Friday, May 3, 2013

G ayatri Sa dhana : Pujya Gurudev

      Three-fold Simple G ayatri Sa dhana
= Pt. ShriRam Sharma Acharya
There are numerous specialized streams of G ayatri sa dhana , both in Stvic and the Tantricpaths. Appropriate s a dhan a s are prescribed for deserving s a dhaks, depending upon their internal state. Normal people cannot be instructed to adopt these nor can everyone take these up. But there is one simple G ayatri sa dhana by adopting which any person can elevate his spiritual level.
This simple s a dhana consists of three components: 
(i) G ayatri upa san a , 
(ii) a tmashodhan (self-refinement), and 
(iii) aradhana . 
These can also be described as the three components of the Ga yatri Mantra or the Tripad ³Ga yatri . In this sa dhana no special rules, procedures or karmak a nd need to be observed; yet it ensures the same level of soul-upliftment that is attained by the specialized paths of s    a dhan a . But all the three need to be carried along together; none of these can be left out. Just as life is sustained by food, water and air, total spiritual progress is attained by adopting all the above three practices together.
The first of the three is G ayatri upa sana . Its meaning is to sit near Ga yatri (the mother form of God). Spiritual practices like worship, prayer, japa , meditation etc are done so that a regular and sustained effort continues uninterruptedly to see the divine effulgence present within the inner self and open ourselves to its transforming light. Up a san a is an elemental urge of the soul towards intimacy with its source – The Divine Mother. The details of this sadhana may be found in ‘Super Science of G ayatri ’ by Pandit Shrtiram Sharma Acharya [1] and ‘ G ayatri s a dhana : Why and How?’ by Dr Pranav Pandya. The contents of these books as well as other relevant literature are also available on our Mission’s website: .
Up a sana is necessary and essential, but spiritual progress cannot be attained only through that. The second component is spiritual cleansing which must go on alongside Up a san ³ . Animal-like tendencies get ingrained in the human psyche over many life forms. To root these out and to plant humane and benevolent attitudes in their place is a tough task. For this sustained introspection and conscious inner cleansing are needed.
A vigilant effort must be made to incorporate virtues and high ideals into all the thought processes and activities carried out from rising up in the morning to going back to sleep at night. One who practices sa dhana of life needs to think while going to sleep in the night that sleep is death. By believing that morning is the sunrise and night is the sunset of life, all the activities of daily routine become an integral part of s a dhan a. This is the only way to all round soul – upliftment and everlasting happiness and peace.
The regular practice of self-cleansing is important because the subtle negative effects of the polluted environment of the present times constantly keep inscribed on the inner mind. Evil tendencies that are spread all around cast their downward pull on life. To neutralize such influences it is important to move on in life by considering purity of thought, balance of intellect and control over senses as absolutely essential. Self-control is also an aspect of self-cleansing.
Thoughts should be channelized to concentrate upon meaningful and relevant activities. They should not be allowed to get enmeshed into undesirable fantasies. The power of concentration produces magical results. Concentration is attained by the practice of dhy ³ n (meditation). The same is also attained by unflinching determination. Getting fully engrossed in any activity in hand and working on it with the best of ability, is an attribute that always results in success. Scientists, artists, literati and philosophers attain success only on the basis of their concentration. Through constant vigilance, thoughts should be directed towards essential tasks and their wayward fantasies should be stopped. Thus total thought control can be effected.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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