Tapa and Vrata Bring Order
into Life
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Yena devah
svararuruhurhitva sharirammritasya nabhim| Tena geshma sukritasya lokam
dharmasya vratena tapsa yashasyavah|| - Atharvaveda 4/11/6 "The Supreme
Being by whose grace the self-realized, after discarding their mortal bodies,
have attained to the elixir of moksha or salvation, by the grace of that
Supreme Being, and by vrata and tapa we seekers of glory will also attain to
that transcendental abode." Regulating the daily routine not only improves
health but also imparts a certain glow to the whole jivana sadhana.
The daily routine may
appear to constitute a small aspect of life, but on a deeper look we find a
reflection of the whole gamut of life in it. The values of life, its aims,
direction, ideals, goal - everything we can glimpse in the daily routine. One
whose day-to-day life is haphazard and disorderly, remains confused and aimless
in the larger scheme of life, too. This is a cardinal truth whatever arguments
and excuses to the contrary may be proffered. An organized routine ensures
refinement and priming of the energies of the body, mind and soul, and their
application in a specific direction.
It is important to
distinguish that order or organization does not merely mean the existence of a
particular condition; the indication of a particular direction, too, is
implicit in it. In disorder, on the other hand, there is neither any specific
condition nor any direction. In order, there is spontaneous creation, whereas
in disorder, only destruction flourishes. This truth can be perceived clearly in
every walk of life and every nook of the society. Haphazard routine not only
ruins health but also gives birth to serious psychological problems. Even the
school going children and teenagers, not to speak of the adults, have become
victims of these maladies. A disease like diabetes is not sparing even small
children now. Miscellaneous studies point to only one factor as the root
culprit, viz. the life-style has become unbalanced; the daily routine has
become chaotic.
Sleep time is wasted in
fun and frolic while that for waking and working is spent in sleeping. This
topsy-turviness has antagonized nature. Experts of human physiology as well as
of human psychology are convinced that man will have to suffer the ill
consequences of tampering with the biological rhythm ordained by nature. And
this is exactly what is happening. If we have to salvage the situation, there
is no alternative to reversing the inverted. This is the only solution which
can bring modern life presently groping in the maze of wilderness back on the
right tracks. There is an illuminating anecdote often related among the
Vaishnav saint community.
An elderly saint lived in
Vrindavan, the dham or abode of Lord Krishna. Many among the wealthy and elite
were his followers. They, too, suffered from the frailties which invariably
develop from surfeit of money and power, but still they all possessed sense of
veneration for their guru. They would often ask their guru about the ultimate
secret of life. The saint fenced the question with a laugh because he knew that
the underlying spirit of the question was not genuine enquiry but mere
Thanks GOD, Thanks
Shiv Sharma
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