Yoga therapy
for psycho-complexities
=Pt. ShriRam
Sharma Acharya
His approach does not have a reach to the
super-conscious beyond the unconscious. Similar is the case with the other
researchers and scholars who have drastically modified Freudian psychology and
given new directions to and laid the foundation of the modern schools of
psychology; the list includes Eric Fram, Erickson, Karenhorny, Sulivan, etc.
Their focus is generally the self emanated from the ego and they view the
individual personality mostly in contemporary social context.
The above considerations have, by and large,
dominated the study of consciousness in modern psychology till date.
Significantly different and worth mentioning here is the theory of humanism by
Maslow. He liberates the psychological views from the rather negative and
mechanical outlook of Freudism and pragmatism by emphasizing the essential
presence of "self-actualization" and "metaneeds" in human
nature. This way he seems to proceed one step ahead from Jung towards
spirituality. But, his concept of "Self-Actualization" also
originates from the same idea of ego as defined by his predecessors. His
conceptualization of "Self-Transcendence" indicates the hidden
aspiration of the human-self for spiritual fulfillment.
It has been
the basis of research in "Trans-Personal Psychology" today. However,
like the theory of Jung, these innovative and in-depth ideas also are somewhat
confined in the peripheries of mind and psycho-synthesis of life only. This is
mainly because of the lack of sound philosophical foundation and misconception
of mystical elements of the knowledge of the sublime evolution of consciousness
force. The root cause of the limitations of the modern psychological developments
in deciphering the multiple dimensions of personality appears to be narrow
understanding of the nature of human consciousness and near total absence of
realization of deeper layers of consciousness beyond the mental domain.
Maharshi Aurobindo points out this fact eloquently with deep insight. His views
could be summarized as consciousness is often regarded as synonymous with the
mind but this is only a (narrow) perception of the human intellect.
The entirety of consciousness is far beyond and
infinite. Thinkers like Swami Pranavanand have therefore remarked that Todays
psychologists and psychiatrists might adjust or alleviate certain psychosomatic
disorders, but nothing beyond that. What the current developments in cognitive
and neurosciences know of the human consciousness is like a tip of the iceberg
viewed on a hazy day.
There appears to be several illusions such as those
of regarding the soul and the mind as one; confusing the realms of
consciousness only as those perceivable and expressible by the body and the
mind; and neglecting the importance of spirituality. Erudite scientist of human
mind, Dr. Lawrence Hyde also recognizes these lacunae and accepts that because
of the limitations of psychological sciences, the deficiencies and complexities
of personality could be diagnosed and cured by these methods up to some extent
only. Total healing and positive transformation is impossible to be achieved by
these approaches. He opines that the dispersion of mind, abrupt scattering of
ones life and splitting of personality cannot be checked without
inner-engrossment. Rev. Gurudev Shriram
Sharma Acharya and Rev. Mataji
Smt. Bhagavati Devi Sharma have demonstrated that solutions of all psychic
problems and worries could be found in the deeper depths of the inner-self. All
current remedial measures for mental peace and happiness and attempts of
healing the complexities of personality and resolving the complications of life
are like pouring water on the leafs instead of irrigating the roots of a plant. (Countinue)
GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
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