Saturday, December 1, 2012

Scientific Basis of Japa- iv = Pujya Gurudev

Scientific Basis of Gayatri  Mantra Japa
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
We are way-lost children in the wilderness of this illusory phenomenon; groping for the sunlit path leading us back home. Finding this sunlit path and reestablishment of this lost connection with the source by awakening of the true inner consciousness is the third factor of japa-sadhana. In the powers of japa, the inner self awakens and recognizes its soul-identity; the soul too recalls its divine nature. As this retrieval of lost memory progresses, it ponders upon its origin more deeply and gets anxious to unite with the source. This intensifies the reactivation of its sublime connection with the divine self. It calls upon the divine Mother (Gayatri) to save and protect it from illusions, diversions and pitfalls of the worldly cycle. This stage purifies the sadhaka's gross and subtle bodies; his mind now gets educed and illuminated by positive and righteous aspirations. His personality is gradually suffused with nobility. 
The fourth stage signifies a still higher state of spiritual maturity. With deeper and purer engagement in the japa of Gayatri Mantra, the sadhaka sees the light of his soul in the radiance of the subtle body of the sun  the cosmic center of this mantra. As this realization intensifies, he begins to experience, in deep trance, the unity of his soul with the cosmic soul (God). He then sees the identity of his soul as a reflection of the Brahm conveyed in the Vedant Philosophy as "Ayamatma Brahm", "Tatvamasi","Soahm", "Cidanandoaham", etc. This state is referred to in the Shastras as samadhi, turiavastha or para siddhi - the state of ultimate beatitude, absolute bliss and supreme accomplishment. Japa-sadhana alone, if performed with sincerity, purity and intrinsic faith, leads to this state of eternal bliss and light. It is therefore referred to as the key to the deeper science of spirituality and also revered as a yajya. 
Japa yajya alone is a complete source of ultimate self-realization. By the divine energy immanent in the Vedic Mantras, we can attain supramental knowledge and actualize the potentials that are otherwise unbelievable, unimaginable and unreachable. Understanding and attainment of such extrasensory faculties are yet beyond the scope of the modern scientific advancement. Japa is therefore not well recognized or practiced by many of the so-called scientifically progressive people. We do see many of the erudite scholars, great scientists and elites engulfed in the sorrows, delusions and sufferings of the world despite their talents and resources; whereas there are some illiterate but spiritually elevated souls endowed with divine bliss and wisdom attained through sincere japa-sadhana of the Gayatri Mantra. 
The energy locked up in the mantras is essentially spiritual in nature. The specific configurations of the Vedic Mantras are said to be derived from the subtle science of syllables and sound. The rishis, who had realized the cosmic and spiritual dimensions of the omnipresent eternal sound, had compiled these mantras. The consistency of the rhythm and amplitude of the mantras are therefore of vital importance. The prescribed modes and number of japas every day for specific sadhana are also enjoined accordingly. The sadhaka should follow these with due sincerity and punctuality. Sometime slow sometime fast speed or pitch of japa or performing the japa in a half-asleep or inconsistent way does not serve any purpose. 
Sitting with erect spine and in a state of mental peace, regularity of timings for japa are essential prerequisites for steady and sure progress. Purity of the body and mind is another prerequisite for concentration of mind and proper meditation. It is advised to do the japa with the help of a rosary so that counting will also be automatic with the mechanical move of the hand on its beads with each complete chanting of the mantra, without disturbing the mental concentration. The upanshu type japa is said to be the best for the beginners. Here, one chants the mantra so that his tongue and lips may move but the voice is inaudible. Once one has perfected the rhythmic chanting of the mantra he may check the timings of specified number of japas according to his natural frequency and may use a clock (alarm) instead of a rosary, as per his convenience. 
Any one who sincerely and rightly performs the japa-sadhana of the Gayatri Mantra begins to gradually progress through the aforesaid four stages of psychological and spiritual refinement and attains the ultimate goal. His mind and intellect are transformed and illuminated with divine love, light and wisdom and he awakens to the supreme reality of truth, consciousness, bliss (sat-chita-anand) beyond the limits of time and space. 
Material well-being and elimination of worldly problems accrue to the sadhak, but these are mere byproducts of the spiritual illumination. Nothing remains to be gained or aspired for thereafter. Everyone, without any constraint of caste, creed, gender or social status, is entitled to undertake this scientific experiment of japa-sadhana of Gayatri Mantra and be the recipient of divine grace. Notes:

1. Japa: Repeated rhythmic enunciation or chanting (of a mantra). 
2.Sadhana: Devout spiritual endeavor aimed at self-realization. 
3. Japa-sadhana: Japa accompanied by meditation and specific religious practices.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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