Scientific Views and Trends on Fourth Dimension of Personality
=Pt. ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Human intellect is the source of creation and gigantic expansion of the gamut of activities in life. Sagacity and wisdom are therefore regarded as important for viable success in any area of progressive life as vigor and wealth. The twentieth century has indeed been the age of evolution and sharpening and expansion of human intellect in many respects. Almost all the major discoveries and inventions of the modern era have taken place during the period of past 200 years. These have stood as the milestones of modern scientific civilization. Despite the ascent and maximum use of might, wealth and intellectual talents in this era, we find something missing in terms of overall development and healthy progress when we notice the increasing trends of strives and disputes based on skilled arguments and counter-arguments triggered by invidious and egoist thoughts, aplomb and conspiracies created by wicked planning of ingenious brains driven by selfish motives. Concerns about this pathetic side of life today remind us of yet another stream of power naturally bestowed on human beings namely, that of bhavasamvedana sentiments of empathy, love and compassion. The rishis in ancient India had defined the existence of human entity as "Raso Vaisah" which implies the immense importance of this fourth and most intimate and deep dimension of personality. Intellectual development and creativity of talents remains incomplete without the conjunction of emotional purity and benevolence of inner sentiments. Realization of this fact has given rise to new trends in modern scientific methods of assessment of human personality. A new psychological parameter called emotional quotient (EQ) is now used along with the intelligence quotient (IQ) as a measure of ones emotional depth and stability and also of his compassionate and edifying control over the thought process. The EQ is increasingly being given more importance than the IQ in recent studies. At the edge of steep advancement of science and technology, today, the scientific community has by and large realized that incisive thinking and intellectual talents alone cannot lead to ultimate knowledge. Development of emotional sensitivity and elevation of faith in high ideals of humanity is essential for integrated progress of the world. Noted psychologists like Dr. Robert Frost opine that the frequency of occurrence of psychosomatic disorders and mental diseases has today risen up to an alarming level mainly because of the negligence of our emotional being. Even a highly successful industrialist, a billionaire, an efficient manager or anyone else, who has accomplished significantly in the domains of intellectual potentials and talents, remains unsuccessful and backward in terms of complete development of personality if he or she does not possess reasonably high EQ. Lack of compassion or emotional depth often gives rise to split- personality. It hinders internal peace and happiness. Such people implicitly live in a perplexed, restless and dolorous state of mind. Apathetic individuals, despite being successful materialistically, are most likely to face a dissatisfied and unhappy personal life and their distorted emotional complexity impedes the evolution of their own inner self. Elevated EQ is indicative of healthy development of personality. It is a measure of ones sincerity, fairness, sense of responsibility, cooperativity, integrity, mental stability, patience, perseverance, humane sentiments and sympathetic attitude towards others grievances. These are indeed the qualities, which lay the foundation for healthy and progressive survival of the human society. Intellectual spheres too are illuminated in the eternal light of pure emotions and altruist sentiments of unconditional love and intrinsic compassion. Persons endowed with high EQ make best use of their potentials, and resources and endeavor for multidimensional progress with dignity of noble ideals. Their foresighted and altruistic activities bring peace and happiness for others too. In view of the eternal linkage between inner sentiments and subtler forms of consciousness, it is also considered natural that substantial rise in EQ opens up the possibility of sublimation of intrinsic potentials and spiritual talents. Eveman and Robert Cooper had presented an in-depth analysis of this measure and thereby added new directions to the concept of efficacy in management in their extensively reviewed thesis entitled "Executive E. Q." In their views, unidirectional intellectual development without any attention towards sentiments, transforms human life into a mechanical and cheerless routine. This also accounts for varieties of mental complications and makes ones mentality prone to addictions. Many a times it is seen that multitalented scholars, businessmen, officers, managers etc, who are very successful in their skilled creativity and professions, prove to be a total failure on personal and social fronts. Their family life too is disintegrated and broken. The authors also cite many instances of unsuccessful married life or post marital affairs in case of professionally efficient and talented people. Because of the complications in the families their children often tend to adopt whimsical habits and disastrous addictions. A thorough analysis of the moment to moment activities of daily life of a person would clearly reflect that it is the heart the emotional center which plays a more important and prominent role in life than the mind the source of thoughts and intellectual deliberations. Serene sentiments vibrate the intrinsic centers of consciousness and generate subtle flow of immense energy. A large number of transcendental potentials existing in the inner recesses of human self may be aroused if the thought process is linked with this source of eternal liveliness and heavenly bliss. In-depth research into emotional aspects of personality has lead a significant number of modern psychologists conclude that EQ is a unified measure of ones experiences, wisdom and multiple facets of personality and character. Emotional Quotient pertains to the evaluation of integration between the external and internal domains of ones life. Strengthening of this integration coupled with compatibility of internal desires and external activities is of utmost importance in the present age. Unification of bhavasamvedanas with the thought process and intelligence shapes the multi-dimensional growth of personality. It induces the sense of social responsibility, moral duties and awareness and inclination towards dignified ideals of life in awakened minds of the intelligentsia and eminent talents and thus offers a viable solution to the multifarious problems being faced by mankind today. The criteria for evaluation of executive management faculties have now drastically changed in the developed countries like the United States of America. EQ is increasingly being given more importance in these nations than the IQ in the schemes of assessment normally applied in executive recruitments for scientific, administrative, social and commercial establishments. It is not that EQ contradicts or annuls the importance of IQ, rather, it is a more comprehensive measure which incorporates IQ along with other measures of qualification in a constructive manner. Persons scoring high EQ are found to be successful in the truest sense of the word. Robert Cooper argues that it should be given priority in recruitments in the judicial disciplines as well because the wisdom of a compassionate judge would naturally be more sensitive towards empathetic fairness of justice in human society. Considering the vital role of emotions in human psychology and hence in every walk of life, the reputed research center of the EC Systems Incorporation at San Francisco, USA had first established the technique of EQ mapping. A group of scientists under the supervision of Esther N. Arelai and Karen Trokey of this organization had surveyed over 2000 organizations in the USA and Canada and prepared this map based on comprehensive analysis of the psychological makeup, intellectual caliber and performance of the subjects in personal, social and professional domains of life. This map is getting increasingly recognized and used ever since then. It is now being used as a crucial measure of personality evaluation in industrial organizations in almost all European countries and also in Japan. Millions of executives and officers and top ranking managers have so far been assessed by this technique. It is remarkable that those scoring high in this evaluation are found to be more efficient and successful than their colleagues with lesser EQ. The highest mark on the quotient meter of this map is supposed to indicate an ideal combination of compassion, maturity, emotional stability and sagacity. The notion that proper development of the inner qualities of personality is necessary along with endeavors of progress in external, worldly domains is gaining more and more recognition in the foresighted sections of modern society. Inspired by this idea, James MacGregor Bern writes that "People of high intellectual caliber and repute also search for the blissful world of emotional peace which exists beyond the narrow peripheries of thoughts and dry intellectualism". Bern has also elucidated the causes of failure of many high profile professionals on personal fronts of life. He argues that IQ covers only about 4 to 7 percent of the intellectual activities. The inner domains of life and the mental expressions are not confined to these activities alone. The remaining 93 to 96 percent of the functions of mind are still unknown. No one has been able to invent a measure of these latent potentials of human brain. Sentiments and intrinsic feelings play a dominant role in the overall development of character and personality and in the orientation of life. Consideration of this fact has given rise to incorporation of EQ based analysis of personality. Refinement and strengthening of sentiments and inner emotions is reflected in higher EQ and it also amounts to penetrating the subtle layers of the non-deciphered, latent portions of mind. Assessments based on EQ are therefore proving to be more comprehensive and useful than those involving only IQ. Victor brothers write in their book entitled "Build Your Brain Power" that most people use only about one thousandth fraction of their mental potentials. The remaining part of the true intellect is beyond the grasp of conscious mind. Similar views are expressed in the volume "Emotional Intelligence" authored by RJ Sternburg. He emphasizes that the world cannot be analyzed or judged by passive intelligence or skill alone. All aspects of daily life cannot be understood by only intellectual thinking. Realization of the impact of sentiments and soft emotions is inevitable in these endeavors. It is only the conjunction of serene thoughts and human sentiments, which can touch upon the deeper depths of the manifold manifestations of the individual self. The materialistic orientation of the mode of living has certainly put trenchant skill and brilliance at the forefront of success in many respects. Despite its immense importance, this yardstick cannot be regarded as universal. Unidirectional development of talents or intellectual potentials may lead to extraordinary success in particular areas. But, "how fulfilling and stable are such accomplishments?" is open before every one. Every thoughtful mind knows the limitations of single tracked developments. Even in this money oriented world, where does one find that wealth has been able to buy peace and love? Which social, economic or educational system has maintained all round development of the society? What has led to the environment of insecurity, anarchy, dissatisfaction, terror and animosity despite excellent progress in science and technology and excessive expansion of wealth in this world? Searching an answer to this unresolved question lays fingers at only one predominant cause namely, uncontrolled and unethical use of intellectual talents. All sensible minds ranging from those of philosophers to the physical scientists, administrators to artists, psychologists to neurologists etc, have envisaged utter need of collective incorporation of humane sentiments and rational thinking in shaping future course of developments in every walk of life. Robert Cooper has even declared that if IQ has set the milestone of progress in the 20th century, it is the EQ, which will enlighten the bright future of the 21st century. Lack of emotional warmth makes one apathetic, acrimonious and cruel. If the so called super civilized society of today does not care for edification of sentiments and sustenance of humane values, the trends of progress will sooner or later be reversed towards decline and extinction. According to Dr. R. Dommascheso, chairman of the Neurology Department in Iowa College of Medicine, depletion of compassionate sentiments is the major cause of increase in abnormal attitudes and arrogant and unethical behavior of people today. He emphasizes that although reasoning and decision-making are principal activities of human brain, they are intrinsically associated with the inner functions of mind reflected in soft sentiments and emotions. Harmonious blending of sound reasoning, creativity and serene sentiments lays the foundation of the ideal balance in life, which is referred to as "Samatvam Yoga Uccyate" in the Gita. Disruption of this harmony between intellect and internal emotions is at the root of all distortions and disorders in ones psychological makeup and personality. Dr. Robert Rozenthol, a noted psychologist from Harvard recommends mutual integration of sentiments and thoughts as the best solution for healthy development of personality and amelioration of the aberrations of intellectual potentials. Only compassionate persons can adopt the principle of honesty, mature understanding and altruistic cooperation in every aspect of life in a most natural way. Individuals endowed with the nectar of bhavasamvedana enjoy a blissful and progressive life with peace and contentment in every respect.... If conjugated with maturity of thoughts, their intellect too gradually becomes more alert, alive and responsible about the world around. It should be noted in the present context that emotional sensitivity alone could be as counter-productive as unbridled intellectual supremacy. The flow of soothing sentiments maintains the internal harmony and that of discerning intellect refines the actions pertaining to external domains of life. Emotional Quotient is indicative of the creative balance between the two. Professor M. Scottfitz Gerald considers that human mind is continuously activated by two simultaneous streams of consciousness reflected in emotions and ideas. If the two are harmonized and one attempts to analyze those subtler aspects of inner emotions which are usually beyond the reach of intellect, the intrinsic layers of his wisdom begin to open up which can illuminate all dimensions of life and guide them on the righteous path towards glorious culmination. Revolutionary thinker of America, P. Sorokin attributes maximum importance to sentimental sincerity and even argues that the edifice of Philosophy and Psychology stands only on the strong foundation of emotions and intuitions. Rushmore Keener, the founder director of Global Ethics institution opines that it was only the unrestrained use of intellect devoid of compassionate control of sentiments, which led to the development of audacious dictatorial personalities like Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin in the twentieth century. The recent trend of increasing emphasis on emotional fitness in the areas of management is indicative of the fact that scientific community is now recognizing the importance of refinement of sentiments. However, this concept was realized and rigorously implemented in every walk of life thousands of years ago by the rishis the ancient Indian sages, seers and scientists of spirituality and human psychology. These sagacious visionaries had regarded knowledge as meaningful only if it is inspired and induced by pure sentiments and prudence. The rishis had recognized shraddha1 as the sole source of deciphering the ultimate truth and absolute knowledge Shraddha Satyamapyate. The scriptures created by these seers and sages of yore have shown the philosophy of yajna altruistic attitude inspired by serene love, compassion and illuminated intelligence as the natural guiding force towards the righteously progressive path of eternal human journey towards light. Creative adoption of the philosophy of yajna in human life is equivalent to inculcation of bhavasamvedana. Nature has bestowed immense source of bhavasamvedana on women. This is the reason why, given a chance, women are by and large found to be more efficient and successful than their male counterparts in organizational management and leadership and in many creative fields of human endeavor. The current scientific trends of research on the fourth dimension of human personality and the consequent emphasis laid on high EQ indicate the unfolding of a new era of revival of the teachings of Indian Science and Philosophy of Spirituality. We, the people of modern age understand the new terminology better and may therefore realize the importance of emotional facets of life in new scientific light. If we succeed in doing so, the tree of our life would blossom radiantly on the soil of our bhvasamvedans and endow us with sublimating and ennobling virtues. This would induce mutual co-operation, respect and love in place of jealous competition, strife and hatred pervading in the human society today. The prophesies of "descent of heavens on the earth" or "rousing divinity in humans" etc would then be realized in foreseeable course of time in the new millennium. Thanks to the afflatus educed in few trend-setting scientific minds so that, though belated, humanity has once again visualized the glow of divine sentiments and is gaining momentum to follow the righteous path of spiritual enlightenment along with the scientific and technological developments.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma
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