Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mindful Parenting = Pujya Gurudev

The Inner Work of Mindful Parenting
=Pt. ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Intentionality - Parenting As a Spiritual Discipline - Intentions remind us of what is important. When we form the intention to do something, and that intention in turn informs our choices and our actions, the chances that we will be sensitive to what is important in our lives increase greatly, and we are more likely to see the big picture. Our intentions serve as blueprints, allowing us to give shape and direction to our efforts, and to assess how we are doing as we work at developing something worthy of ourselves and our lives. So at some point, whenever that is, we have to decide what is really important for us, and then work at constantly keeping that framework in mind as things unfold. In mindful parenting, certain principles are important to affirm from the very beginning. 
This does not mean that if we already have children, it is too late to become more mindful in our parenting. It means that we begin, when we are ready, wherever we are in our lives, and work with the here and now, formulating the intentions that are important for us to affirm and to implement, and that are realistic. Not only is it never too late to introduce mindfulness into our lives; the very moment that we make the conscious commitment to do so becomes the perfect moment to begin. Here are some intentions that you may find helpful. Of course, you can also create your own. 
Intention One: I will bring my entire creative genius to the work of mindful parenting. 
Intention Two: I will see parenting as a spiritual discipline, meaning that it provides me with every necessary opportunity to cultivate wisdom and openheartedness in myself, so that I may come to know and express my true nature and share what is best in me with my children and with the world. 
Intention Three: I will cultivate mindfulness and discernment in my daily life, especially with my children, using an awareness of my breathing to ground me in the present moment.Intention Four: I will make every effort to see who my children actually are, and to remember to accept them for who they are at every age, rather than be blinded by my own expectations and fears. By making a commitment to live my own life fully and to work at seeing and accepting myself as I am, I will be better able to accord a similar acceptance to my children.
 In this way I can help them to grow and to realize their full potential as unique beings. Intention Five: I will make every effort to see things from each child’s point of view and understand what my children’s needs are, and to meet them as best I can.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Friday, September 28, 2012

Spiritual Power = Pujya Gurudev

Tapascarya Essential for the Growth of Spiritual Power
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
After returning from England, Aurobindo took all the measures to force the Britishers to leave India. Indian princes were organized, students were mobilized, a new party was formed but he soon realized that these stray efforts would be of no avail to confront the might of the powerful British Empire. It was not possible in those days to do something like Gandhiji’s satyagrah. He, therefore, took up the work of generating spiritual power to warm up the atmosphere. He went out of the reach of the Britishers, lived in seclusion in Pondicherry and started doing special tapashcarya sadhana. People may regard it as an act of escapism but it was not so. 
Those having keen observation knew it very well that Aurobindo generated powerful invisible energy by his tapashcarya. The subtle atmosphere was warmed up, giving birth to a number of great personages at a time, which was unprecedented in the history of the country. Anybody can be a political leader, but he is not necessarily a great man. Great persons are great from every point of view and they possess the capacity to visibly and invisibly move and influence the public mind. Having lost everything on account of slavery over a period of two thousand years, the country needed such helmsmen who could lead the nation out of difficulties. 
They were all born at one time in large numbers like whirlwinds in hot summer. Thus, in due course, Aurobindo’s dream was fulfilled. In the history of spiritual sciences, tapashcarya and sadhana, have been regarded as the only means for higher attainments. This cannot be done by clinging to a luxurious, comfortable life style. It needs single-pointed concentration towards the achievement of the noble aim. At the time of writing eighteen Puranas, Vyas retired to a cave near Vasodhara in Uttarakhand. Ganesh undertook to help him as his scribe on the condition that he will not interrupt and will keep totally silent. Such an important work could not have been accomplished without this uninterrupted concentration. 
Maharshi Raman remained engaged in tapashcarya and observed silence during the period of struggle for Independence. Besides, several other elevated saints in the Himalayas performed specific tapashcarya for this purpose. This invisible spiritual contribution cannot be seen and appreciated with material senses. Persons having spiritual insight alone know its truth. (My Life: Its Legacy and Message - 22 [Autobiography of Pujya Gurudev, continued from the previous issue] 
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Healthy married life-III = Pujya Gurudev

The secret of happy and healthy married life
=Pt. ShriRam Sharma Acharya
A husband should have strength, courage, industriousness, fearlessness, etc. and a wife should have delicacy, humility, kindness, love, modesty, sympathy etc. If both have proper ratio of their individual qualities in their nature then love, faith, intimacy, etc continue getting more and more refined and happy intimacy in married life goes on increasing day by day. It is in such families that virtuous children are born and by them social and national life becomes happy and progressive. Hence it is the basic duty of every couple to sanctify married life by becoming ideal soul mates. 
This duty should be considered paramount. Contempt is contradictory to progress and happiness. Generally everybody is prone to make minor mistakes. To snub, scold, curse, disgrace and abuse ones life companion on some petty pretexts is a sign of foolishness, which leads to disharmony, distress, and sometimes disintegration of family life. It MUST NOT be indulged in. 
To conclude, here are some guidelines for healthy and happy marriage as enunciated by Dr. David Goodman: 1. Praise, don't blame. You can praise a poor marriage partner into much improvement of his (her) behavior. Blame, by contrast, never made anybody any better. Be sure, that your praise is sincere. Artificial compliments boomerang. There is always something to praise in a person if you look for it  so look for it. As one of my readers expressed it, "Half a mans strength comes from what he reads in his wifes eyes." The same is, of course, true for a woman. 
2. Be faithful. The great, wonderful experience of man-woman love can be built up with only one person. There are many temptations in our present society. Fidelity is not easy. The wise, however know where their real happiness lies. When a husband and wife make good with each other physically and emotionally, they are enjoying the best that life has to offer. 
3. Make your spouse and not your children the primary object of your affection. This is not only better for your spouse; it is also better for your children. Your marriage partner can use all the love you can give him and be the better partner for it. The love that is best for your children is the overflow of your affection for each other. This creates cozy, comfortable environment for them, leaving them free to develop according to needs of their own nature. Love with liberty is best for your children. Only as we learn to modify our materialism, working to build a wholesome family rather than a large fortune, will we raise mentally healthy children. Married love and parental love go together. Unless you are happy with each other as husband and wife, you are not likely to raise happy and healthy children.
4. Put enthusiasm into your marriage  not just in spurts but everyday. "Nothing great was ever accomplished without enthusiasm. "This rule certainly applies to marriage. In the beginning, say the beautiful Platonic myth, men and women were one. But then the Gods, out of envy of their happiness, separated them. Since then each seeks his other half in order to be one again. If there is one true joy in life to compensate for its endless toil and many seeming difficulties and frustrations, it is man-woman love in marriage. Don't miss it. You have lived well if you have loved well, and you have lived poorly if you have loved poorly.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

healthy married life-II; Pujya Gurudev

The secret of happy and healthy married life
=Pt. ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Usually for some period in the beginning there is so called romantic love between all husbands and wives but slowly as ego centered angularities of each other start clashing, the physical attraction between them starts decreasing and within a short time family life becomes an arena of mutual recrimination. This situation also arises because of over-indulgence in sensual pleasure. Hence there are some basic rules of relationship, which both husband and wife should strictly follow to make the relationship one of mutual respect, love and caring. Married life is a sacred union of two souls as husband and wife. There must be total commitment and loyalty in the relationship. Distrust and secretiveness creates hatred and bitterness against each other. Sometimes distrust and doubt have no basis. 
This confusion arises because of ones own weakness. Hence it is essential that husband and wife should gladly share their inmost feelings with each other so that clouds of distrust could be cleared through openhearted discussion. Sometimes feeling of indifference also creates doubt. If wife is ill or she has some trouble and husband does not show loving concern and care or if husband has some mental or physical problem and wife neglects then such situations make married life poisonous. Both must consciously nurture the relationship through mutual giving, serving, caring and loving. Marriage should become the corner stone for the edifice of all other relationships. People have a natural tendency to be happy on being praised. People praise God also to get His favors. This is what happens in prayers when Gods are praised for their divine qualities. Similarly people get hurt by criticism and condemnation. 
Therefore shower praise generously and shun criticism of your life mate. Every body has some qualities and they should be praised and applauded without any reserve. The aim should be to encourage and elevate each other through heart-warming gestures so that dormant divine qualities in both are stimulated and nurtured  making family life a heaven of happiness and joy. In this matter, husbands have greater responsibilities in comparison to wives. They should appreciate their wives for their contribution to home making, caring, cooperating in bringing up of the children. 
This fills their hearts with loving kindness and warmth. They should not criticize each other for their physical features, parents or in-laws. One should not say anything that shows more importance to someone else than his/her life companion. People are very expert in praising others before their kins but wise are they who appreciate and praise their own kins before others also. Wives should also keep in mind there financial status while expressing their desires and needs to their husbands. They should never express desires, which their husbands are unable to fulfill. Aim of emotional purification is to make husband and wife self-sacrificing, gentle and virtuous for a healthy married life. If a man has true qualities of manhood and woman of womanhood, there is no reason of unhappiness in married life. All other plans are means to develop these qualities. 
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Monday, September 24, 2012

healthy married life = Pujya Gurudev

The secret of happy and healthy married life
=Pt. ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Foundation of happy married life is neither education nor wealth. Many incidents of mutual enmity, strained relations and divorce amongst educated couples prove that conjugal happiness does not depend on education. It also does not depend on wealth, because the latter is only a means to fulfill basic needs of life. Even if the needs are fulfilled there is no guarantee that the bonds of mutual love and intimacy will continue to be strong. For happy married life, noble feelings of mutual sharing and caring and deep soul-level commitment to the sacred bond are the essential factors. 
The aim of Vedic rituals and rites performed during the solemnization of a sacramental marriage is to stress that marriage is basically a spiritual union of two souls and not a mundane contract breakable at the whim and fancy of either partner. It is an unbreakable bond of soul mates. 
The homes where these ideals are followed have always a life full of merriment, laughter and joy. In such homes there is always heaven like atmosphere. The incident belongs to 1912. An English ship named Titanic was sinking in the sea. Rescuers were trying to save precious cargo and passengers by lifeboats. 
A couple named Mrs. Isadore and Mr. Istas were traveling in that ship. By life boat only one out of them could be saved. Mr. Istas picked up his wife and shifted her to the lifeboat so that her life could be saved. Mrs. Isadore jumped back into the sinking ship and thus spoke to her husband "Dear husband when during the whole of our married life we have remained together then why should we part now? Since we have lived together, we will die together." How much intimacy, love and soul kinship is implied in these words! It is such a mutual bonding that makes married life a happy sacrament. Love is not based on physical beauty; it requires selfless feelings of glad giving and service. Love story of army commander of America, Andrew Jackson and his wife Rachael is world famous. Rachael was uneducated and had normal features while Jackson was one of the most handsome persons of that time. It was soul level bond of love, which inspired him to be always loyal and dedicated to Rachaels love. (Countinue)
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Friday, September 21, 2012

Refinement of Hormones = Pujya Gurudev

Science and Spirituality - Control and Refinement of Hormones
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
At a superficial level, it appears that some chemical processing of the food intakes generates blood, and that the flow of blood is the source of heat and energy in the body. However, deeper analysis has shown that there is a separate mechanism at the root of all functions inside the body, which gives rise to the formation of blood and maintenance of body-energy. The auto-regulatory system of the neurons and the influence of the conscious and unconscious mind on it are also now regarded as a manifestation of some subtler processes. The hormone secreting endocrine glands constitute this subtle system, which is now found to be the basic controller of all functions, qualities, abilities or disabilities of the bodily and mental functions. 
The thyroid gland secrets a hormone called thyroxin, which enters the blood stream and reaches different parts of the body. Deficiency of this hormone reduces the absorption rate of oxygen, which often results in disruption of metabolic functions, excessive fatigue, loss of memory and bluntness of mind. Also, the skin and hair become dry, lips and eyelids become lose and appear as pulled downwards. The body fattens and its plumpness is such that pressing a finger makes a groove (depression) in the swollen part. One is unable to bear chill and feels tired because of the reduced level of this hormone. Growth of the thyroid gland results in a swollen, protuberant throat and gives rise to the diseases like goiter. 
The reasons for abnormal shrinkage or growth of this gland are not fully understood. It may malfunction even if ones diet is balanced and the daily routine is also maintained at a level, which is normally prescribed for a healthy person... So far, the deficiency of iodine in food is found to be a major cause of disturbing the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. 
The doctors recommend that the daily meals should contain at least 20 micrograms of iodine. Seawater, natural salt, sea grass and fishes are rich in iodine contents. However, in many cases even the desired intake of iodine and iodine based medicines do not help control the abnormal functioning of this red colored, butterfly shaped tiny gland whose two wings in leaf shaped structures cover the upper end of the respiratory canal. The discovery of a yellow protein colloid in the deep core of this gland had raised hopes that this colloid might be the source of thyroxin secretion. Further research annulled this possibility.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

True Visionary-II= Pujya Gurudev

Who Can Be A True Visionary? 
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Daivim dhiyam manamahe sumrdikamabhistaye Varchodham yajnavahasa a sutirtha no asadvase. - Yajurveda 4/11
Sometimes, in our world of imaginations we become a billionaire, sometimes a record breaker in academic pursuits, another times a famous scientist or even the Prime Minister of the country. The highly fertile mindscape is always a kaleidoscope of colourful imaginations. The reason behind such a state of mental jumble is that our imagination is not tempered with the subtle power of discrimination. Only when the two faculties are harmonized do they create a composite and focused dream - a dream which is not a vent for repressed and unfulfilled desires but a correct reflection of the dormant divine qualities within. An illustration of this may be found in the life of the President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. Once a child enquired of him whether he had read the Mahabharat. The President replied in the affirmative. The child asked again who among its many characters appealed to him the most. Everybody knows that the multi-dimensional characters of the great epic reflect almost the entire spectrum of human nature. 
 The President, who understood the quintessence of the Mahabharat replied that he was very much impressed with the character of Vidur. "Why?" was the next query of the child. The President explained: "Because Vidur opposed the wrongs of those in authority and dared to raise his voice of dissent when all other stalwarts like Pitamah Bhisma, Acharya Drona and Karna had surrendered themselves to the whims of the persons in power." This reply of the President subsumed his own dream, which was the product of an imaginative mind and subtle discriminative knowledge - the dream of sculpting his own character in the mould of Mahatma Vidur. Let us ask ourselves whether we can dream such sublime dreams? We must dream of being the best, the noblest, the most sublime, and never allow petty thoughts and ideas to dominate the mind. Whatever we want to become - a scientist, an officer, or an artist - we should add one more aspect to that, and that is cultivation of the noblest character. 
To realize this exalted dream, four steps need be taken. The first is the step of a runner. It means that you should have the energy and spirit of a runner who is committed and determined to show his skill and ability. The second step is that of a warrior. It is generally observed that a player feels elated at success, but failure gives him disappointment. With a warrior, however, it is not so. His very motto is "a soldier never quits till death." Valiant struggle and super-human bravery in spite of numerous wounds - this is the message of the life of a great warrior. The third step is that of the ruler. This is the stage when we have realized our vision of life, have actualized the dream we saw. All that we had desired, all that we had cherished is now in the palm of our hand. Life is at its apogee; now there is only to savour this experience. But the one attendant problem, invariably found at this stage, is that after having reached here people become egoist. Lest we become one, there is the fourth and last step - the step of a great man. 
Like a true saint, we should share our glories and accomplishments with others. We should go to those who need us. We should reach out to every door and every home, and help them, too, to realize their dreams. May their lives, too, be permeated with fragrance, may spring breeze come to their lives too - this should be our prayer of LOVE IN ACTION .
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Thursday, September 20, 2012

True Visionary =Pujya Gurudev

Who Can Be A True Visionary? 
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Daivim dhiyam manamahe sumrdikamabhistaye Varchodham yajnavahasa a sutirtha no asadvase. - Yajurveda 4/11
We aspire for the divine intellect, which gives joyous illumination and ensures completion of the yajna. May that intellect be in our possession! To be a visionary is to acquire the ability to look far ahead into time and glimpse the future. This ability is a gift of that divine intellect which assesses its potentials and weaves a dream around it. This very dream is the goal of our life; it charts our paths and takes us in the right direction.
In those who have this ambition, a unique capability develops. They are able to perform such deeds, as others cannot even imagine. Their vision acquires the power to penetrate the mist of the present and perceive the future clearly. If you feel an urge to become someone like this, it is just natural. In fact, absence of such a feeling would be a cause of worry because that would be a sign of inertness. If there is any hint of this inertness, get rid of it, and take steps in the direction of becoming a visionary. For this, the first thing to do is to cherish lofty aims and ideals. 
What should be the type of these ideals may be gleaned from the sayings of Gurudev. According to him, only he is a believer who can clearly visualize the dazzling sun of a summer noon in a dark and stormy night sky filled with dense rain-bearing clouds. In other words, only he who can dare to dream of a glorious future cutting through the forbidding pall of dense darkness of hopelessness can be a true visionary. This requires an integration of a bold and imaginative mind and a subtle discriminative faculty. Indeed, we all have an imaginative mind and indulge in fantasies all the time. (Countinue)
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My Life-II: Pujya Gurudev

My Life: Its Legacy and Message (Serial) 
Gurudev Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya ( With this issue we start serialising revised English version of Gurudev's autobiography in Hindi - Hamari Vasiyat aur Virasat ) THE NEED FOR AN IN-DEPTH SURVEY OF MY PRESENT LIFE SOJOURN. 
There is another category of persons who are realistic and at the same time are endowed with insight. They wholeheartedly believe in Rishi traditions. They concede the supremacy of spirituality (Science of Spirit) over the physical sciences which deal with the working of apparent phenomena and are inquisitive about its real nature. Every fruit vendor says that her plums are sweet but the truth or otherwise of the claim is determined after actual testing of the fruit. When righteous people act together towards righteous ends, the result is bound to be good. Thus, those who want to understand the nature of spirituality of the Rishi traditions will greatly benefit by the in-depth study of my way of life. 
The whole of my life of the past sixty-three years since the age of 15, has been spent for this very purpose. The results are there for everyone to read like an open book and to be convinced that the right path must have been pursued to get these astoundingly sublime results. Such a sunlit path can be profitably followed by others. It is hoped that those who are drawn towards self-knowledge and the life-transforming power of spirituality, who want to see its re-effulgence, who want to test theories on the touchstone of the actual proof would find the perusal of these pages (truthfully narrating the process of my own self-growth) rewarding. 
There is nothing peculiar or fascinating in my outer life apart from certain turning points, which are being published here. There is no scope in it for magic or miracles or for hopping and jumping about by way of fun and frolic. I have been spending my time single-pointedly in a well-organised and well-planned manner. Therefore, those looking for a march of glittering pageant of stimulating events will be disappointed. However, those interested in the verities and mysteries working beneath the foam and froth of the surface events will get a glimpse of the perennial unbroken tradition of the flow of spirituality and they would be able to understand the underlying causes of success and failure in life. 
The only reason which causes disappointment in the field of religious worship, which has defamed spirituality and made it ridiculous, is to consider formal ritual as everything and to pay no attention to the inner cleansing and refinement. My outward actions and activities are like those of any ordinary person but they directly originate from the bedrock of Spirit and release the spiritual splendour and energy (brahmatejas) which bestows the capacity to accomplish something worthwhile and of decisive importance for the good of all. There was no purpose in describing in detail the various events of life, except to satisfy some curiosity. 
What really mattered were the inner vision and steadfastness of faith which acted as manure and water for nurturing the tiny seed to grow into a mighty tree. In fact, it is the radiant personality of the devotee (sadhak) that infuses life in sadhana and mere performance of rituals is nothing but a pastime. Ram of Tulsi, Hare Krishna of Soor, collective singing of devotional songs by Chaitanya, songs of Meera, Ramakrishna's worship of Mother Kali, did not become radiantly alive for these devotees merely by their ritualistic worship. Innumerable persons act in an absurd and mechanical manner; what they get is nothing but ridicule. 
When Valmiki changed the pattern of his life, he became illumined even by doing japa in an incorrect, reverse manner. Ajamil, Angulimal, Ganika and Amrapali were hardly literate but they had moulded their inner lives in conformity with spiritual ideals. It is rather a sad irony that people these days mistakenly assume that they have embarked on the path of self-realisation merely by uttering some words, performing certain rituals or making certain offerings to the Deity. 
They never try to transform their thoughts, character and attitudes in the light of the Indwelling Spirit which is a must for spiritual progress. I have always been cautious not to allow this falsity to enter into my way of sadhana. This path is realistic, practical and easy to be followed by and beneficial to the common mass of humanity. My way of life should be studied keeping this in view. ( To be continued.......)
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My Life-I: Pujya Gurudev

My Life: Its Legacy and Message (Serial) 

Gurudev Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya ( With this issue we start serialising revised English version of Gurudev's autobiography in Hindi - Hamari Vasiyat aur Virasat ) THE NEED FOR AN IN-DEPTH SURVEY OF MY PRESENT LIFE SOJOURN. 
                 There is always an inquisitiveness to know about the lives of persons who have made a mark in their specific fields of action and endeavour. It not only satisfies our curiosity but offers clues and guidelines towards the resolution of the problems of life. Be that as it may, biographical narrations are always entertaining, engaging and valuable in imparting insights and inspirations. Friends have often been making queries about my life but I have generally put off answering such queries because outwardly visible events of my life are there for all to see as an open book. People have a propensity for magic and miracles. 
Numerous persons who have come in close contact with me as serious spiritual aspirants have been benefited by the divine grace working through me and they consider me a siddha purusha (an enlightened soul). They are keen to know abut the secrets which have made my life a benediction and a blessing. In fact, the secrets will remain a secret during my lifetime as I have imposed a ban on their disclosure. If anybody wants to really know about my life story he should, at first, understand its underlying philosophy. 
Those searching for something truly mystical and out of the ordinary will probably get new direction from my way of life. Although, there has been nothing ostensibly magical in this life, there is much that is substantial, which can help in understanding the real nature of spirituality (Science of the Sprit) and its definitively positive results. Being ignorant of its real nature, people are misled, they get disappointed, lose faith and regard spirituality as mere pretension or sham. Majority of the people these days consists of those covert atheists who at one time had turned to formalistic religion enthusiastically but did nothing beyond following some mechanical rituals. Later, joy and zeal disappeared from these lifeless routines. How could faith be retained when whatever was held forth as culmination of these religious pursuits did not ever materialise? 
My life story can act as lighthouse for genuine seekers of Truth. It is a way of life adopted by a rational and a realistic person and there is nothing obscurantic and pretentious in it. Stigma of failure cannot also be attributed to it. Persons who seriously try to understand that there could be a true path to attain the goal of soul-awakening, who do not fall into the trap of illusion of short-cuts, would not meet with disappointment and disillusionment. Had such persons read my story, understood the spiritual philosophy underlying it and followed the process of self-growth prescribed therein, it is certain that the number of such misled and confused persons would have been far less than what it is today. 
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Monday, September 17, 2012

Yugarishi’s Destiny

Yugarishi’s Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya’s
Advent and India’s Destiny
Twentieth century or the past hundred years had been the years of major upheaval and radical changes not only for Indian society but also the history of world. In the year 1905, the reaction that was witnessed in the entire country after the division of Bengal and the way in which the nationalist sentiments were aroused in the years to follow, ultimately resulted in the form of freedom of India 42 years later. The incident of ‘ Bang - Bhang ’ (division of Bengal) was only an instrument. In a broader perspective, however, it was not so significant that it could change the destiny of British Rule. Six years later in 1911, the division was revoked but that spark awakened the entire nation; and the thirst for freedom in the Indian public went on increasing. The division of Bengal stirred up the emotions of millions of children of Mother India. They got united and organized and after passing through many stages like protest against the Rowlett Act, the tragedy of Jalianwala Bagh, Non-cooperation Movement, Civil Disobedience, Satyagrah , Boycott of Simon Commission, Quit – India Movement, etc culminated in freedom of India on August 15, 1947.
             Did India really win Independence? The occult vision of Siddha Purushas , gifted with divine insight, sees something different. According to them, the freedom of India is a part of a larger Divine Plan. According to that Plan, the world has to enter a spiritual era. India is destined to play a crucial role in the ushering of the new era, because it has a unique message to deliver to the world. It is capable of giving a new direction to the destiny of the human race. If India’s independence is a part of the Divine Plan, why did this country become slave at all? Answering this question Sri Aurobindo wrote at length in the April 1908 issues of ‘Bande Mataram’. Its essence is as follows: “England’s time is over in Hindustan. It is God’s will that England should rule India for sometime. The entire world was surprised to see how easily British rulers captured the entire country. People thought that this was made possible due to extraordinary genius and power of British rulers. Indeed, England helped propagate this notion and got greatly benefited by it.
             “But the truth is that England never won India. Before it could know ‘why and how’, they returned India to its natives. In general, those who worked for England were really trivial people, leaving aside a few exceptions. Without God’s grace they would not have been able to make place in history or elsewhere. The defeat of India can neither be attributed to the genius or power of the winning side nor to the weakness of the dependent race. It is such a miracle of the history that cannot be explained. It may be said that it is such an example in which without any specific virtues, a great task was assigned to an agency; and an angel was supervising that the given task was completed in time.

Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Upasana IV ; Pujya Gurudev

The Occult Science of Upasana
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
The materialistic societies and the societies deprived of religious faith and spiritual knowledge are experiencing an alarming rise in psychosomatic disorders and complexities because there is no place of devotional practices or any other mode of emotional soothing and caring for the inner self in peoples life. Upasana is certainly the simplest and most effective method for fulfilling this soul-hunger and hence inducing mental peace and lasting joy. Man remains dissatisfied and deluded mainly because of the ignorance of his own true identity. His domain of acquisition of knowledge is, in general, determined by the perceptions of the physical body, conscious mind and intellectual reasoning as per his education, training and experiences in the extrovert ambience of the family, society and schools. 
Learning from the encounters in the physical world also has its limitations. Neither of these, nor the gamut of high-tech accessories enable understanding of the origin and purpose of life; none has a reach in realization of the true "self" and the spiritual nature of life. For want of the inner light and spiritual strength one often fails in facing the adversities and struggles of life, or, on the other extreme, keeps running after more and more possessions and higher and higher worldly achievements. The end-result? Unbearable suffering and agony leading to a sort of insanity, anguish, ill health and untimely death or a stressful, desperate, discontented, superficial life in an illusive search out there for joy and peace which remain ever attainable. Dr. R.K. Mukherji draws a touching picture of the pathetic scenario of todays society in "Sequence of Civilization". 
He points out that our single-tracked materialistic thinking in the scientific, socioeconomic and other fields of civilization and progress has not only neglected but also injured and deformed our spiritual nature and thus ruined all the possibilities of inner peace. In this blind race of progress, the developed nations are exploiting the poor ones and are engaged in a devastating game of grabbing global power, thus endangering the future of the world. The entire human society is suffering as a consequence, in the form of ever-new tensions and psychosomatic ailments without a ray of hope. He calls this age of discontent, suffering and insanity as a simultaneous outcome of the ascent of modern civilization. 
The attempts of the concerned savants and the forums for reformation are also superficial and appear more of intellectual exercises only. If at all, devout efforts of spiritual awakening and enlightenment of human psyche alone would be able to rescue the world from these dark dungeons of devilish urges. According to the Indian Vision of Spirituality, the human self is endowed with all the attributes of divinity; the source of immense knowledge, power and beatified bliss is hidden deep within the inner-self. Realization, awakening and expansion of this inner light is the ultimate key to resolve all the problems, howsoever daunting they might be, of life. Upasana is a scientific mode to accomplish this. It is suitable for all men and women in all circumstances of life. It gradually induces spiritual progress, which begins from within and also encompasses all dimensions (including the worldly spheres) of life. Whatever be ones faith and religion, emotionally dedicated endeavor of upasana leads to projection of the entirety of the soul in the upasya god or ideal of reverence. 
The process of inner awakening, enlightenment and spiritual transmutation begins with the devotees deep faith, emotional and harmonious consonance (of the devotees inner mind) with the upasya. Daily practice of devotion intensifies ones faith and accelerates the pace of progress. It fulfils the otherwise unnoticed void in ones life and bestows unique strength and sense of security and optimism; and gradually it awakens the otherwise dormant folds of the inner mind and eventually fulfills the eternal quest of the inner-self.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Upasana-III; Pujya Gurudev

The Occult Science of Upasana
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
The supramental attainments through yoga-meditation are consequences of these kinds of sublime effects. The highest stage of this engrossment is realized in the state of trance in upasana when the devotees individual identity unifies with its upasya; the devotee and the deity become one. Meera Bais devotion to Lord Krishna stands as an immortal example of complete immersion of devotees self into the supreme consciousness. Thuleson has cited the example of Saint Katherine in "Psychology of Religion" which illustrates that intensity of this effect could be experienced in its manifestation in the physical body as well. In specific moments of her devotional state of semi-unconsciousness, Saint Katherine used to feel the same injuries and pains in her body as Jesus Christ might have at the time of his crucification. 
On several occasions, the doctors on duty had found that the pains experienced in her body in this state were indeed real. In view of its sound foundation in terms of the authentically established positive psychological effects, upasana is affirmed to be a scientific process of mental and emotional healing and refinement and transformation of personality. 
The effects normally experienced in the initial stages of upasana, include awakening of the devotees self-confidence and courage to boldly and wisely face the challenges of human life. With the depth of the devotees faith and sincerity, it gradually awakens virtuous faculties and talents hidden in his inner mind and eventually leads to transmutation of his ego into the limitless Divine Self. Amongst the founders of modern psychology, Carl G. Jung had strongly advocated incorporation of devotional practices as part of psychological healing and personality development. He also opined that the positive effects of devotional practices in mental healing far outweigh what even all the psychotherapists and psychiatrists of the world together might provide. His views indeed prove insightful if we analyze the real nature of human life.
A human being is not just a psychosomatic system of the mind and the body. Neither are the dimensions of human life confined only to the individual self, family, society, nation or the visible world. Its emotional and spiritual existence is most consequential and preeminent. Emotional depth and spirituality are the distinct keys to the fulfillment of the quest for peace and joy in human life. 
These alone can satisfy the natural aspiration of the inner self for ultimate bliss and beatitude. Without realizing this origin, we remain driven by the cravings of the conscious mind and keep searching for happiness in the illusive mirage of worldly pleasures and egotist satiation. This is the reason why, despite the amazing advancement of science and technology and the plethora of comforts gained thereby, most of us are most often trapped in the feelings of insecurity, skepticism, fear, anger, jealousy, gloom and despair. Happiness remains a dream, a mirage for us. 
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Friday, September 14, 2012

Upasana-II; Pujya Gurudev

The Occult Science of Upasana
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Upasana transforms the devotees personality as per the nature and qualities of upasya. This is a natural psychological effect, as also pointed out in the "Yogasutra" what becomes of one depends upon what he thinks and does (ones thoughts and deeds make him what he is). The Gita (Ch. 17, Shloka 3) elaborates this fact more elegantly :-
  “Satvanurupa Sarvasya shraddha Bhavati Bharata | Shraddhamayoayam Purusho Yo Yachchhadra Sa Eva Sa” ||
 One is attracted towards the characters or objects according to his own values and inner inclinations. This is what accounts for his compatibility with the colleagues, his selection of friends and ideals in life. As the above shloka points out, ones devotion to the object of natural reverence depends upon his inner sentiments and nature. The deeper this Shraddha (intrinsic reverence and faith) is, the more intense and effective will be the influence of devotion in ones psychological transformation. That is what is implied by " Yo Yachchhadra Sa Eva Sa" (one is what ones Shraddha is). 
The principles of implicit autosuggestion and corresponding emotional conjunction in terms of modern psychology also reflect this fact. These theories rely on the consideration that the unconscious mind tries to contact the soul by some sublime process. The subtle aspirations of the deepest core of the inner mind shape ones ideals for which one has natural reverence. Engrossment of the inner mind in this sublime object (may be, by concentrating the mind on the Deitys physical manifestation or image) during meditation sets up an active linkage between the two. 
The above process at the level of the inner mind could be understood by the example of similar experiences at the level of the conscious mind. The engrossment of our conscious mind in reading a book of our liking or listening to our favorite music is a familiar example of this sort. While watching a sports event of their choice, the viewers mood and excitement are driven by that of the game. More so, look at the instantaneous emotional unification of a viewer with that of his preferred character while watching a movie.! But these kinds of emotional linkages, being at the level of the conscious mind are temporary and vary with the agility of the latter. It is only by long term practice and awakened inner force that the unconscious mind overcomes the conscious and gets engrossed in deep meditation; but once it does, the impressions of its inner emotional connections with the focus of meditation are far more intense and lasting. 
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Upasana = Pujya Gurudev

The Occult Science of Upasana
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Upasana (practice of divine worship and devotion) is of paramount importance for spiritual refinement and elevation. Depending upon ones intrinsic faith, conviction, mental make up and religious training his/her mode of upasana might vary. It begins with a simple practice of worshiping and praying to the Almighty. With the piety and depth of emotions and surrender of the devotee to the Deity of worship, upasana could gradually become a sublime source of living linkage between the upasaka (worshiper, devotee) and the upasya (the divine object of reverence or worship, God). These majestic effects are not just mythological, occult or mysterious magic; rather, these are natural outcome of the scientifically affirmed immense potentials of upasana in relation to human psychology, intrinsic tendencies and the inner mind. Noted medical expert and healer Dr. Henry Lindlehar mentions in his book "Practice of Natural Therapeutic" that the mental and emotional state of a person has significant impact on his health. One can improve his physical and mental health by making a mental and emotional connection with the cosmic consciousness force, or with the evolved consciousness of angelic beings or elevated souls. 
He further explains that deep meditation on any conscious-object activates (sets) the linkage on ones mind with it, as of a radio or TV set with the selected broadcasting center or channel. Whether we are awakened or dreaming in a state of sleep, our mind constantly receives good or bad thought-waves or consciousness-signals according to what it is tuned for at that moment. During upasana, we concentrate on divinity, divine grace of God, so our conscious and unconscious minds also get purified and naturally attuned to corresponding vibrations; the elevated flow of our thoughts and sentiments orients accordingly and also our inner mind receives and registers the sublime impressions. 
The intensity and continuity of these enlightened effects depends upon that of our intrinsic faith and engrossment in upasana. Whatever be our mental or spiritual level at present, our regularity and sincerity in this devotional practice certainly results in gradual progress and also awakens our hidden virtues, thereby cleansing of our psyche of negativities.
The much applauded book "Mental Radio" by U. Sinclair highlights some higher levels and expanded potentials of deep mental engrossment. It is illustrated therein by examples that a person can send his thoughts not only by the physical modes of communication; he can also do so by invisible, subtle means e.g. telepathy. Great yogis and siddhas attain this supernatural faculty and can send their thoughts in the cosmic expansion through the sublime realms of consciousness; deserving souls (people whose minds are sensitive and attuned to the vibrations of those realms) receive those subtle vibrations and inspirations. Each one of us has this capacity to grasp such sublime vibrations; we only need to condition our agile mind and awaken its otherwise dormant powers. Upasana is a simple, safe and sure means for this purpose. What kind of upasya one would select naturally depends upon his intrinsic tendencies and psychological makeup.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Vedic Sanskars = Pujya Gurudev

Vedic Sanskars Influence Chromosomes
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya

As per the research findings of the modern sciences, the current civilized and developed state of man is a result of a long series of evolutionary changes. This has taken about 400 to 500 thousand years for the ascent of human race to the present state and women have made significant contributions in civilizing the primeval humans. This important role played by women is getting clearer and better established by the discoveries in the field of human genomics. 
It is a well-known scientific fact that offsprings acquire good and bad qualities of their ancestors through the chromosomes. The language of genes written in the chromosomes of the cells of the offspring determines his/her form, color, body structure and other attributes and characteristics. The cells in human body have 46 chromosomes. Among these, 23 chromosomes come from the mother and the other 23 come from the father. 
On one side these chromosomes display the specific qualities and attributes of the offspring, and on the other side they also determine whether or not the offspring would be afflicted by any of the 2000 diseases that have been considered as genetic. These include several kinds of cancers and other fatal ailments. The creator of this world has written specific messages in the chemical language of chromosomes. About 32.5 million letters of these genetic codes have been read and the human genome (compendium of genes) has been made available on the Internet. However, only about 40 thousand genes of these have been identified till date. 
It is still not known what kinds of roles most of these genes play in the human body. Till date about 95 percent of the genome is uncharacterized and because of the redundancy of its sequence across the human population, many researchers consider that they are not of any significant use in Nature's molecular machinery. But thinkers and scientists who look at the aspects of human consciousness with equanimity do not agree with this view. The wise men who have faith in synergy of science and spirituality believe that extrasensory capabilities and the secrets of spiritual powers may be hidden within these 95 percent unknown DNAs (Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid). 
It is known that DNA is that super chemical which forms a letter of the genomic language by picking up any three of the four nucleotides - Adenine (A), Thiamine (T), Guanine (G), and Cytosine (C). Definite sequences of these letters constitute a word in the form of 20 amino acids. A gene is that sentence which translates into some form of protein or the other. For this reason after human genomics, research is now being carried out on human proteomics in which Indian scientists are also participating. Among the 23 pairs of chromosomes in human body, X- and Y-chromosomes are included which determine sex. If the foetus receives one X and one Y chromosome, it takes the form and shape of a boy and if both the chromosomes are X then the foetus takes the form of a girl. Woman always has X-X chromosomes so she contributes X chromosomes only and Y chromosome exists in man's body only. 
So man plays a decisive role in determining whether the offspring would be a boy or a girl. It has now been established by scientific research that the diversified quality of creativity that exists in human race has its origin in woman. According to this, the source of creativity in human beings is the X chromosome, which is the mother's contribution. How did it happen that boundless human capabilities of art and science got tied up in the X chromosome? 
This might have something to do with the natural power of creation gifted to the women and the inference, drawn by evolutionary statisticians that most of the bright and talented men and women choose only compatible counterparts so the genetic recombination in the mating process would have led to compounded accumulation of these qualities within the X chromosome. In fact, all men and women have X chromosomes. Women have two and men have one X chromosome, meaning that within each person infinite capabilities of creativity exist, but these blossom up only when they are nurtured with good education, virtuous sanskara (deep mental impressions) and conducive environment.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma