Thursday, October 31, 2013

Serve Man As God

Pujya Gurudev Pt. ShriRam Sharma;s Kripa
Serve Man As God
(Akhand Jyoti, Nov.Dec.2006)
The only way of getting our divine nature manifested is by helping others to do the same. If there is inequality in nature, still there must be equal chance for all - or if greater for some and for some less - the weaker should be given more chance than the strong. In other words, a Brahmana is not so much in need of education as a Chandala. If the son of a Brahmana needs one teacher, that of a Chandala needs ten. For greater help must be given to him whom nature has not endowed with an acute intellect from birth. It is a madman who carries coals to Newcastle. The poor, the downtrodden, the ignorant - let these be your god. 
This is the gist of all worship - to be pure and to do good to others. He who sees Siva in the poor, in the weak, and in the diseased, really worships Siva; and if he sees Siva only in the image, his worship is but preliminary. The life of Buddha shows that even a man who has no metaphysics, belongs to no sect, and does not go to any church, or temple, and is a confessed materialist, even he can attain to the highest. ...He was the only man who was ever ready to give up his life for animals, to stop a sacrifice. He once said to a king: ’If the sacrifice of a lamb helps you to go to heaven, sacrificing a man will help you better; so sacrifice me. 
The king was astonished. ’The good live for others alone. The wise man should sacrifice himself for others.’ I can secure my own good only by doing your good. There is no other way, none whatsoever. Go from village to village; do good to humanity and to the world at large. Go to hell yourself to buy salvation for others... ’When death is so certain, it is better to die for a good cause.’ Throughout the history of the world, you find great men make great sacrifices and the mass of mankind enjoy the benefit. If you want to give up everything for your own salvation, it is nothing. Do you want to forgo even your own salvation for the good of the world? You are God, think of that.       .Swami Vivekananda
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,

Shiv Sharma

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

reflected images : Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev Pt. ShriRam Sharma Acharya,s Kripa
We hear our own echoes and see our own reflected images
(Akhand Jyoti,Nov.Dec.2003)

Happiness is normally sought in worldly objects, relationships, incidents and circumstances. Such a search is misplaced.Had this been true, people who possessed ample resources and who did not have to face any adversities, should have been always happy and satisfied. On the other hand, people who are poor and who are living against heavy odds should all have been unhappy. Happiness is an attitude of mind, which is determined by a person’s viewpoint towards life. 
A person endowed with true humility has an attitude of glad acceptance of all that life brings to him; and this is what self-refinement and self-transcendence mean. More a person cultivates this attribute, happier he will be. 
One who has the habit of faultfinding, negativity and seeing evil in others will remain a captive of this self-destructive attitude regardless of favorable circumstances as for as outer life is concerned. It is like dirtying one’s own clothes by himself throwing mud on them. On the other hand, mind can definitely be so trained as to see the good, even though covered, in all persons and situations. It is one’s own echo that is returned by the dome.
A ball thrown against the wall rebounds to the place from where it was thrown. It is one’s own personality that is reflected by others and gives pleasant or unpleasant impressions accordingly. That is why this world has been given the analogy of a mirror. The mirror honestly reflects the image of the view.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Monday, October 28, 2013

Marriage Rites : Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev Pt. ShriRam Sharma;s Kripa
Strange and Peculiar Marriage Rites
(Akhand Jyoti,Nov.Dec.2005)
The institution of marriage forms the nucleus of social order. All social customs, rituals, and conventions are built around it. Different types of marriage practices are prevalent in different parts of our country. In other countries of the world, too, many novel marriage customs exist, still surviving in one form or the other, among other aborigines and tribes. Many of these practices are really very interesting and unique. These marriages take different names and forms in different parts of our country: for example, birhare and paithu in Bihar, golag-dhero among Gujarati Bhils, ghotul in the sonds of Bastar and so on. In the paithu custom, the position of girls is dominant; they forcibly start residing, even before marriage, in the house of whichever boy they like. 
Marriage follows later. In the golag-dhero practice of Gujarat a swayamvar is organized on holi. Some gur and coconut is tied to the top of a pole. Around this pole dance all the women and girls of the village forming a circle and the men folk, too, in an outer circle. In this competition, winner is the man who is able to break through the inner cordon of women and take out the gur and coconut. He gets the privilege of choosing any of the women present as his wife. But to reach the pole is a tough job. 
The women do everything possible to foil him. Beating with brooms, pulling hair, throwing stones, even biting  all are resorted to. In the Motia tribe of north Garhwal and Kumaon districts boys have full freedom to select their life partner. When the barat reaches the brides place the groom attempts to take away the bride in a doli (palanquin) even before performing any rite. There ensues a mock fight between the two sides. 
The brides side is defeated and bidai (farewell to the bride) takes place. After a week or so, the two sides reach a compromise, which is followed by a feast and singing and dancing. In the districts of Mymensinh, Gwalpara and Kamrup of Bengal and Assam the goro tribals are known as head  hunters. Theirs is a matrilineal system. 
The search for a groom ends in selection of the boy whose garland has the maximum number of skulls and who gives the most ferocious look. In the Khas tribe of Jaunsar Bawar of western U. P., the marriage rites in themselves are not as strange as their beliefs. The most unusual feature is the existence of polyandry. 
After the marriage of one brother, his wife is deemed to be the wife of other brothers, too. This system is called Draupadi  Vivah. Draupadi is worshipped as a deity by the women here. The marriage is celebrated by free flow of liquor and other intoxicants. Matching horoscopes is a common practice in Hindu families. But the custom takes a very odd form in the Khog community residing in Northeast frontier areas of our country. In this community, the grooms father searches for a bride. After the marriage has been fixed the groom and brides sides arrive with a cock and hen respectively before a gathering of the elders and other respected members of the community. The priest cuts the tongues of the two birds and tallies them. If the signs match, the marriage is considered auspicious and is approved. Other rites are in the community tradition.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Jivan Sadhana : Pujya Gurudev

Jivan Sadhana - A practical path to fulfilling life 
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Human Life is the greatest boon of God. There is nothing more precious in His infinite treasure. In terms of the bodily structure and mental functions, a human being is the most superbly evolved of all living organisms. He has been endowed with wonderful faculties to decipher the mystery of Nature and make the desired use of its enormous resources. He is well equipped with ever-enriching means of knowledge and scientific techniques. His creativity, physical potentials and thinking and emotional capacities are majestic sources of unlimited power and success in the material, mental and spiritual domains of life. No other creature except man has been gifted with the immense joy of family life, facilities of earning and social security and comforts. No other being could ever have such artistic talents and efficient organizational and management skills as this crown of Natures creation.
Most remarkably, the Creator has given man the freedom of choice as to how he makes use of these gifts of Nature. How much and in what way a person makes use of his potentials and opportunities is in his own hands. Whether one lives a progressive and successful life or is lost in the quagmire of stagnancy and depravity basically depends upon  whether he has understood or not the meaning and purpose of human life? Having understood it, whether he has cared to make its precious use and hence chosen a righteous path? Whether he has the courage, will and prudence to follow it? 
This choice and endeavor lay the foundation of the edifice of rise or fall, success or failure in ones life. If one does not realize this fact and continues to pretend or complain about circumstantial constraints, rather than attempting to improve his own attitude, he has himself to blame for his misery. No one can help the one who does not want to help himself. God has manifested Himself in many forms of divine powers, but none is as intimate to us and ready to bestow its boons as the deity of our own life. Human life is defined as a kalpvraksha  a celestial tree, sitting beneath which fulfils all wishes. 
Those who understand its real value (dignity) and orient their attitude, conduct and deeds accordingly, acquire everything that is worth achieving. Whether or not worshiping a god really brings great things could be doubtful because of the varied experiences of the devotees. But, the all-fulfilling, ever accomplishing effects of the devotion and sadhana of the life-deity are absolutely sure. Its a pity that we remain ignorant about the grand importance of our own life and hardly pay any attention to awaken and refine its powers and potentials (hidden in our own self) and to make righteous use of this marvelous bequest. By their assiduous sadhana of the land, the farmers and gardeners make the soil give out its hidden prosperity in the form of flowers, fruits and crops. 
The sadhakas of knowledge become erudite scholars and gain elite status and respectful lucrative jobs. Those who devote themselves in the sadhana of business prosper with wealth. The sadhakas of the physical potentials of the body become wondrous sports-persons or mighty wrestlers. The sadhakas of art and literature also attain glory and prosperity as celebrity singers, actors, sculptors, painters, poets or writers, etc. Devotional sadhana of divine powers is also found to enshower rare benefits in one form or the other. But, superior to all of these is jivana-sadhana. One, who follows it with firm determination and dedication, certainly accomplishes preeminently noble goals. 
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,

Shiv Sharma

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Tapa and Vrata = Pujya Gurudev

Tapa and Vrata Bring Order into Life
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Yena devah svararuruhurhitva sharirammritasya nabhim| Tena geshma sukritasya lokam dharmasya vratena tapsa yashasyavah|| - Atharvaveda 4/11/6 "The Supreme Being by whose grace the self-realized, after discarding their mortal bodies, have attained to the elixir of moksha or salvation, by the grace of that Supreme Being, and by vrata and tapa we seekers of glory will also attain to that transcendental abode." Regulating the daily routine not only improves health but also imparts a certain glow to the whole jivana sadhana.
The daily routine may appear to constitute a small aspect of life, but on a deeper look we find a reflection of the whole gamut of life in it. The values of life, its aims, direction, ideals, goal - everything we can glimpse in the daily routine. One whose day-to-day life is haphazard and disorderly, remains confused and aimless in the larger scheme of life, too. This is a cardinal truth whatever arguments and excuses to the contrary may be proffered. An organized routine ensures refinement and priming of the energies of the body, mind and soul, and their application in a specific direction. 
It is important to distinguish that order or organization does not merely mean the existence of a particular condition; the indication of a particular direction, too, is implicit in it. In disorder, on the other hand, there is neither any specific condition nor any direction. In order, there is spontaneous creation, whereas in disorder, only destruction flourishes. This truth can be perceived clearly in every walk of life and every nook of the society. Haphazard routine not only ruins health but also gives birth to serious psychological problems. Even the school going children and teenagers, not to speak of the adults, have become victims of these maladies. A disease like diabetes is not sparing even small children now. Miscellaneous studies point to only one factor as the root culprit, viz. the life-style has become unbalanced; the daily routine has become chaotic. 
Sleep time is wasted in fun and frolic while that for waking and working is spent in sleeping. This topsy-turviness has antagonized nature. Experts of human physiology as well as of human psychology are convinced that man will have to suffer the ill consequences of tampering with the biological rhythm ordained by nature. And this is exactly what is happening. If we have to salvage the situation, there is no alternative to reversing the inverted. This is the only solution which can bring modern life presently groping in the maze of wilderness back on the right tracks. There is an illuminating anecdote often related among the Vaishnav saint community. 
An elderly saint lived in Vrindavan, the dham or abode of Lord Krishna. Many among the wealthy and elite were his followers. They, too, suffered from the frailties which invariably develop from surfeit of money and power, but still they all possessed sense of veneration for their guru. They would often ask their guru about the ultimate secret of life. The saint fenced the question with a laugh because he knew that the underlying spirit of the question was not genuine enquiry but mere curiosity.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Reincarnation Therapy : Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev Pt. ShriRam Sharma’s Kripa
An Emerging Integrative Healing Therapy: Reincarnation Therapy
(Akhand Jyoti,Sept.-oct.2005)
A plethora of unknown secrets of this life have deep roots in our previous life experiences stored in our subconscious and so-called unconscious realms. The causes of our present life circumstances can only be understood by fathoming the depths of vast realms of the subconscious and the unconscious. Today many modern psychologists are trying to find reasons of our pain, maladies and difficulties in these fields of the subconscious and unconscious. Countless observations prove the fact that whether a disease is physical or mental, its seeds are hidden somewhere in a persons unconscious self. 
As a result it is necessary to dig up and clean the dirt lying buried in our unconscious layers of the self. After all what is unconscious self? Psychologists consider it as a storehouse of the imprints of our past lives. Yogis call it the "Black Box", in which the essence of all our desires, habits and sanskars (impressions) of the past are stored in a pell-mell state. The hypothesis is that an integral part of a person (consciousness or soul) survives each time the physical body dies, and sooner or later takes on a new body (reincarnation). Whatever we did, thought or felt in the recent or remote past is still alive in this unconscious mind as indestructible memories. It can be said that the accumulated experiences of the past create the unconscious self. If it is full of bitterness, hatred and pain then, it is manifested in this life in the form of all kinds of disease and problems. 
The therapy to solve these problems is called "Reincarnation Therapy". "The basic starting point for reincarnation therapy is simple: problems, whether you experience them as mental, emotional, physical or spiritual, originate in experiences that are unresolved, which can be tracked down, exposed and therapeutically re-lived" (Rob Bontebal, Adam). Reincarnation therapy can also be called Spiritual Therapy. This is an in-depth approach to healing and its perspective is wide and broad. Spiritual therapy is Indias ancient method of healing. Nowadays it is a major subject of research for western psychotherapists. Modern psychotherapists like Dr. Brian Weiss, Dr. Moris Netherton, Dr. Roger Woolger, etc have accepted the principles of spiritual treatment. Dr. Brian Weiss found that the reason for any patients present pain usually lies in the deepest layers of his consciousness. To some extent he was successful in understanding some of the facts of a patients previous life while delving deep into the personality. 
Because of this success he came out with a new psychotherapeutic theory, according to which, without understanding a persons previous life, one cannot get rid of the problems of this life completely. Many of our involuntary reflexes to certain life situations keep creating an unknown fear in us. For example, walking over a bridge, swimming in water, seeing a fire, seeing blood, sleeping on roof top, encountering darkness, being in the crowd, being administered an injection, swallowing a medicine, using an elevator, etc make us uneasy. There is no remedy for these fears. Similarly some diseases like asthma, migraine, schizophrenia, obesity, addiction to drugs, depression, tension, etc refuse to respond positively to treatment. 
According to modern therapists, these diseases have roots hidden deep in our unconscious. By probing properly and deeply you may find that the reasons for these reflexes are related to either something that happened in childhood or even in previous life. So to cure such diseases, it is necessary to diagnose its original cause. Without doing that, with routine treatment the symptoms may subside temporarily but will re-appear when the conditions again become favorable.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Yagya Therapy : Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev Pt. ShriRam Sharma;s Kripa
Yagya Therapy to Cure Cancer 
(Akhand Jyoti, May-June 2007)
According to the scholars of ancient Ayurveda texts, there are hundred and eight prominent nuclei that are richest sources and repositories of prana (vital spiritual energy) inside the human body. Dysfunctioning of any of these may lead to immediate death. Blockage or disturbance in the flow of prana in any of these deep "marma sthanas" is said to be the cause of cancer. Tumor is described in the 11th Chapter of "Nidan Sthan" of the noted
Ayurveda scripture "Shrushut Samhita" as r Gatra Pradese Kwacita Deva Dosa, Samurchita Mansamabhipradusya | Vrattam Sthiram Mandarujam Mahantamanalpamulam Ciravraddhayapakam|| Kurvanti Mansopacayam Ca opham, Tadarbudam astravido Vadanti | Vatena, Pittena, Kaphena Capi, Raktena Mansena Ca Medasa Va || Tajjayate Tasya Ca Lakshanani, Granthe Samanani Sada Bhavanti | Meaning:
In some part of the body, the excess of vata and other doshas cause unusual growth which may consist of flesh and tissues, which may or may not cause little pain but spreads deeper inside and imbalances the important dhatus (chemicals), and which does not burst on its own and matures slowly. This arbuda looks like a granthi (knot or hard acne) and which is a manifestation of abnormal tridoshas (vata, pitta and kapha) and infected blood, myoplams/tissues (majja), flesh or any cells. It may sometimes be caused by infections (leading to tridosharimbalance and abnormal changes) in a wounded or internally injured part of the body, which malign the blood, serum, lymph, or bodyrtissues, etc.
According to the scholars of ancient Ayurveda texts, there are hundred and eight prominent nuclei that are richest sources and repositories of prana (vital spiritual energy) inside the human body. Dysfunctioning of any of these may lead to immediate death. Blockage or disturbance in the flow of prana in any of these deep "marma sthanas" is said to be the cause of cancer. Abnormal levels of tridoshas is also described as a cause of cancerous transformation of blood and other body functions. The scriptures give details of different manifestations of prana in biochemical and physiological functions.
For example, a quadruplet discussing these "marma sthanas" in the 6th Chapter of the "Sharira Sthanam" part of the Ayurvedic Scripture "Sushrut Samhita" cites r "soma (water and vital solvents), maruta (oxygen and vital vapor and gaseous components), tejas (thermal and other energies), sat, raj and tam (three foundational elements of all creation and manifestation of Nature), and the root of liferform exist in the marma sthanas. Therefore, if these are severely hurt or damaged, the living body cannot survive. Impurity or blockage of natural flow of liferforce in any marma sthana, or related acute variation in the tridoshas results in cancerous state of connecting body tissues, organs or (biochemical/cellular) functions. China is known as topmost user of native herbal medicines for the treatment of different types of cancers. Ayurvedic plant/herbal medicines are also found very effective in curing this dreaded disease. Many Ayurvedic practitioners across India who have thorough knowledge of the ancient texts and who follow the original approach of this Vedic Science of Medicine are successful in healing the patients of cancer.
 The effects are best and fastest if the patients strictly follow the diet restrictions and other guidelines of the Ayurvedic doctor who has prescribed the mode of treatment after keenly examining the patient’s natural constitution (prakrati) and mental makeup (manovratti). Noted among the Ayurvedic medicines are the special preparations like rasa and bhasma and the fresh herbal/plant medicines prepared in appropriate proportion from those listed below. Hirak (diamond) Bhasma and Swarna (gold) Bhasma are found to be very effective in cure of blood cancer. Other bhasmas effective in checking the growth of carcinomas are Yashada Bhasma, Tamra (copper) Bhasma, Naga Bhasma, Vanga Bhasma, Abhraka (talc, mica) Bhasma and Shrang Bhasma. Mukta Pishti and Punarnava Mandura lend excellent support in increasing the patient’s strength and improving the response to the bhasmas. Among the plant medicines and herbs, kanchanaarrguggal and talis patra are referred as "great medicines" against all kinds of cancers.
Others especially effective in killing malignant tumors are prepared with suitable combinations of dhamasa, khadira, nayantara or sadabhara, nirvishi, lahasuna (garlic), chitraka, aak, shyama tulasi (black basil), durva, nima, karela (bitter gourd), amarlata, shuddha bhallataka, shuddha vatsanabha, swaranakshiri, devadara, palasha, kutha, gorakhamundi, lodhra, talisapatra, pataranga, banaphasha, ashoka, chakramarda, kanchanara, daru haldi, etc. Some of these act as immunormodulators, some as tonics and other as antircancer reagents. The best cancer research laboratories the worldrover are searching for alternative options in antircancer drugs.
Herbal or plant medicines are prominent among these. The Indian (Ayurvedic) prescription of fresh wheat grass juice has been recognized by many modern doctors, as it helps increasing the vitality and resistance of patients. Patients who drink a glass of this every day are found to bear the side effects of chemotherapy much easily than other patients in similar state of disease and treatment. Moreover, the rate and frequency of cure is also found to be higher in such patients. The Brahmvarchas Research Center of Shantikunj Hardwar has contributed significantly by publishing the information on this easy remedy in the Hindi magazine"Akhand Jyoti" more than a decade ago. It has also carried out innovative research focused at reinvestigation of the properties of herbs and plant medicines described in the ancient Ayurvedic texts. In view of the fact that the methods of preparations of bhasmrrasayanas are difficult, tedious, timerconsuming and are known adequately only to few old vaidyas of Ayurveda who are following the tradition sincerely, the Brahmvarchas Research Centre has emphasized and experimented on use of fresh juice and decoctions and yagyartherapy for many diseases including cancer.
The advantage of yagyartherapy, as was outlined in the earlier articles of this series, is that maximum amount of the medicine reaches the blood and different parts of the body directly by inhalation through the nose and mouth and by infusion through the skinrpores. The significant feature of this therapy is that the phytormedicines in vapor phase and volatilized and colloidal forms kill the transformed cells and help in enhancing the immunormodulatory and vital substances. Its added advantages of possibility of collective treatment of many patients at a time, purifying the surrounding environment and spreading the preventive effects are truly unique. The following herbal/plant medicines (total 66) are used in equal proportion in preparation of the special antircancer havan samagri sacrificed in the fire of yagya along with the havan samagri used in daily yagyas of general healthy effects. Most of these are easily available in many parts of India.
This havan samagri is sacrificed with loud chanting of the Surya Gayatri Mantra (Om Bhur Buva Swa, Bhaskaraya Vidmahe, Diwakaraya Dhimahi| Tanna Surya Prachodayat|| Swaha||). After putting each ahuti with the chant of Swaha, one should utter "Idam Suryaya, Idam Na Mam" to remember the altruistic teaching of yagya that it is for the benefit of entire creation and not for my selfish needs.
The best timings of this yagya are around the sunrise and sunset times. However, as per one’s compulsions the timings could be shifted by one or two hours such that yagya gets over before it is dark. Minimum of 24 ahutis must be offered every day. More ahutis should be put as per the Ayurvedic yagyartherapist’s recommendation. In most cases, fresh decoction of the special antircancer preparation is also prescribed. The dry powder should be grinded very fine and about 4 to 5 teaspoons of this should be boiled in halfrarliter water till the solution is reduced to about onersixth of a liter. Half of this decoction should be drunk by the patient around 9 to 10 am and remaining around 4 to 5 pm.
 This therapy may be used even if the patient has undergone surgery and has been given (or is still being given) chemo r or radiation r therapy. If practiced thoroughly and regularly as per suggestion of the Ayurvedic expert, yagyartherapy uproots the disease and also eliminates all chances of its recurrence. List of herbs/plant medicines used in special antircancer havan samagri: Sadabahar (Catharanthes roseus), kutha (Arctium lappa or Saussurea lappa), turmeric (Curcuma longa), daru haldi (Berberis vulgaris), mulahathi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), sharpunkha (Tephrosia purpurea), bharangi (Clerodendrum serratum), talis patra (Taxus baccata), leafs of sitaphal (Annona squamosa), priyangu (Prunus mahaleb), chhoti kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum), leafs of amaltas (Cassra fistula), kachanar chhal (Bauhinia variegate), guggul (Gum resin of Balsamodendron mukul), khair or khadir (Acacia catechu), tejaphal or tumbaru (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium), garlic (Allium sativum), chida (Larix oxidantelis), salai gum (Gum resin of Boswellia), devadar (Cedrus deodara), dalchini (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum), gorakhmundi (Sphaeranthus Indicus), ashoka (Saraca indica), dhamasa (Fagonta Arabica), chakramarda or chakunda (Cassia ora), small goksharu (Xanthium Strumarium), chitrak (Plumbago Zeylanica), ginger (Zingiber officinale), aparajita (Clitoria Ternatea), shweta nishotha (Lpomea trupethum), lal chandan (Pterocarpus Santalinus), alua or gwarpatha (Aloe barbadensis), revandi chini or arachu (Rheum emodi), padmakh (Prunus puddum), lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), bark skin and leafs of nima (Melia azedarach), varuna (Crataeva nurvala), haritaki or harada (Terminalia Chebula), makoy (Solanum nigrum), patha (Cyclea Peltata), swarnakshiri (Argemone mexicana), sahijana (Moringa Pterygosperma), shayama tulasi (Ocimum Sanctum), banafsa (Viola odorata), pilo jogido (Cancer root Cistanche tubulosal), papari or nirvishi (Podophyllum Paltetum), bangobhi or mayur shikha (Elephantopus scaber), bhallataka (Semecarpus anacardium), pataranga (Haematoxyloncampechianum), chuka (Rumexsp), harchura (Viscum album), aranya suran (Stilingia sylvatica), purtuka or nakhuna (Astragalus Tribuloids), katira (Saussurea sacra), patanga (Caesalpinia Sappan), shala (Shorea robusta), saptaparna (Alstonia Scholaris), bark skin of baragada (Ficus bengalensis), bark skin of pipal (Ficus infectoria), giloya (Tinospora cordifolia), jala pippali (Lippia nodiflora), pushkar mula (Iris germanica), ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera), punarnava (Boerhana diffusa) and rudravanti (Cressa cretica). All these are used in equal proportion except Taxus baccata, which is used in half the proportion of the others. While performing antircancer yagya for say five persons, on an average, 100 gm of the above specified special havan samagri is mixed in 100 gm of the common havan samagri. As mentioned in the previous article of this series, the latter consists of equal proportions of ten dry herbs/plant medicines grinded in powder form; these ingredients are r agara, tagara, devadara, giloya, white sandalwood, lala chandana, ashwagandha, guggal, cloves and jayaphala.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Willpower : Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev ShriRam Sharma;s Kripa
Youth Must Develop Willpower
(Akhand Jyoti,Sept-oct.2010)
Most of us have read or heard the story of Ratnakar dacoit’s transformation into Maharishi Valmiki. It is said that Ratnakar, guided and enlightened by Devarshi Narda, gave up the work of robbing people, devoted himself to ‘tapa’ and in due course composed the Ramayan as the Purnahuti (culmination) of this solemn resolve. One might be tempted to think that such miracles of willpower belong only to a bygone era, but Anirudha Singh has proved that it is possible even today to effect such a complete transformation in life. 
Anirudha Singh is a resident of village Rajkhanda under Aurai block of Bihar’s Muzaffarpur district. In yesteryears he was a leader of Motihari Diwan Khan ‘Sultan’ gang. This was a feared name among the people of this district. It was not easy to get out of this morass of robbery business. But a true resolve does not get bogged down in the whirl of ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’. With this positive thought Anirudha Singh decided to become a teacher. From dacoit to teacher - it was an awesome changeover. But with steely determination, Anirudha Singh did it! In 1987 he started tutoring poor children in a shed at the Bhairav temple of Rajkhand village. When the number of children increased he formally opened a school in that very shed. His school is yet to have basic facilities but the children studying there and their guardians do have a sense of satisfaction and hope for the future. More than a hundred students receive education there in different shifts. Anirudha Singh says – “We may not have the facilities, but we certainly have strong resolve. I want to see happening in these children the very same miracle that happened in my life. It will surely come some day. These poor children too would one day be Abdul Kalam and Kiran Bedi. If I am able to help this happen I would think that I have undergone penance for my past sins”. 
The same firm belief in the potential of willpower can be seen in Dr. Bharti. A resident of Agra, Dr. Bharti is India’s only physically handicapped woman neurophysician. In childhood a paralytic attack immobilized her right hand and the right side of her face. But this brave and resolute woman never allowed her physical incapacitation to dominate over her mind. Right from the stage of early education to her medical degree she consistently remained at the top. She cleared the medical entrance test in first attempt. During MBBS study she was awarded gold medal in biochemistry and pharmacology. In MD too she was gold medalist. Today, at 40, when asked how she felt now having achieved so much she replied with enthusiasm – “We will talk about the summit when we reach there; for the present we have to carve out a path through the rocky terrain. We have to start a caravan. We have to build a Garden of Eden amidst terrestrial abodes.” A competent and specialist neurophysian, Dr. Bharti is a good painter too. Whenever she gets time off from tending to her patients she picks up a brush to relax. Before becoming a doctor, she had to her credit many solo exhibitions of her paintings. Another hobby of Dr. Bharti is writing poems. Her compositions have mesmeric effect that spontaneously goes to people’s hearts. 
If the willpower is developed many doors start opening, many possibilities begins to take concrete shape. Be it the young physician Dr. Bharti or the dacoit-turned-teacher Aniruddha Singh, both have achieved miracles with the power of their strong resolves. Whatever they did can be replicated by other young men and women too. Those who want to experience this truth must always keep repeating to themselves that till the last breath of life defeat is not to be accepted, nor struggle given up. Body, mind and soul and all the powers contained therein have to be marshaled with single-minded devotion towards the pursuit of the right goal. Combination of will power and ceaseless striving is the potent chemical process that can turn every youth into Maharishi Dadhichi. Their bones too can be transformed into Vajra (Lord Indra’s weapon) which will vanquish every kind of demonic and diversionary tendency. 
The youth treading the path - struggle for the goal and creation through struggle – should keep in mind that besides chiseling their own selves they have to assist in sculpting others too.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Shakti Sadhana = Pujya Gurudev

Shakti Sadhana
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Whatever exists in this world (animate as well as inanimate) is the manifestation of Shakti (Eternal Power). At some places it appears as dormant inactivity while at others it is seen as awakened activity. All the forms of life have originated from it. It is this consciousness that is seen in all the fauna and flora. It is this energy that is responsible for all the action, growth and expansion in this world. The whole cosmos is the play of Shakti. The play of this Shakti in human life is deeply mysterious.
The awakening and strengthening of the three layers of our body physical, subtle and causal; and the five koshas (shells) annamaya, pranmaya, manomaya, vigyanmaya and anandmaya generate different types of currents of Shakti.
The awakening of different subtle chakras muladhar, swadhisthan, manipur, anahat, vishuddhi, aja and sahastrar - is done for unraveling the mysterious world of this Mahashakti. In fact kundalini maha shakti is the base of human life itself. Mother Goddess Adya Shakti Herself energizes the awakened kundalini and enables a sadhak to achieve the highest goal of life. People, who remain ignorant of this mysterious play of Shakti, are akin to a fish that is thirsty in the vast sea.
Those, who strive to delve deep in this mystery and undertake appropriate sadhana, achieve the honor of being called the children of Adyashakti. They become full of spiritual power. Nothing is impossible for them to achieve and accomplish. The supreme knowledge of this Shakti sadhana, capable of transforming the impossible into the possible, is hidden in the twenty-four letters of Gayatri Mahamantra. Advanced sadhaks realize this truth. From this point of view, the nine days of Navaratri are very significant and auspicious for Gayatri sadhana. Those sadhaks who undertake the sadhana of Gayatri Mahashakti, will become dynamos of uplifting spiritual energy which will be a boon for themselves as well as the society. Let all parijans engage themselves in intensive Gayatri sadhana during the coming Navratri Parva .

Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

unconscious mind : Pujya Gurudev

Do you understand the language of your unconscious mind? 
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
The growth of knowledge gained by the human society in this age of information explosion is truly remarkable. What has been achieved in the 20th century alone is more than what was acquired during the past 5000 years of human civilization. Modern Science claims to have deciphered the secrets of Nature. This does sound credible, looking at the way science and technology have enabled todays man to use the hidden resources and powers of Nature to bestow enormous comforts on human life. However, the complexities of life, its deep roots and eternal linkage with Nature yet remain far beyond the reach of human intellect. 
The ocean of knowledge traversed by modern age largely pertains to matter-based sentient world. The secrets of the inner world of life are yet to be uncovered. It is amazing that todays man, despite knowing so much about the world around him, knows so little about his own self! The more one tries to know the subtle world, the more enigmatic and mysterious it becomes. Let us take the case of human mind alone. What is it? What is it made up of ? How does it function? How and why it thinks and feels the way it does? All this remains a mystery and a paradox. "How the other creatures communicate?", and "How do they express their needs?", etc, has been studied to a large extent. But, it remains to be known how the human mind communicates within its silent world? 
Research on human mind so far is mainly focused on the conscious mind and brain functions. While a lot more is still required to be known on these aspects, the inner cores of the unconscious mind appear to be unknowable. Peoples conceptions of the unconscious mind are usually based on sheer imagination, illusions, or guesswork. However, it appears to be a common belief that the unconscious mind expresses itself via the language of dreams. But, we have no sound scientific basis to answer what are dreams? What is their genesis and nature? 
The enormous live examples of momentous guidelines revealed through dreams, which pose Natures challenge before us, the intelligent beings. The language of the unconscious mind and the world of dreams is as interesting and hypnotizing, as are its complexities and mysteries. A large number of erudite psychologists opine that as the complications of human life cannot be resolved without experiencing its multiple dimensions in the worldly context, the same way, it would be necessary to experience the reflections of the unconscious mind before attempting an analysis of dreams. 
The savants of yore seem to have a good hold on this rather occult field of knowledge. Study of dreams was an established discipline of research and practical application in the ancient times. Scriptures mention of many instances when the seers and sages had made trend-setting predictions and given guidance based on the analysis of dreams. 
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,

Shiv Sharma