Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Human Mind : Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev Pt. ShriRam Sharma’s Kripa

The Amazing Potentials of Human Mind 
(Akhand Jyoti,Jan.-feb.2004)
Parapsychology does not regard the supernatural powers of human mind as miracles. Rather, it affirms such potentials as natural outcomes of the stimulation of otherwise dormant centers in the brain. Extrovert attitude appears to be a normal tendency of an agile mind. As we all might have experienced, the inquisitiveness and interest of our mind mostly revolve around the external world. If we could divert our mind inward to some extent and think a little deep about our inner self, we would find immense troves of power and unalloyed happiness within us. 
The hidden potentials of our mind are more startling than the wonders of Nature and the marvelous achievements of human talents and the intellectual and physical powers found in the world outside. 
The world around us has its own importance in our life. It offers us opportunities of progress and prosperity in a number of ways. But that does not mean that we are sions are only like ornaments that help outwardly adorn our life. Indeed, the nectar of ultimate evolution, enlightenment, peace and beatitude lies in the depths of our inner self. However, it requires persistent single pointed effort to cultivate a self-contemplative nature and realize the miraculous dimensions of our inner selves. 
As practiced, experienced and taught by the sages of yore and the enlightened ones of the later ages, gradual training (with firm determination and will) of self-restraint and self-observation help in controlling and transforming the extrovert tendencies of the mind. Swadhyaya and Satsang1 are found to be most effective methods of disciplining and refinement of the mental tendencies. School education and training for higher learning and development of talents is no doubt necessary in civilized growth of human society. Its contribution towards the evolution of consciousness is however minimal like that of the leaves in circulating carbon dioxide in the plants. Nurturing the roots of the mind is essential for spiritual growth. Activation of the hidden centers of subliminal power of praa (life energy) is essential in this endeavor. 
The yoga-sadhanas devised by the Indian rishis enable gradual awakening and activation of the extrasensory centers in the brain and in rest of the body. In the modern age, dedicated investigations in the fields of neurology, psychology, parapsychology, and metaphysics have brought forth a partial understanding of the neuro-physiological, biochemical, and hormonal functions associated with manifestation of some hidden faculties of the human mind. Prof. Delgado of France had speculated that as the flow of blood in the arteries could be controlled by specific treatment of the heart, it should also be possible to vary the orientation of mental tendencies by operating certain regions and locations of the brain. He believed that such a method, if devised, would be useful in inducing ethical values in place of wild play of passions. Although his hypothesis has yet to be tested, the neurologists of the 20th century have succeeded in finding the location of memory centers in human brain.
Dr. W. G. Penfield of Canada has also developed special electrodes, which, while connected with specific neuronal regions of a person help awakening his remote memory  including that of the earlier lives. 
This activation retrieves the memory of distant past so effectively as if the subject were experiencing the sequence of corresponding events in the present moment. This type of experimental research has guided advanced investigations on the human brain. According to noted neuro-chemist Dr. Cameron, the nucleic acid of the neurons governs the neuro-electrical momentum. 
The stimulation regulated by this acid activates neuro-hormonal secretions of the important hormones like encephaline, endorphins, cystinine, and gaba. Electrical stimulation regulated by the synaptic activity helps in controlling several kinds of mental disorders. Scientists believe that deeper understanding of the reticular formations that connect the spinal chord to the brain would some day help in creating artificial emotions. This could offer effective remedies against psychological disorders including those of split or dual personality.
The experiments conducted by Dr. Hedger Hoyden in Sweden on some animals have shown that variation in the concentration of neural RNA affects the clinical consciousness and some mental activities. 
During the first half of the 20th century, biologist, Dr. James Oldschue, had successfully shown the change in natural mental characteristics of some mice by brain stimulation techniques. After stimulation, the mice were found playing fearlessly on the back of a cat. Dr. D. Albert had also demonstrated significant difference between the behaviors of the mice that underwent brain-stimulation and those from the same biological family and age group, who did not. 

Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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