Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Spiritual Greatness -II, Pujya Gurudev

Steps Towards Achieving Spiritual Greatness 
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Satsang is certainly helpful in the task of soul-growth.However, under the present circumstances, hypocrisy that has spread in this field, produces more harm than benefit. One is bombarded with worthless, conservative, fatalistic and escapist thoughts in these satsangs. Unrefined and unscrupulous persons masquerade as Gurus and in order to increase their following advocate cheap recipes or tell mesmerising stories of some devi-devata (deities) and give false hopes of heaven or salvation to credulous masses.True seekers have to beware of such tricksters. 

These days, by and large, the need of Satsang should be fulfilled through Swadhyay. Of course, if genuine Satsang is available where one can get true guidance for the refinement of life, then one should avail of it and get its benefits. But there is no point in going to a place or a person where time is wasted in useless and ridiculous day-dreaming. One can get the benefit of the company of great souls at home by regularly studying their literature which brightens inner light, refines the character and produces harmony in our beliefs, deeds and behaviour. 
Swadhyaya does not mean merely reading books. Its true aim is to get inspiration for introspection. An ancient scripture says: 
Kinnu me pasubhistulyam kinnu satpurushairiva|| 
Every person should go on vigilantly watching one's thoughts, emotions and deeds with a view to eradicate negativity and inculcate nobility. This method of self-introspection can also be called Swadhyaya. Those who have done Swadhyaya in this way have attained the supreme goal of life : self-realisation. Unbridled self-indulgence is a most serious obstacle in the attainment of greatness. The circumstances of sorrow and pain, poverty and degradation in the human life flow from physical and mental indolence and self-indulgence. Self-control is the key to heaven. It leads to inner peace and bestows divine knowledge, which illuminates the entire life of a human being. In order to achieve spiritual freedom and abundance, a well-regulated routine is a must. The meaningfulness of human life depends on whether the goal of salvation has been achieved by making purposeful use of this embodied life. This is achievable only through self-control. 
Thanks God, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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