living afresh with forgiveness
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Do not denigrate the person you are not able to forgive. May be he
is not as guilty as you make him out to be. No need to avoid him. Be neutral,
be free from prejudices and think objectively. In this process of objective
observation whatever feelings come in your consciousness let them come out
naturally. Slowly your mind will get unburdened of these feelings of hurt.
Second step in this self-cleansing process is strange but effective. Take a
piece of paper and write down all conflicting feelings about the concerned
person. Do it not once but many times. Psychologists call it mental cleansing
Mind will slowly get lighter.
There is another method of writing on paper.
There is another method of writing on paper.
According to this, write on the paper that you have forgiven a
particular person. Write it not once but many times. Thus the anger will
subside and after some time you will feel better. Third step is Positive
Analysis. Do not just think about your own self. Put yourself in another persons
position and then analyze.
Try to understand other persons point of view. Possibly your own
reaction could be wrong. Understanding other persons point of view makes
self-analysis easier. The aim is to understand that others are not wrong to the
extent you believe them to be; may be you are over-reacting.
Then they can be easily forgiven and the mind be easily calmed. To
conclude, we give below what G. G. Jampolsky, an eminent Psychotherapist, in
his article titled Peace has said about the art of forgiveness: " In order
to experience peace instead of conflict it is necessary to shift our
perception. Instead of seeing others as attacking us, we can see them as
fearful. We are always expressing either love, or fear. Fear is really a call
for help and, therefore, a request for love. It is apparent, then, that to
experience peace we must recognize that we do have a choice in determining what
we perceive. Our misperception can only be undone NOW, and this is possible
only through the process of letting go whatever we think other people may have
done to us, or whatever we may think we did to them.
Through this process of selective forgetting we are free to embrace
a present without the encumbrances of re-enacting our past misperceptions. As
inner peace is recognized as our single goal, forgiveness becomes our single
function. When we accept both our function and goal, we also find that
listening to our inner intuitive voice as the source for direction becomes our
only guide to fulfillment. We are released as we release others from the prison
of our distorted and illusory perception, and join with them in the unity of
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma
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