Friday, December 7, 2012

Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya-II

Pujya Gurudev Pt. ShriRam Sharma Acharya’s Kripa :

Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya A Centre for Holistic Growth of Youth
(Akhand Jyoti Jan.-Fub.07)
The reason is obvious. They have received knowledge of the subject-disciplines in their educational institutions but have been left ignorant of the true art of living  which alone makes life worthwhile and meaningful. This is an all-pervasive tragedy with the present-day youth  they are devoid of the understanding of the purpose of life.
The DSVV, unlike other universities, has resolved to guide its students in developing holistic personalities  fully manifesting in a harmonious whole the dormant potentials of their hearts, heads and hands. The teachers and administrators here have very carefully devised a system of instruction which addresses the personal lives and social duties of the students as well as their employment needs.
That is why while the students at other institutions think of their future only in terms of personal and material progress; DSVV students, besides spiritually enriching their lives, make noble plans for upliftment of their country and society and then also engage themselves actively in the execution of these plans.
The whole emphasis of DSVV is on chiseling and refining the lives of the youth.
The theoretical and practical methods adopted here for teaching and training are special. Each course of study is carefully crafted with a definite purpose. It aims at inspiring the youth to do something new and fresh, and not simply follow the beaten track. Whatever subject they study here, they are constantly led to reflect upon and realize what its importance is in their personal life and in the wider context of the society. 
The techniques of teaching and learning at DSVV inculcate in students a deep understanding rather than rote-based superficial knowledge. A scheme of research projects, creative writing and many other such activities is intrinsically woven into the teaching process to nurture and develop originality in students. The distinguishing feature for which this university is earning increasing fame is the applied methodology adopted to make the students conscious of the innate powers of their personalities and learn how to develop and use these powers effectively. Recently a professor from a reputed management institute, along with a group of his students visited the DSVV campus. It was evening. The students were going to the mess for their evening meal. After the meal they strolled for a while and then suddenly all the boys and girls headed in the direction of a big hall. The curious professor asked a student, Are night classes too run here? The student replied, No, Sir, we too have our classes in the day time. This is our dhyan class. 
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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