Friday, November 30, 2012

Scientific Basis of Japa-III; Pujya Gurudev

Scientific Basis of Gayatri  Mantra Japa
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
The aforesaid principles of psychology and spirituality work towards success of japa. These can elevate the devotee’s personality out of the darkness of ignorance into the light of divine wisdom. The four principles mentioned above work in the subliminal domains of the consciousness to remove the layers of ignorance from the subconscious and thus help in the emergence of light of spirit within the individual soul. Training is an integral part of education. It is indeed the first samskara to be cultivated for personality development. We may never find an educated person who has not undergone training in one form or the other. From nursery rhymes and tables to revision and continuous practice of problem solving in higher classes the process of training by cramming and repetition is very common; this is also necessary for the inculcation of any desired tendency. 
The same is true about the impact of japa too; the effects of the mantra-vibrations cannot be felt without rhythmic repetition. The "dhi" element of the Gayatri Mantra refers to prayer for the awakening of intellect. Just uttering it once or twice cannot have the desired effect. Our mind is like a barren, uneven, hard landscape, which frustrates all attempts at its calming and refinement. In order to make the seed of sadhana germinate and sprout, the field of mind needs to be cleared, ploughed and irrigated with the help of japa; one has to peep inside and identify, mercilessly uproot and throw out the debris of accumulated evil tendencies. Sowing the seeds of virtues is not possible without this cleaning of deep rooted negativities. Japa can also be likened to cleaning, sharpening and glazing. Its repeated friction and subtle pressure calms down and cleanses the mind so that it could clearly reflect glow of the spirit. 
Every devotee of Gayatri should therefore perform japa everyday for a fixed number of times at a fixed place, during fixed intervals of time. The arbitrary mode of excessive watering on some days and keeping the land dry on the others does not serve the purpose of proper irrigation of field. The same is true of the training of mind by japa. Regularity, sincerity, patience and consistency should be observed in this practice, as far as possible. This should also be continued over a long duration depending upon the sadhaka's inherent tendencies and mentality- till the dawn of the rays of success in the sadhana. 
The second step in the sadhana is to assimilate in practice what has been learnt. Observation and analysis of the lower self cluttered with impurities is of no avail unless it is coupled with simultaneous attempts at cleansing out and refinement. Japa-sadhana helps in developing the inner strength and determination towards self-cleansing and self-refinement. The advanced spiritual masters affirm that the japa of Gayatri Mantra brings about rapid removal of ingrained vices and evil tendencies. Progress in this direction further accelerates inner purification, as it deepens the sadhaka's meditation and thus reinforces the linkage of the sadhaka's higher inner self with the indwelling divinity which the mantra invokes. During this process one experiences ups and downs in the mental and emotional domains. 
The baser instincts and tendencies accumulated during innumerable births of the fallen soul in different forms before the present life are not easy to be uprooted and thrown out. These kusamskaras, coupled with the ignorance-driven ego, struggle hard to obstruct the process of inner purification in the initial phases. However, with the continuity of the japa- sadhana the devotee realizes that he is not the body but the eternal soul and therefore gains the light and courage to fight and eliminate all the hurdles in the path of self-realization. He consciously and gladly undergoes the prescribed austerities to loosen the hold of internal evils and passions. He understands that only the path of selfless service leads to true happiness, and that spiritual life is far more superior to life wasted in the pursuit of materialistic success and power. 
Nothing can then stop his march towards self-awakening. Human ego-centered false self and its gross appearance is only a vehicle for the manifestation of his soul. This world of mirage is not his true home. He is guided by divine grace on his journey back to his real home- the realm of eternal light. Just, as the puppet show would be absurdly haphazard if even a few threads that control its movements are broken or loosened, as the young kid is orphaned and becomes helpless due to the sudden demise of his parents, as the house becomes dark in the night if its electrical power supply is cut, similarly the soul, the individual self, suffers an illusory, ignorant, and evanescent existence if its subliminal linkage with divinity is broken. 
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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