Saturday, May 4, 2013

G ayatri Sa dhana-II; Pujya Gurudev

      Three-fold Simple G ayatri Sa dhana
= Pt. ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Proper and meaningful utilization of time also helps in inner cleansing. Work and rest must be well planned. Not a moment must be wasted in shirking from work. If one treats work as worship, remains engrossed in hard work, infuses high ideals into his activities, and does them with honesty and responsibility then carrying out these routine activities itself would bekarmayoga . Selfless performance of duties must be given prime importance. This is thekarmayoga as defined in Gita and the Divine Teacher has described it as a very important sadhana of life. This sa dhana becomes possible only by properly planning and organizing each and every moment. God has granted us wealth and prosperity in the form of our breaths. The choice is ours: either waste these in performing ill deeds, or devote them in benevolent acts.
It is easy to earn wealth but its good utilization is extremely difficult. People earn a lot but become wasteful and lose all that they earn in vices, luxuries or in demonstration of vanity. Some greedy and miserly ones simply accumulate wealth. They neither gain anything from it nor let others take any advantage of it. Accumulation causes rotting, it increases conceit and generates vices. Heirs to this ill-gotten wealth squander it away in self – indulgences which leads to ruin.
Any amount of wealth may be earned, but how that wealth is utilized should be closely monitored. Unnecessary expenses should be curtailed. In the present circumstances, the number of progeny (children) must also be controlled; thereby available resources can be utilized for the betterment and development of the present members of the household and for instilling good qualities and benevolent tendencies in them. If a well-planned life style could be charted out for the exercise of control of senses, thought-control, time-control and wealth-control and such a lifestyle could be lived with complete sincerity, then this could be called thetapa (ascetic endeavor) of self-control. With a taut daily routine and a practice of four restraints mentioned above, the path of self-realization is made smooth.
The third stage of spiritual progress is aradhana ( selfless service of society). Man is a social being. His livelihood, fulfillment and progress depend upon the support of others. He must pay back this loan. God has granted us life so that we could lend a helping hand to the Creator in nurturing this world-garden and turn it into a paradise for welfare of all. This task is accomplished by making increasingly greater contribution to the service to the society. One who keeps personal ambitions to the bare minimum and lives a life like an average citizen would get much better opportunity for altruistic activities. Spiritual elevation can be accelerated only by selfless service to the society. A selfish person always receives censure. He only thinks of his own good and works only to achieve that. His contribution towards assuagement of pain, upliftment of the downtrodden and growth of benevolent tendencies is minimal. Such an attitude is always condemned and termed as apathy, miserliness, narrow mindedness, selfishness etc. Even if he is well off and well placed, such a person is looked down upon and hated everywhere. To take active interest in the cultivation of aradhana bydeveloping benevolent tendencies like generosity, cordiality etc is true worship. This is why concepts like donation and virtuous deeds etc have been regarded as integral components ofdharma .
Though contribution of wealth does serve the purpose of charity, righteous, benevolent deeds, and service to some extent, true service is pursuit of noble ideals. Only the one endowed with the wealth of godly attributes can be liberated from the clutches of pain and sorrows. The basic cause of the innumerable problems and adversities that present–day humanity is afflicted with is – distorted thought process. Therefore imparting wisdom and knowledge to the masses must be given the prime importance today. Thus, if actions are carried out like an unattached yogi, by developing high ideals and broad perspective, and with a feeling of fulfillment of duty, then pure bliss will shower all around.
These are the three steps of simple G ayatri s a dhana . By following these steps in tandem all those benefits of G ayatri s a dhan a , which have been elucidated in spiritual scriptures, can be attained.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru’
Shiv Sharma

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