Mastery of the Mind - Key to Success in All Endeavors-II
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Therefore, the main objective of the progressive sadhana is to make the mind quiet, silent and focused. Sadhana is not possible by neglecting the mind. Those who enter the field of sadhana with unstable and unrefined mind, cannot succeed in it whatever bodily penances they might mechanically perform. One should also be cautious about the mental attitude and motives with which he undertakes austerities like: fasting, penance, endurance of hot and cold seasons, etc. Merely bodily disciplines will give meager benefits like physical feats, strength, etc.
In this situation, some ignorant people may blame the rituals of sadhana for their failure even after hard and austere physical penances. The fact is that all sadhanas fail which neglect the mastery of the mind. It should never be forgotten that sadhana begins with the disciplining and mastery of mind and not of the body. From where does a person get the inspiration of and resolve for progressing forward and rising high? There is only one answer -"From the mind". The wise and the learned have declared that mind alone is the cause of bondage and salvation - "Mana aiva manu�ya�am kar�am bandha mokshayo".
There is a wonderful power of imagination present in the mind, which makes the pictures of imagination so live that a person starts chasing them like a child. The children run after the colored butterflies. In the same way, whatever desires and imaginations are aroused in the mind, a person becomes active to achieve the same. That is why it has been said that mind is perpetually unsteady. Ordinarily it is not able to concentrate on a single object for a long time. Once some fantasy catches hold of the mind, it starts knitting the web to achieve it. After sometime, another fantasy replaces the earlier one and it starts knitting the web to achieve the second one; and so on�.. Behind this unsteadiness of the mind, there lies the desire for pleasure.
Therefore, wherever the mind feels that the pleasures of senses may be obtained, it starts making a colorful imagination of the same and starts planning to achieve them. As the mind is oriented, the body also starts working in that direction. One plan is not complete and another fantasy comes to the mind and the planning for the latter starts. Thus this process of hopping and flitting from one fantasy or fancy to another goes on ad infinitum. This is the only activity of an unbridled mind. It goes on endlessly chasing the chimeras of sensual gratification and pleasures - making life a hellish whirlpool of unsatiated desires and hungers. Arjuna puts this restlessness of the mind before the Divine Teacher of the Gita, Lord Krishna, thus: Yoayam yogastvaya proktaha samyen Madhusudan Aitasyaham pashyami chanchalatwatsthitim sthiram Chanchal hi manaha Krishna pramathi balwad didham Tasyaham nigraham manye vayorivam sudushkaram.(Countinue)
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma
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