the way we had been talking and laughing when the path was smooth and safe, but no sooner did we reach this narrow footpath, than all the conversations ceased and everybody became pensively and attentively silent. Nobody thought of one�s home or of any other subject. Mind and soul were fully concentrated on only one thing - keep the next step at the proper place. With one hand we were trying to clutch at the mountain wall, though there was hardly anything to clutch at.
The only solace in doing so was that it might help maintain the body balance in case it tended to tilt towards precipice falling down to the bed of the Ganga. This distance of about 1.5 miles was passed with great difficulty. The heart was kept throbbing violently throughout. We learnt a great practical lesson today. How careful we have to be in order to protect our lives from getting sniffed out. The tortuous and dangerous patch of the trail was at last over; but its memory brings forth a train of thoughts. If we always remember that death could pounce upon us any moment, we may not indulge in chasing illusory pleasures.
The journey of life is like the just concluded journey of today, which called for the need of keeping every step consciously, cautiously and correctly. If a single step was taken wrongly or carelessly, it might mean our straying away from the true aim of life and falling down to abysmal depths of inconscience. If life is dear to us, in order to make it worthwhile, it is necessary that we are ever alert and conscious every step of the path. Life is full of responsibilities like that of the travelers walking along the narrow path alongside the edge of the Ganga. Only after negotiating it successfully, can we have hope of reaching our cherished goal of self-fulfillment. The path of duty is narrow like the footpath described above. Carelessness will make you slip and fall into a bottomless pit of darkness, thus depriving of the chance of achieving the true aim of life in this incarnation. Clutching to the wall of righteousness will help maintain the balance and help minimize the fear of leaning toward the edge of the abysmal depths. In difficult times this wall is our solace and support.
[Poojya Gurudev’s Travelogue of the Pilgrimage to the Himalayas - Continued]
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Key to Success = Pujya Gurudev

Mastery of the Mind - Key to Success in All Endeavors
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya

(Countinue From last Apisode)

Madhusudan, I see no stable foundation for it owing to restless. Restless indeed is the mind, O, Krishna; it is vehement, strong and difficult to bend; I deem it as hard to control as the wind. (Gita 6/33, 34)
Lord Krishna, too, considered the control of mind a difficult task and the Blessed Lord had earlier, in chapter 2, stated: Yatato hyapi kaunteya purushasya vipashchitaha Indriyani pramathini haranti prasabham manaha That is, The turbulent senses, O son of Kunti, do violently snatch away the mind of even a wise man who is striving after perfection. (Gita 2-60)
Indriyanam hi charatam yanmanoanu vidhiyate Tadasya harati pragyam vayurnavamivambhasi That is - For the mind, which follows on the wake of wandering senses, carries away his / her discrimination, as a wind (carries away from its course) a ship on the waters. (Gita 2-67)
Lord Buddha described the fickleness of mind as-
Yo sahassam sahassen sangame manuse jine Aikam cha jaiyya atanam sa vai sangam jutayo .Dhamma Pada- 103)
That is - A person may conquer thousands of people in war thousands of times, but the greatest winner is one who has conquered his own self (mind). True the unsteadiness of the mind in its ordinary state of immersion in ignorance is natural and controlling it extremely difficult, but it is not impossible. Once one understands the harmful effects of the fickleness of the mind and the beneficial effects of its mastery, then it would definitely be possible to move forward in the direction of mental steadiness and steadfastness. Sunrays fall on the body and it is possible to bear them even during extreme hot weather because the rays are scattered. If the same rays are focused at one point by a convex lens, no part of the body will be able to bear that concentrated heat. Any cloth can be burnt by it. A fire can be lit anywhere with that heat. In fact now-a-days, this method is being used for utilization of the solar energy for accomplishing different tasks.
Like the focused power of sunrays, the power of focused mental energy is unlimited. No objective in the life can be achieved with scattered mentality. But if the mind is steadily focused on one goal, its power increases manifold even in an ordinary life. With such a concentrated mind, desires can be fulfilled, plans can be implemented and success can be achieved in any field of endeavor. In the field of spirituality, the mastery of the mind is considered very essential. In the scriptures, mind has been called a foe and a friend, and it has been stated that the controlled mind is equivalent to nectar, Kalpavriksh (divine tree which fulfils all the desires), and the uncontrolled mind is equivalent to a deadly poison. When there is no control over the mind, first of all it seeks sensual pleasures and runs after them. The greed for relishing different tastes of the tongue troubles it. In the field of beauty and youthfulness, it wishes to play with the Apasaras (damsels) of the royal court of Indra. Dance, songs, music, entertainment, holiday tours, picnics, beautiful scenes, scented objects attract it and it wishes to spend most of its time in such sensual indulgences. It wishes to enjoy theatre, cinema, games, club, etc. In order to decorate the body and giving it rest, it compulsively collects the objects of luxury and thus vainly tries to satisfy its ego-driven impulses and fancies. Therefore this fruitless and aimless agitation of the mind must be stopped and it must be mastered. The key to all the siddhis lies in the mastery of the mind, which is bedrock for all sadhanas and yoga practices. It has already been said that the powers of a concentrated mind are limitless. Whatever progress has been achieved by any one in this world, is the result of focused mental energy. A person�s happiness or sorrow, bondage or salvation are dependent on the state of his mind - whether it is restless or steadily mastered. The subtle knowledge acquired by direct perception too is attained through the mind. Discussing the importance of mind, the sages have said "As the spokes of the wheels are arranged at the nucleus of the axle of the chariot, in the same way the knowledge of rik, yaju and sam vedas is established in the mind (shukla yajurveda-34/5)." If the mind becomes pure, steady and single -pointed, the quality of life will change altogether. That is why, it has been said that the one who has conquered the mind can conquer the world.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Friday, January 13, 2012

Key to Success = Pujya Gurudev

Mastery of the Mind - Key to Success in All Endeavors-II
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Therefore, the main objective of the progressive sadhana is to make the mind quiet, silent and focused. Sadhana is not possible by neglecting the mind. Those who enter the field of sadhana with unstable and unrefined mind, cannot succeed in it whatever bodily penances they might mechanically perform. One should also be cautious about the mental attitude and motives with which he undertakes austerities like: fasting, penance, endurance of hot and cold seasons, etc. Merely bodily disciplines will give meager benefits like physical feats, strength, etc.
In this situation, some ignorant people may blame the rituals of sadhana for their failure even after hard and austere physical penances. The fact is that all sadhanas fail which neglect the mastery of the mind. It should never be forgotten that sadhana begins with the disciplining and mastery of mind and not of the body. From where does a person get the inspiration of and resolve for progressing forward and rising high? There is only one answer -"From the mind". The wise and the learned have declared that mind alone is the cause of bondage and salvation - "Mana aiva manu�ya�am kar�am bandha mokshayo".
 There is a wonderful power of imagination present in the mind, which makes the pictures of imagination so live that a person starts chasing them like a child. The children run after the colored butterflies. In the same way, whatever desires and imaginations are aroused in the mind, a person becomes active to achieve the same. That is why it has been said that mind is perpetually unsteady. Ordinarily it is not able to concentrate on a single object for a long time. Once some fantasy catches hold of the mind, it starts knitting the web to achieve it. After sometime, another fantasy replaces the earlier one and it starts knitting the web to achieve the second one; and so on�.. Behind this unsteadiness of the mind, there lies the desire for pleasure.
Therefore, wherever the mind feels that the pleasures of senses may be obtained, it starts making a colorful imagination of the same and starts planning to achieve them. As the mind is oriented, the body also starts working in that direction. One plan is not complete and another fantasy comes to the mind and the planning for the latter starts. Thus this process of hopping and flitting from one fantasy or fancy to another goes on ad infinitum. This is the only activity of an unbridled mind. It goes on endlessly chasing the chimeras of sensual gratification and pleasures - making life a hellish whirlpool of unsatiated desires and hungers. Arjuna puts this restlessness of the mind before the Divine Teacher of the Gita, Lord Krishna, thus: Yoayam yogastvaya proktaha samyen Madhusudan Aitasyaham pashyami chanchalatwatsthitim sthiram Chanchal hi manaha Krishna pramathi balwad didham Tasyaham nigraham manye vayorivam sudushkaram.(Countinue)
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Key to Success = Pujya Gurudev

Mastery of the Mind - Key to Success in All Endeavors
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
The materialistic world has its own operational laws. But the reactions of human mind are not entirely determined by the material events and objects. The configuration of human consciousness and the plane of awareness too play a role in the quality of our interactions on the material plane. Thus, the domain of collective human mind is not simply a subtle reflection of the external world. Instead, it is a strange world of its own - with its layers of conscious, subconscious and super conscious levels. It is the refinement of this multi-layered field that is the object of sadhana.
This refinement and sublimation of the mind brings about a sea-change in our outlook of the material world. The power of a refined and sublimated mind also makes an impact on the materialistic world. The process of this transformation has been called the sadhana of Manomaya Kosha. The students studying with concentration pass the examination with good grades. Attentive farmers harvest a good crop. Enthusiastic wrestlers win titles in wrestling. Mind filled with wisdom and alertness proves to be an asset in achieving success in business. It is the refined and focused mind that helps in achieving siddhi (success) in sadhana. Devoted artists keep the audiences spellbound.
The achievements in different fields depend on the intensity of will power, concentration and deep involvement (all qualities of a mastered mind) in set goals. In spite of the similarity of assets and means, different results are observed with the difference in the degree of mental mastery. Inert objects have only existence. Life is of different and higher level of manifestation. That is why the rules of life and that of inert objects are different. Inert objects do not have any independent will power. On the other hand, the entire development of life has been made possible due to the impact of will power.
               It is the higher quality of will power that especially distinguishes human beings from sub-human life forms. A human being is considered the master of well-developed consciousness, because his will power is more active and effective. It is the enlightened will power that leads a person from darkness to light, from mortality to immortality and from falsehood to truth. Strong and focused will power definitely produces the desired results. It has been said in Yogavashishtha-
“ Dihabhavanaya cheto yadyatha bhavayatyalam Tattatphalam tadakaram tavatmanam prapashyati ‘.
(Yogavashishtha 4/21/56 - 57)
That is - "(Oh Ram!) Whatever this mind desires with a strong will power, it remains in that domain for that time and also experiences the results accordingly". (Countinue)
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Yoga therapy – 4 = Pujya Gurudev

The treatment of Arthritis through Yoga
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
In this sequence of yoga therapy, we are dealing with Arthritis. Arthritis is a disease of joints in which, especially in synovial joint, swelling and pain crop up. The disease makes the body invalid and crippled. The patient is not in a position to walk or move the body as the disease degenerates the joints totally. In this disease there is pain, redness, heat and swelling in every joint. Generally the joints of the organs of the body which bear load of the body like –hips, knees or ankles get affected. Arthritis reduces the activity of the joints. When the joints are not flexible, naturally they are not functional. For the joints to function properly the two requirements are:
1.      The edges of the bones forming joints should be smooth. This is made possible by the cartilage present there.
2.      For the movement of joints, a sticky substance is required. This is the function of synovial fluid.
If anyone of this is altered, the symptoms of arthritis are seen.
For proper functioning of joints, it is essential that the bones are properly joined by ligaments. Synovial membrane, which lines the cavity of the joints, secretes a fluid to lubricate the joints. This fluid is formed from the blood and is absorbed by the blood vessels and lymphatics. In this way nourishment reaches the joints and waste products are removed from there. Obstruction to this process leads to deficiency of the nutritive substances in that region and toxins get accumulated there. As a result sensitive nerves get excited and pain and stiffness increase. If the flow of pranashakti to the joints is blocked for a prolonged period then deformities start increasing. The synovial fluid gets reduced and difficulty is experienced in folding the joints. Substances like calcium start accumulating in the joints, which increase stiffness, swelling and pain and the patient becomes inactive and crippled.
The types of Arthritis
The root cause of all types of arthritis is the same but depending on the joint which is affected and its severity these can be differentiated into following types:
1.      Acute arthritis - This type of arthritis is caused by the circumstances. In some diseases like cold and cough, flu, fever, pain in the bowels etc the joint pain crops up but as soon as the disease is cured this pain also disappears
2.      Osteo arthritis - This generally occurs in the individuals, who eat heavy meals and do not have any physical work. This occurs in late adult stages or old age. This especially occurs in the joints, which already suffer some hurt or have congenital deformity. These symptoms may appear as a result of heavy load of body on the joints. This disease may crop up because of excess calcium in the joints.
3.      Rheumatoid arthritis – This disease harms the joints most. This disease is seen generally in young and middle age persons. It is believed that this is caused by psychological shock, strong medicines and severe motions or by accumulation of antibodies in the joints.
4.      Gout – This is caused by defective food. This generally occurs in the people, who eat highly proteinaceous (rich) food mainly nonvegetarian food. As a result of digestion of protein uric acid is formed; which is excreted along with urine but in the patients of gout it starts accumulating in the body
Causes of arthritis
According to doctors the disease is caused by :
1.      Food – Excess consumption of oil, ghee, fat, fried food, sealed synthetic food, milk, sugar and salt. Constipation also enhances the disease.
2.      Mental tension – Stress, fear, emotional instability, insecurity, anxiety, etc. cause allergy, hormonal imbalance and reduces the bodily resistance. This enhances the possibility of occurrence of arthritis.
3.      Lack of Exercise – In the individuals, who work by sitting in chairs for long hours or who are not used to any physical work (by sedentary life) the flexibility of muscles and joints of legs, hips, backbone and shoulders is reduced.
In the present system of treatment of arthritis, pain killers like aspirin, endomethacin and corticosteroids are administered; but these medicines have more negative side effects.
The other option available is to replace the affected joint with artificial metal joint. This treatment is expensive and after some time the metal joint needs to be replaced, but by that time the body of the patient is not in a condition to take the shock.
Yogic cure of arthritis
Some procedures are mentioned here, but it is advisable to obtain the advice of a yoga specialist or that from The Department of Yoga of Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya.
The procedure of ShashankasanaSit in vajrasana and place the hands on the knees. Raise the hands above the head while inhaling. Bend forward while exhaling till the head touches the ground. Stop the breath for a few seconds then raise the hands and bring them straight over the head, while inhaling. Exhale and come to the starting position.
The procedure of Marjar asana - Sit in vajrasana. Stand on the knees and place the hands on the ground in front, straight below the shoulders. Bend backbone forward and raise the head. While bringing the head down raise the backbone to form a bow shape. Then bring the backbone down and head up. Arms should be held straight perpendicular to the body.
The procedure of bhujangasana – Come to Marjar asana as mentioned above. Retaining the hands in that position bring chest down to touch the floor and then stretch forward and bring hands and chest in one line. Stretch hands forward and allow the abdomen to touch the ground. Now raise the head up and backwards. In this position the back acquires the shape of a bow and head is bending backwards. Now bring the head and body back, making an upward bow shape, i. e. shashankasana. Stay in the position for a few seconds and come back to the normal position by straightening thighs and hands.
The procedure of Dhanurakarshan – Place the right foot on the left thigh in the position of ardhapadmasan. Left leg should be stretched forward. Hold the toe of the left feet with the right hand. Hold the toe of the right leg with the left hand and bring it close to the ear. Take care that back or neck is not bent.
The procedure of pavanmuktasan – This asana is related to all the joints of body. The series comprise of 16 exercises. There is no scope for explaining them here and a yoga expert should be consulted.
Hathayoga Kriyas
The procedure of Laghu shankha prakshalana – Drink two glasses of saline water quickly. Then perform eight cycles of tadasana, tiryak tadasana, katichakrasana, tiryak bhujangasana and udarakashanasana. Then drink two glasses of saline water again and repeat the asanas. Continue the same process till six glasses of saline water has been consumed and then visit the toilet.
The procedure of Kunjal – Stand erect. Take six glasses of saline warm water and drink as quickly as possible. Bend forward. Insert the index and middle fingers of right hand in the throat as deep as you can reach. Press the back of the tongue with the middle finger. Vomit till the whole water has been thrown out. Keep pressing the tongue till the whole water comes out.
The procedure of Jalaneti – Keep the tube of the jalaneti vessel in the left nostril. Bend the head slowly towards right. Keep the vessel in such a position that water enters through left nostril alone. Keep the mouth wide open so that you can breathe through mouth instead of nose. Water will enter through left nostril and come out through right nostril naturally. Allow the water to flow for at least 20 seconds. Put the vessel away. Clean the nose through fast breathing like bhastrika. The rate of exhaling should not be very fast. Repeat the process through right nostril. Then repeat one more round from left as well as right nostrils.
Pranayama –The procedure of Nadi shodhan pranayama – has been mentioned in the previous issue.
Bhastrika Pranayama – Sit in any comfortable posture. Spine and neck erect. Eyes closed. To begin with, place the left hand on the left thigh. Place the right hand on the forehead between the brows. First and second fingers should be on forehead. Thumb should be placed by the side of right nostril. Third finger should be near left nostril. Close the right nostril with the thumb while applying pressure. Breathe in through left nostril quickly twenty times and then a long poorak. Close the left nostril also with third finger. Apply jalandhar and moolabandh. Retain the breath according to your capacity. Then relax the bandhas and do rechak. Repeat thrice.
In the second stage inhale quickly through both the nostrils twenty times, followed by one long poorak, retain breath by applying jalandhar and moolabandhas. After comfortable retention, relax the bandhas and do rechak. Repeat the whole cycle thrice.
Meditation - Practice meditation to relieve tensions and cure the disease.
Food – By consuming rice, maize, barley, wheat, chapattis, green-gram and all boiled and cooked vegetables (not onions), all fruits (except banana) fibrous fruits, dry fruits and honey, the toxic substances are eliminated and disease is cured.
Prohibited substances – ghee, butter, cheese, maida products, banana, ripe papaya, cheeku, paraval, kaddu, tinda, tomato, onion, radish, ginger, carrot, sour fruits, black gram, red gram, rajama, brinjal, cauliflower and all gas producing foods are prohibited.
If the process of yoga therapy is properly followed and the precautions are taken, the disease can be cured. In the next issue we shall be dealing with slip disc and sciatica.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma