Monday, September 26, 2011

Vastu Shastra:An established science = Pujya Gurudev

Vastu Shastra: An established science - VI:
Vastu guidelines on bedrooms
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
(Akhand Jyoti Nov.Dec.2004)

Scholarly king Bhojdev remarks the importance of the Vastu principles in the first chapter of his historic treatise "Samarangana Sutradhar" as....
“Sukhamdhanani iddhishcha Santati Sarvada Nanam | Priyashyesham Tu Sansiddhayai Sarvam Syachchhubhalakshanam|| Yachcha Nindita Lakshmatra Tadetesham Vighatakrat| Ata Sarvamupadeyam Yad Bhavechchhubhalakshanam|’’
Meaning: The house complying with the Vastu specifications would bring happiness, prosperity and health to the owner and his family residing in it; the family will be blessed with noble-souled children who will brighten the name of their parents. The house designed against Vastu principles might, however, prove to be the reverse that is, may bring misery, poverty, ill health, inharmony and other negative effects.
Some other scriptures also cite: "Shastramanen Yo Ramyo Sa Ramyo Nanya Eva Hi |" Meaning:
Any creation or construction, howsoever outwardly beautiful it may be, is complete and fulfilling only when it is in accordance with the laws and guidelines of the concerned Shastras (Vedic scriptures). As such all the rooms in the house are important for the occupants, however, like the kitchen, the bedroom attains special significance for them. Whether it is a palatial mansion or a big or small flat, the bedroom happens to be the only place where one relaxes and sleeps for a few hours after the hectic, stressful or busy schedule of the day.
In most cases, one spends about one-third of the whole day in taking rest or sleeping here. If we consider the active age of a person to be around 70 years on an average, and let his average hours of sleep/rest per day to be about 7 to 8 hours, we find that we would have spent about 23 to 24 years of our active life span in the bedroom! Sound sleep and proper rest is important for sound health. It is therefore of obvious priority that our bedrooms bear a soothing ambience where we could relax and sleep without disturbance and irritation.
Location of the bedroom relative to the other room(s) and with respect to the geo-magnetic effects and natural energy fields is therefore very important. Vastu plays a key role in optimizing its position and design in our homes. As per the Vastu Shastra, South and West are supposed to be the suitable directions for construction of the bedroom. Of these, South is said to be the best. Maharshi Vashishthas guidelines in this regard, as quoted in the"Vastu Ratnawali", are...
Aindrayam Snanagraham Karyamagneyam Pachanalaya | Yamyayam Shayanam Veshma Naiatyam Shastramandiram || Maharshi Kashyap also states the same in an independent context,
Prachyam Dishi Snanagrahamagneyam Pachanalaya| Shayanam Yamyadigbhage Naiatyam Shastramandiram|| Both the shlokas mean Bathroom should be placed in the East, Kitchen in the Southeast. Bedroom should be located in the Yamya (South) direction and weaponry (security-related storage and safe) in the Southwest. "Muhurtamartand" and"Muhurta Chintamani" also specify South as the best direction for construction of the bedrooms.
The 150th Shloka of the"Vrahadvastumala" also says
Purvasyam Shrigraham Proktamagneyyam Syanmahanasam | Shayanam Dakshinasyam Ca Naiatyamayudhashrayam || Meaning: Wealth should be safeguarded in the eastern corner of the house. Southeast direction is best for the construction of the kitchen, south for the bedrooms and southwest for the weaponry. The 154th Shloka of the same scripture indicates another possible direction for the master bedroom of the house as somewhere in the Northwestern side of the house "Kamopabhogashamanam Vayavyottarayorgaham" | (The room for amour of the husband and wife owning the house, should be somewhere between the Northwest and the North directions). Because of being the most private part in the house, bedroom is also referred as"antahpur" in the scriptures. It should obviously be away from the main entrance of the house to prevent disturbances by the visitors. Depending upon the size of the family, more than one bedroom might also be required in some houses. In such cases, the scriptural guidelines on Vastu suggest bedrooms could be (in the order of suitability) in the South and Southwest directions. Apart from these, if necessary, the portions between the West and Southwest or, with lesser positive effects, in-between West and Northwest, or Northwest and North could also be selected for this purpose. If only two bedrooms are required, the best
combination would be one in the South and the other in the Northwest.
The directions East, North, Southeast and Northeast are said to be unsuitable for the construction of a bedroom. If needed, the house could have the following arrangements: the master bedroom in the South or Southwest corner of the house; the bedroom for the youngsters or the children should in the east or north of this room; the bedroom for grownup girls in the family in the Northwest. For the newly married younger couples, it could be in-between the North and the Northwest; and towards the North (or Northwest, if there is free space available) for the guests.
 If it is feasible, the bedrooms could be designed (successively) in the L-shaped portion around the southwest (from Southwest up to Northwest and from Southwest up to just before Southeast). Some experts of Vastu have analyzed the effects of sleeping in different directions upon people of different age groups and mentality vis--vis the precepts of the Vedic Scriptures.
         The summary of their recommendations on the positive or negative effects found in general is as follows:
1. Bedroom in the Northeast (Ishana) Direction: This is supposed to be against the principles of Vastu. Having bedroom in this direction is not suitable because, as the name suggests (Isha = God; Ishana = place of God), this direction is most suited for the worship-, prayer- and meditation room.
If the master bedroom happens to be in this corner and is being used by the head of the family, he/she might suffer physical and mental problems and often face economic constraints. If it is a must (due to a readymade or rented house, for instance) to have a bedroom in this direction, it should be used for the younger members (especially the school or college going children) of the family. The bed should be placed in the South of this room and care should be taken that the head lies in the South or the East.
2. Bedroom in the East: If used for a continuous stretch of time, especially by the elders in the family, it would cause or augment ill health and fluctuating moods. If it is a must to have a bedroom here, it may be arranged for the guests or converted into a study-cum- bedroom for the children who should do their studies in the Northeast corner.
3. Bedroom in the Southeast (Agneya) Direction: This being the Natural direction of the (thermal) energy field of Agni (fire), sleeping here would disturb the mental cool of the head of the family. He/she would feel excessive irritation and might become short-tempered in general. This in turn would upset peace in the family ambience and add to the mental tension and might lead to insomnia. As discussed earlier, this corner is most suitable for having a kitchen or a fireplace. However, if it is unavoidable, one might have a bedroom here with a partition so that one portion could be used as a storeroom or kitchen. If even that be not feasible, then this bedroom should be used by the young girls in the family provided they are not short-tempered; the energy of Agni will help them remain energetic and active in general.
              4. Bedroom in the South: This is supposed to be the best choice. The geomagnetic effects are most soothing here for mental and bodily relaxation. One gets good sleep here and regains energy and freshness for the next day. This way, his/her productivity and mental peace and creativity also increase. Thus, having the master bedroom in this direction generally results in happiness and prosperity for the family.
5. Bedroom in the Southwest (Nairatya) Direction: This is also found to bring auspicious effects like the South direction, if the master bedroom is located here. For best results, the bed should be placed towards the South.
6. Bedroom in the West: This could also be a good choice after South or Southwest while taking care that the slope (if any) of its roof is inclined towards Southeast or some other direction but not towards the West.
Having youngsters or childrens bedroom in this direction bestows more beneficial effects upon them.

7. Bedroom in the Northwest (Vayavya) Direction: This is supposed to be the best if guests bedroom is placed here. It also is generally good for the girls in the family. However, for others, especially the elders, sleeping here would generally cause mental agitation and irritation and hence would result in bad health and/or quarrels. The negative effects would be most prominent upon the head of the family, if it happens to be the master bedroom used by them; in that case, one of them might also have to travel unnecessarily.

8. Bedroom in the North: This is prohibited according to the strict rules of Vastu. This direction is supposed to be that of Kuber (the treasurer of heavens or the Lord of wealth). This direction is therefore best suited for storing the wealth or valuables. Using this as the master bedroom harms the prosperous growth of the family and causes economic decline, which naturally results in mental tension and associated health problems. If necessary, arrangements could be made to have the bedroom somewhere between the North and the Northwest corner instead of North. Having the bedroom between the North and Northwest for the younger couples (especially the newly married ones) in the family is supposed to be auspicious for them. This series of Vastu teachings has dealt with the major vastu aspects of house architecture and that of different rooms especially with respect to the directions and type of construction, their relative position in the house and the shape and location of the plot giving practical guidance, wherever possible.

        The worship room, kitchen and the bedroom(s) are covered in greater details, as the vastu effects in these three have direct impact on the subtle body as well as the physical well being; these three are also given prime importance in Vastu Shastra. We conclude the series with a reminder that we can enjoy maximum support and benefit of the natural forces and energy fields by following the guidelines and disciplines of Vastu Shastra. However, even if the architect and the internal design of the house are against the Vastu principles and there is no scope for modification, one need not panic. Creating auspicious environment through noble conduct and spiritual sadhanas especially Gayatri Anushthans - annul all kinds of negative impacts.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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