Saturday, January 21, 2012

Reality = Pujya Gurudev

Whatever may the Eyes See
or the Mind Think
 Reality is Something Else
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya

It is the law of nature that things in close vicinity appear big and assume disproportionate significance whereas much bigger things begin to look insignificant with increasing distance. This fact becomes apparent when we observe the vast expanse of the universe around us. The small moon has a stature no more than a satellite of the earth. But its nearness to earth gives it an importance next only to the sun among the celestial bodies. In the night sky, massive stars appear tiny to the naked eyes while a ridiculously small moon becomes the largest bright object.
Among all celestial bodies moon is closest to us. Scientific investigations have provided us with a lot of information about it.
 Its average distance from the earth is slightly less than 4 lakh kilometers. We can reach it in one month by an aeroplane cruising at a speed of 500 kms per hour in vacuum. In size, too, moon is much smaller than the sun or the earth. With a diameter of 5000 kms it would take 49 moons to equal one earth. In weight, it is 81 times lighter than the earth. The rocks of the earth and the moon form a ratio of 5:3. The moon has a very weak gravitational force. An object on the moon will fall from a height with 6 times lesser velocity than it would do on the earth. Similarly, a 100-kg object on earth will weigh only about 17 kg on the moon.
These modern findings are at complete variance with the previously held presumptions about the moon. It is not the Nishanath or Tarapati as the traditional belief is wont to eulogize it. Many other planets of the solar system are larger than the earth in size but they look insignificant on account of great distances involved. Truth is not limited to the pool of knowledge, which we presently have. Powerful radio telescopes constantly observe very distant stars and have gathered much information about them - their birth, death, size, expansion, position, temperature, gravitational pull, etc.
         They have discovered a tenth planet of the solar system. Nicknamed Xena by the discoverers, it is positioned farther than the Pluto, its mass is 300 times that of the earth and it completes one revolution around the sun in 558 earth years. The strangest thing about this planet is that it revolves around the sun in a direction opposite to all other planets. The farthest planet in the solar system is Pluto. But some findings indicate that Neptune is the farthest. According to scientists, Pluto and Neptune kept changing their orbits regularly for thirty years from January 1969 to March 1999. Thereafter, Pluto reverted to its original position. Astrophysicists consider this unique phenomenon as indicative of the mystique of the universe.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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