Thursday, January 19, 2012

longevity = Pujya Gurudev

The Secret of Longevity
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Normally, only a few people are blessed with long healthy life. But at some places, it has been found that the average life span of the residents is 85-100 years! This is one such mystery of Nature. Let us see the facts and figures regarding this riddle. The Secret of Longevity In Italy, on top of the mountain range between Sienna and Naples, there is a village named Campodimele. The natural beauty of this village is scenic, heavenly and marvelous. In Europe, this village is also known as "Forever Young" village. All the inhabitants of this village have seen minimum of 85 spring seasons. To unveil the mystery behind the long life of these villagers, a group of European psychologists went to Campodimele and did research on them. They found that the villagers live a peaceful and tension free life. Their eating habits are vegetarian and controlled.
Their diet is mandated by fresh fruits, green vegetables, milk, sprouts and boiled cereals. They take rest for a while after lunch. Traditionally, they sleep by the dusk and wake up quite early in the morning. They spend their life in the proximity of Mother Nature. Natures similar gift has been given to the people of Symi island of Greece. The average age of the people here is 90 years. All inhabitants use tomato, vegetables and salad in good quantity. Normally they eat raw or less cooked vegetables. Either due to the diet or natures unique gift, these people are found working very hard even at the age of 80-90. Hard work, honesty and goodwill are the foundations of this society. Their family life is bonded with strong threads of mutual love and caring with cooperative and generous nature. Their way of celebrating festivals is remarkable. They celebrate them with full gusto and enthusiasm. Inhabitants of this island live tension-free and happy life with their families. In the East China Sea, there is a group of 161 islands.
This island group is known as Okinawa Archipelago. This island is also blessed with people who live long. It has been found that the vegetables like sweet potato, leafy vegetables, and cereals are part of their daily diet. Soya bean also forms an essential part of their diet. According to the physiologists, all these elements contain antioxidants, which stop the harmful effects of aging and growth of cancerous free radical cells.
The topmost specialty of their food is that it contains minimal salt. It is a known fact that salt increases blood pressure. Hence these people don't have blood pressure and heart related diseases. Even at the age of 80, they can easily do farming. They are very fond of exercises. These include gardening, walking, folk dance and ancient marshal arts. Inhabitants of Okinawa give much importance to meditation. They successfully try to resolve all their problems through meditation.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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