Friday, September 14, 2012

Upasana-II; Pujya Gurudev

The Occult Science of Upasana
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Upasana transforms the devotees personality as per the nature and qualities of upasya. This is a natural psychological effect, as also pointed out in the "Yogasutra" what becomes of one depends upon what he thinks and does (ones thoughts and deeds make him what he is). The Gita (Ch. 17, Shloka 3) elaborates this fact more elegantly :-
  “Satvanurupa Sarvasya shraddha Bhavati Bharata | Shraddhamayoayam Purusho Yo Yachchhadra Sa Eva Sa” ||
 One is attracted towards the characters or objects according to his own values and inner inclinations. This is what accounts for his compatibility with the colleagues, his selection of friends and ideals in life. As the above shloka points out, ones devotion to the object of natural reverence depends upon his inner sentiments and nature. The deeper this Shraddha (intrinsic reverence and faith) is, the more intense and effective will be the influence of devotion in ones psychological transformation. That is what is implied by " Yo Yachchhadra Sa Eva Sa" (one is what ones Shraddha is). 
The principles of implicit autosuggestion and corresponding emotional conjunction in terms of modern psychology also reflect this fact. These theories rely on the consideration that the unconscious mind tries to contact the soul by some sublime process. The subtle aspirations of the deepest core of the inner mind shape ones ideals for which one has natural reverence. Engrossment of the inner mind in this sublime object (may be, by concentrating the mind on the Deitys physical manifestation or image) during meditation sets up an active linkage between the two. 
The above process at the level of the inner mind could be understood by the example of similar experiences at the level of the conscious mind. The engrossment of our conscious mind in reading a book of our liking or listening to our favorite music is a familiar example of this sort. While watching a sports event of their choice, the viewers mood and excitement are driven by that of the game. More so, look at the instantaneous emotional unification of a viewer with that of his preferred character while watching a movie.! But these kinds of emotional linkages, being at the level of the conscious mind are temporary and vary with the agility of the latter. It is only by long term practice and awakened inner force that the unconscious mind overcomes the conscious and gets engrossed in deep meditation; but once it does, the impressions of its inner emotional connections with the focus of meditation are far more intense and lasting. 
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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