The treatment of Arthritis through Yoga
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
In this sequence of yoga therapy, we are dealing with Arthritis. Arthritis is a disease of joints in which, especially in synovial joint, swelling and pain crop up. The disease makes the body invalid and crippled. The patient is not in a position to walk or move the body as the disease degenerates the joints totally. In this disease there is pain, redness, heat and swelling in every joint. Generally the joints of the organs of the body which bear load of the body like –hips, knees or ankles get affected. Arthritis reduces the activity of the joints. When the joints are not flexible, naturally they are not functional. For the joints to function properly the two requirements are:
1. The edges of the bones forming joints should be smooth. This is made possible by the cartilage present there.
2. For the movement of joints, a sticky substance is required. This is the function of synovial fluid.
If anyone of this is altered, the symptoms of arthritis are seen.
For proper functioning of joints, it is essential that the bones are properly joined by ligaments. Synovial membrane, which lines the cavity of the joints, secretes a fluid to lubricate the joints. This fluid is formed from the blood and is absorbed by the blood vessels and lymphatics. In this way nourishment reaches the joints and waste products are removed from there. Obstruction to this process leads to deficiency of the nutritive substances in that region and toxins get accumulated there. As a result sensitive nerves get excited and pain and stiffness increase. If the flow of pranashakti to the joints is blocked for a prolonged period then deformities start increasing. The synovial fluid gets reduced and difficulty is experienced in folding the joints. Substances like calcium start accumulating in the joints, which increase stiffness, swelling and pain and the patient becomes inactive and crippled.
The types of Arthritis
The root cause of all types of arthritis is the same but depending on the joint which is affected and its severity these can be differentiated into following types:
1. Acute arthritis - This type of arthritis is caused by the circumstances. In some diseases like cold and cough, flu, fever, pain in the bowels etc the joint pain crops up but as soon as the disease is cured this pain also disappears
2. Osteo arthritis - This generally occurs in the individuals, who eat heavy meals and do not have any physical work. This occurs in late adult stages or old age. This especially occurs in the joints, which already suffer some hurt or have congenital deformity. These symptoms may appear as a result of heavy load of body on the joints. This disease may crop up because of excess calcium in the joints.
3. Rheumatoid arthritis – This disease harms the joints most. This disease is seen generally in young and middle age persons. It is believed that this is caused by psychological shock, strong medicines and severe motions or by accumulation of antibodies in the joints.
4. Gout – This is caused by defective food. This generally occurs in the people, who eat highly proteinaceous (rich) food mainly nonvegetarian food. As a result of digestion of protein uric acid is formed; which is excreted along with urine but in the patients of gout it starts accumulating in the body
Causes of arthritis
According to doctors the disease is caused by :
1. Food – Excess consumption of oil, ghee, fat, fried food, sealed synthetic food, milk, sugar and salt. Constipation also enhances the disease.
2. Mental tension – Stress, fear, emotional instability, insecurity, anxiety, etc. cause allergy, hormonal imbalance and reduces the bodily resistance. This enhances the possibility of occurrence of arthritis.
3. Lack of Exercise – In the individuals, who work by sitting in chairs for long hours or who are not used to any physical work (by sedentary life) the flexibility of muscles and joints of legs, hips, backbone and shoulders is reduced.
In the present system of treatment of arthritis, pain killers like aspirin, endomethacin and corticosteroids are administered; but these medicines have more negative side effects.
The other option available is to replace the affected joint with artificial metal joint. This treatment is expensive and after some time the metal joint needs to be replaced, but by that time the body of the patient is not in a condition to take the shock.
Yogic cure of arthritis
Some procedures are mentioned here, but it is advisable to obtain the advice of a yoga specialist or that from The Department of Yoga of Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya.
The procedure of Shashankasana – Sit in vajrasana and place the hands on the knees. Raise the hands above the head while inhaling. Bend forward while exhaling till the head touches the ground. Stop the breath for a few seconds then raise the hands and bring them straight over the head, while inhaling. Exhale and come to the starting position.
The procedure of Marjar asana - Sit in vajrasana. Stand on the knees and place the hands on the ground in front, straight below the shoulders. Bend backbone forward and raise the head. While bringing the head down raise the backbone to form a bow shape. Then bring the backbone down and head up. Arms should be held straight perpendicular to the body.
The procedure of bhujangasana – Come to Marjar asana as mentioned above. Retaining the hands in that position bring chest down to touch the floor and then stretch forward and bring hands and chest in one line. Stretch hands forward and allow the abdomen to touch the ground. Now raise the head up and backwards. In this position the back acquires the shape of a bow and head is bending backwards. Now bring the head and body back, making an upward bow shape, i. e. shashankasana. Stay in the position for a few seconds and come back to the normal position by straightening thighs and hands.
The procedure of Dhanurakarshan – Place the right foot on the left thigh in the position of ardhapadmasan. Left leg should be stretched forward. Hold the toe of the left feet with the right hand. Hold the toe of the right leg with the left hand and bring it close to the ear. Take care that back or neck is not bent.
The procedure of pavanmuktasan – This asana is related to all the joints of body. The series comprise of 16 exercises. There is no scope for explaining them here and a yoga expert should be consulted.
Hathayoga Kriyas
The procedure of Laghu shankha prakshalana – Drink two glasses of saline water quickly. Then perform eight cycles of tadasana, tiryak tadasana, katichakrasana, tiryak bhujangasana and udarakashanasana. Then drink two glasses of saline water again and repeat the asanas. Continue the same process till six glasses of saline water has been consumed and then visit the toilet.
The procedure of Kunjal – Stand erect. Take six glasses of saline warm water and drink as quickly as possible. Bend forward. Insert the index and middle fingers of right hand in the throat as deep as you can reach. Press the back of the tongue with the middle finger. Vomit till the whole water has been thrown out. Keep pressing the tongue till the whole water comes out.
The procedure of Jalaneti – Keep the tube of the jalaneti vessel in the left nostril. Bend the head slowly towards right. Keep the vessel in such a position that water enters through left nostril alone. Keep the mouth wide open so that you can breathe through mouth instead of nose. Water will enter through left nostril and come out through right nostril naturally. Allow the water to flow for at least 20 seconds. Put the vessel away. Clean the nose through fast breathing like bhastrika. The rate of exhaling should not be very fast. Repeat the process through right nostril. Then repeat one more round from left as well as right nostrils.
Pranayama –The procedure of Nadi shodhan pranayama – has been mentioned in the previous issue.
Bhastrika Pranayama – Sit in any comfortable posture. Spine and neck erect. Eyes closed. To begin with, place the left hand on the left thigh. Place the right hand on the forehead between the brows. First and second fingers should be on forehead. Thumb should be placed by the side of right nostril. Third finger should be near left nostril. Close the right nostril with the thumb while applying pressure. Breathe in through left nostril quickly twenty times and then a long poorak. Close the left nostril also with third finger. Apply jalandhar and moolabandh. Retain the breath according to your capacity. Then relax the bandhas and do rechak. Repeat thrice.
In the second stage inhale quickly through both the nostrils twenty times, followed by one long poorak, retain breath by applying jalandhar and moolabandhas. After comfortable retention, relax the bandhas and do rechak. Repeat the whole cycle thrice.
Meditation - Practice meditation to relieve tensions and cure the disease.
Food – By consuming rice, maize, barley, wheat, chapattis, green-gram and all boiled and cooked vegetables (not onions), all fruits (except banana) fibrous fruits, dry fruits and honey, the toxic substances are eliminated and disease is cured.
Prohibited substances – ghee, butter, cheese, maida products, banana, ripe papaya, cheeku, paraval, kaddu, tinda, tomato, onion, radish, ginger, carrot, sour fruits, black gram, red gram, rajama, brinjal, cauliflower and all gas producing foods are prohibited.
If the process of yoga therapy is properly followed and the precautions are taken, the disease can be cured. In the next issue we shall be dealing with slip disc and sciatica.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma