Importance of Good Literature for Enlightened Power and Progress
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
“The urge of human self to evolve in consciousness is a natural expression of its spiritual nature. Evolution is the fundamental and eternal objective of the jivatma.”
(the soul manifested in the individual self).
This is what drives one towards progress. We may differ in regard to the true meaning of progress or the ideal path to be followed, but it is true that each one of us always wants to change, to ascend in the scale of consciousness.
The thinkers and sages of all ages have affirmed that there is no place for weak, inactive creatures in this world. Nature also favors the survival of the fittest. Only the courageous and capable ones succeed in the stiff and stormy struggle of life. Power, energy and strength is essential, in some form or the other, for the sustenance of life. The Shastras elucidate this fact as....... Ya Vibharti Jagatsarvamishwareccha Hyalaukiki | Saiva Dharmo Hi Subhage! Neha Kashcan Sanshaya: | Yogyata Vacchinna Dharmina: Shaktireva Dharmah || Meaning: God has manifested this world through HIS supernatural power. It is also the duty of a human being (the crown prince of that Almighty) to enhance his abilities and attain greater strength. By "power" is meant here the zeal, vibrancy and willpower for ascent and success in life//
As such, possession of wealth, physical might, human or other resources, etc also make one powerful in the worldly sense. However, if we look at the glorious lives of great personalities, we find that presence of these resources is not necessary for samunnati (enlightened progress). Gautam The Buddha became truly powerful after renouncing all his royal comforts, prosperity and princely powers.
The power of enlightenment that he accessed on attaining Buddhahood proved to be immeasurably superior to that of thousands of emperors and the rich and the mighty across the world. Even the ever-victorious Emperor Ashoka had to dedicate himself, his children, along with the resources of his empire for the spread of The Buddhas message of Enlightenment and compassion. Mahatma Gandhi did not have anything that could be materialistically significant.
The power of enlightenment that he accessed on attaining Buddhahood proved to be immeasurably superior to that of thousands of emperors and the rich and the mighty across the world. Even the ever-victorious Emperor Ashoka had to dedicate himself, his children, along with the resources of his empire for the spread of The Buddhas message of Enlightenment and compassion. Mahatma Gandhi did not have anything that could be materialistically significant.
He was even weak physically. But, this lean and thin man of 96 pounds shook the foundations of the grand British Empire, which at that time was the unchallenged superpower from one end of the globe to the other.These immortal examples illustrate that there is some other ’supreme’ power, which supersedes and controls all the worldly powers. The preeminent power bestowed upon human beings is that of thoughts. The power of thoughts shapes the external as well as the internal realms of personality and drives our life accordingly. It is the flow of one’s thoughts that generates and propels the triple currents of his qualities, nature and actions.
If one wants to become different from what the nature of his thought is, he will not succeed. In fact, it is the flow of decisive thoughts that generates the constructive power to enable corresponding actions of the body. For example, whatever be one’s end-goal, unless there is the willpower-charged thought of becoming healthy and physically fit, he would not be inspired to carry out the laborious physical exercises and devote the necessary time and efforts in adhering to a balanced diet.
The energy of his powerful thoughts about satyagrah had motivated Mahatma Gandhi to launch in right earnest the non-violent freedom struggle. The irresistible thought waves generated by his self-less, devoted endeavors thereafter had gradually inspired the whole nation to participate in this noble movement and make it a unique success. The force of focused thoughts is certainly mightier than everything else. In the views of the great philosopher Emerson Spiritual power is superior to the materialistic or physical powers; (therefore) thoughts rule over our world.
The energy of his powerful thoughts about satyagrah had motivated Mahatma Gandhi to launch in right earnest the non-violent freedom struggle. The irresistible thought waves generated by his self-less, devoted endeavors thereafter had gradually inspired the whole nation to participate in this noble movement and make it a unique success. The force of focused thoughts is certainly mightier than everything else. In the views of the great philosopher Emerson Spiritual power is superior to the materialistic or physical powers; (therefore) thoughts rule over our world.
Our thoughts are the architects of our future. Righteous thoughts and their concordant actions always bring good results. The eminent sages and thinkers of all ages have stressed and also demonstrated that thoughts are the source of immense power. Refinement and focused orientation of thoughts is the foremost requirement of higher-level accomplishments. We should give greatest importance to thoughts, as our thoughts shape our lives.
The predominant role the power of thoughts plays in the materialistic, intellectual and spiritual evolution of human life is self-evident. However, we should not forget that the principal cause of one’s perversion, decline and fall also happens to be his thoughts. Evil, immoral, heinous thoughts lead to depraved, sinful actions. Because of his wrong thinking one drains out all his powers and talents or wastes them in evil activities. Therefore, we need the power of elevated, enlightened, discerning thoughts for awakening and rising. Good literature is a rich source of good thoughts.
As we all know, literature plays a crucial role in setting the trends of rise or fall in human society. Concurrent literature is said to be the mirror of the psychological state of a society at a given time. In other words, the collective thoughts and hence the inclinations, nature and character of a society are reflected in its literature. The first step towards individual as well as collective growth in the brighter direction is certainly achieved if the literature that inspires prudent, progressive and illuminating thoughts is available to and extensively accessed by the people. By good literature we mean the writings or collection of thoughts, reading or hearing of which can inspire inculcation of virtuous tendencies; which can improve one’s character.
As we all know, literature plays a crucial role in setting the trends of rise or fall in human society. Concurrent literature is said to be the mirror of the psychological state of a society at a given time. In other words, the collective thoughts and hence the inclinations, nature and character of a society are reflected in its literature. The first step towards individual as well as collective growth in the brighter direction is certainly achieved if the literature that inspires prudent, progressive and illuminating thoughts is available to and extensively accessed by the people. By good literature we mean the writings or collection of thoughts, reading or hearing of which can inspire inculcation of virtuous tendencies; which can improve one’s character.
We need literature that has a purifying impact on the inner cores of our emotions for cultivating noble values and thus creation of a dignified life. School or college books, cultural plays, devotional songs and poems and the scriptures propagating religious traditions alone are not sufficient for this purpose. What we require is a lively literature that is scientific and rational in its approach, that inspires moral and ethical values which bring about a positive transformation of people’s attitudes and presents prudent solutions to the multidimensional problems of human life.
A thoughtful person would hesitate in calling it good literature if a literary work is unable to awaken refined interest, positive thoughts, or if it can’t satisfy our inner emotional, mental and spiritual aspirations.
The literature, which cannot generate creativity, awakening and zeal in individuals and the society, is nothing more than a mere intellectual or linguistic exercise. By good literature is meant the literature, which can produce the strength, courage and determination that enable us to face and overcome the adversities with steadfastness, boldness and farsightedness. Good literature is that which bestows the inner self of the reader (or listener) with wisdom and enlightenment and fills it with spiritual fragrance. History is replete with examples of how an erotic, perverting and valueless literature could degenerate and destroy the vision and strength of individuals, societies and nations and put them into the abysmal tunnel of darkness and downfall.
A thoughtful person would hesitate in calling it good literature if a literary work is unable to awaken refined interest, positive thoughts, or if it can’t satisfy our inner emotional, mental and spiritual aspirations.
The literature, which cannot generate creativity, awakening and zeal in individuals and the society, is nothing more than a mere intellectual or linguistic exercise. By good literature is meant the literature, which can produce the strength, courage and determination that enable us to face and overcome the adversities with steadfastness, boldness and farsightedness. Good literature is that which bestows the inner self of the reader (or listener) with wisdom and enlightenment and fills it with spiritual fragrance. History is replete with examples of how an erotic, perverting and valueless literature could degenerate and destroy the vision and strength of individuals, societies and nations and put them into the abysmal tunnel of darkness and downfall.
Today again, we can see it happening around us. Be it in the name of modernity, entertainment or because of crass sensuality and base commercial motives, propagation of literature and related arts and culture pertaining to vulgar, erogenous inclinations, valueless luxuries and immoral activities appear to have flooded all facets of our personal and social life.
It is frightening to imagine the ultimate end-result of this cultural corruption and declining trajectory of the average individual and the society as a whole. It is high time the savants and awakened minds do something constructive to protect our present and future generations from the dreaded octopus of debased and misleading literature and arts and culture. Search, review, creation and dissemination of good literature and initiation of thought-revolution thereby have become the dire needs of the day.
It is all the more vital in the present times when we hardly find the saints, seers and reformers who, because of the strength of their spiritual thoughts and high character, could provide the necessary support and guiding light to the society. Good literature and artistic and cultural works derived from the lives, thoughts and works of the visionaries and great personalities could spark the revolutionary change in peoples thinking if propagated in the right spirit. Research on the messages of divine-cultural scriptures and spiritual literature and their presentation in new scientific light should also be attempted to revive and reinvigorate our value system.
It is all the more vital in the present times when we hardly find the saints, seers and reformers who, because of the strength of their spiritual thoughts and high character, could provide the necessary support and guiding light to the society. Good literature and artistic and cultural works derived from the lives, thoughts and works of the visionaries and great personalities could spark the revolutionary change in peoples thinking if propagated in the right spirit. Research on the messages of divine-cultural scriptures and spiritual literature and their presentation in new scientific light should also be attempted to revive and reinvigorate our value system.
Each one of us who cares for preservation of noble human values and happy future of the world, will have to start this transformative process within himself / herself. Study of good literature and orientation of our thoughts and aspirations in that direction should be an integral part of our daily routine. Highlighting the necessity of good literature, Sysaro has mentioned at one place "Reading (good) literature is a source of (mental) nourishment for the youth and entertainment and happiness for the old; it opens up the doors of hope and gives patience and courage in moments of difficulty. Literature keeps one hearty inside ones home and humble outside".
All the literary works that help refinement of thoughts and emotions; that present prudent analysis of the facts and provide farsighted directions, should be brought under the category of good literature. Just reading the printed words or cramming them is not what corresponds to the study of (good) literature. Howsoever-small portion of it we take up, reading it, understanding its implications, contemplating over its teachings or guidance and adopting it in our behavior and conduct is what completes the study of good literature. Once we develop this habit, good literature will indeed provide us the guidance, intimate support and inspiring light like a divine mentor.
It should be noted that it is not the high literary standard of the language or intellectual complexity, which counts here. Rather, it is the universality, relevance, virtuous level and emotional and mental impact of the teachings and their implications, which matter in such literature. Let us consider the "Ramacharitmanas", for instance.
It should be noted that it is not the high literary standard of the language or intellectual complexity, which counts here. Rather, it is the universality, relevance, virtuous level and emotional and mental impact of the teachings and their implications, which matter in such literature. Let us consider the "Ramacharitmanas", for instance.
It describes the divine odyssey of Lord Ram in a simple, folk language in a narrative style. However, so spontaneous and intensive is its effect on those who read or listen to it with serenity, that, even in moments of great dilemma, doubt or influence of accumulated evil tendencies, they experience instant guidance and mental purification from whatever page they read from. If we could set such an intimate linkage of our mind and heart with an inspiring literature, nothing can stop the empowerment of our thoughts and inculcation of inner strength and righteous intellect thereby.
We ought to be ever mindful to enhance the purity and power of our thoughts for the dual purpose of protection from untoward diversions, attractions and confusions of mind and for dignified growth towards the path of mental and spiritual evolution. Sadhana (devout endeavor) and not sadhana (resources) is required here.
We ought to be ever mindful to enhance the purity and power of our thoughts for the dual purpose of protection from untoward diversions, attractions and confusions of mind and for dignified growth towards the path of mental and spiritual evolution. Sadhana (devout endeavor) and not sadhana (resources) is required here.
Good literature holds the key to our real empowerment and progress. The roots of our talents, our strength, our morality, our majesty, our divinity are hidden here. These could be nurtured by enlightened thoughts emerging from our sadhana of the study of good literature.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma
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