Saturday, December 8, 2012

Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya -III

Pujya Gurudev Pt. ShriRam Sharma Acharya’s Kripa :

Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya A Centre for Holistic Growth of Youth
(Akhand Jyoti Jan.-Fub.07)
The professor was a bit perplexed. A class on dhyan in the university! He probed further, Has some mahatma been invited for discourse? The answer perplexed him still more when he learnt that the Chancellor himself took classes on the dhyan and Gita twice a week. Oh! Even the chancellor takes classes here! He teaches dhyan, and Geeta too! The professor stood silent for a moment and then entered the dhyan class. When he came out after an hour-anda-half, he was in a contemplative mood.
He sat near the Mahakala temple on the campus for a long time and then started strolling around. He addressed his students: Frequently I have been reading that Indias future is very bright. But nowhere do I find written how it will be so. Here, at this place, I can see how the future of India is going to be bright. Here the youth are being given samskar, they are being taught love for their country and society. And most of all, here they are developing a deep understanding of their personalities. Through the medium of dhyan they are awakening their internal energy centers of head, heart and soul Howsoever profound the knowledge, it is useless if not put into practice. 
The professor told his students about an anecdote which the President APJ Abdul Kalam has narrated in his book Wings of Fire. At one place in the book Swami Shivanand tells young Kalam, The longing which takes birth in the depths of your heart and inner self, the will which is generated in a pure mind bears an amazing kind of electro-magnetic energy. Every night when the mind is in a sleeping state this energy goes into space, and the next morning re-enters the body carrying the cosmic consciousness with it. Whatever your pure mind has conceived will surely materialize. 
Young man, you can eternally believe in the truth of this fact as you do in the fact of sunrise. Quoting this portion of Wings of Fire the professor told his students, Who in the world can diminish the sparkling quality of the lives of these students who daily purify their minds with evening dhyan and who are taught regularly to think sublimating thoughts? The professor went back along with his students but with the remark, If only the whole country could emulate the education system of this university! Nowhere else is seen in the youth such intensity of interest, such abundance of noble emotions. There is no doubt at all that if this university continues on its radically different path, the trained and educated alumni of this institution will be in the vanguard of the movement for bringing about a transformative revolution in society.

Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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