Friday, July 15, 2011

Gayatri is kamdhenu = Pujya Gurudev

=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Kamdhenu is believed to be the heavenly cow which gives nectar like milk. It is said that gods drink it and always remain in a state of self-satisfaction, happiness and abundance. The speciality of Kamdhenu is that the desire of a person approaching it is instantly  fulfilled. Like Kalpa-vriksha, (heavenly tree) Kamdhenu, too, fulfills the desires of those who approach it with pragya and devotion.Kamdhenu is another name of Gayatri. Devata means a person who possesses divine nature. If a person having divine nature worships this great power, he drinks spiritual milk from the breasts of the DivineMother. He is saved from all botherations. The basic nature and char-acteristic of the individual soul is happiness. Its main attribute is toremain bathed in eternal bliss. No sooner does it get rid of ignorance-induced pain and suffering it regains its original nature. Gods in heaven always remain happy. Man can also remain happy in the same manneron this earth if causes of his suffering are removed. Kamdhenu Gayatri removes all the sufferings of her devotees.

Deliverance from Suffering of Three Kinds The causes of all suffering are:
(1) ignorance,
(2) infirmity and
(3) in-adequacy.

A person becomes happy to the extent he is able to re-move these  causes of suffering from within  him.The outlook of a person about the world gets vitiated on account of ignorance. Being ignorant of his true identity  he gets entangled in a false sense of identity with the transient  phenomena  and becomes unhappy. The feelings of selfishness, self-indulgence, greed, ego, nar-row-mindedness and anger deflect  a man from his duty. He abandons far-sightedness, hankers after money, materials, false name and fame - which are all transient and chimerical. Thus he strays away more and more from his true self which is the spark of the Divine.

This separation from the Source is the original sin. Sin automatically results in suffering. On account of ignorance he is unable to understand  the basic purpose of his life in this world. Consequently, his hopes, cravings and imaginations know no end. On account of such a perverted out-look normal ups and downs of life make him laugh, cry and weep.Death of a relative, differences in the tastes and temperament of col-leagues, ups and downs and fluctuations in circumstances are all natural but the ignorant man insists that what he  wants must always hap-pen and he should never be required to face adverse circumstances.When this does  not happen as per his fancies and events unfold contrary to his wishes, he weeps and cries. Thus, ignorance leads to innumerable sufferings.Infirmity means weakness. A man is unable to enjoy his natural basic rights on account of his physical, mental, social, intellectual and spiritual infirmities.

Delicious dishes, beautiful damsels, sweet music, beautiful scenery have absolutely no meaning for a diseased person. He cannot enjoy money and wealth. How can one enjoy the joys of studying literature, poetry, philosophy etc. if he is intellectually bankrupt ?Love, devotion, company of righteous persons and spiritual bliss can hardly be enjoyed by a person who is spiritually bankrupt. Natures law of survival of the fittest works in eliminating the weak. The weak are always harassed and eliminated.

Even positive, factors becomequite unfavourable to such a man. Winter season which adds to thestrength and vigour of strong persons and to the pleasures of an hu-morist becomes the cause for catching pneumonia, gout, rheumatismto a person of weak constitution. Factors  which are debilitating forthe weak prove invigorating for the strong. Even mighty emperors feelproud in adopting the figure of a roaring lion as the state emblem oftheir kingdom while the weak bleating goat is killed by wild animals oris sacrificed before the idol of Bhawani. The Infirm, thus, always suf-fer and even favourable factors do not prove helpful to them.Materials security  is yet another cause for human suffering.  Difficul-ties of several kinds have to be faced on account of scarcity of food, clothing, water, housing, cattle, land, companions, friends, money, medi-cines, books, weapons, teachers etc. and a person has to curtail hislegitimate needs, suppress his feelings and waste his precious life. Evencapable and competent persons feel themselves crippled beaten downfor want of material resources.
Gayatri is Kamdhenu

One who sincerely invokes, adores and worships Gayatri, enjoys pleasures similar to the ones a child feels while sucking nectar like milk of his mother’s breasts. He gets rid of suffering created by ignorance,infirmity and scarcity and all his righteous desires are fulfilled.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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