Pujya Gurudev Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya’s Kripa
Yoga can cure Asthma
(Akhand Jyoti, july-Aug.2010)
Asthma is a disease that causes immense discomfort
and suffering. The patient suffers from difficulty in breathing, suffocation,
coughing etc. because the respiratory tracks inside the lungs contract due to
asthma. As the inhaled air passes through contracted tubes with increased
velocity, sounds like whistle can be heard while breathing. This is called
‘wheezing’. The respiratory tubes get narrowed and obstructed because of
excessive secretion of thick phlegm. A highly aggravated condition of asthma is
called Statuts Asthmaticus. This can prove to be very severe and may even lead
to death.
Asthmatic attacks and Symptoms
An asthmatic attack is a very traumatic and terrifying experience. Early symptoms of impending attack can be felt a few hours before the actual attack. In children, a slight whistle-like wheezing sound can be heard before the attack and indicative symptoms through a pattern of behavioral changes can be recognized. Some of these are – increased irritability, unexplained crying, withdrawal and quietness, introspective mood etc. Appearance of spots over the skin and swelling on face and lips are also some common symptoms. Most patients also develop signs of sudden attack of common cold and cough, like nose blockage, irritation, sneezing etc.
During asthmatic attack the reduction in total
airflow into lungs is felt by the patient and breathing becomes labored. This
causes a lot of unease and discomfort. Phlegm begins to thicken and gets
attached in large quantity, which causes severe coughing. Due to difficulty in
breathing, the patient begins to exhale at a slower pace along with a whistling
sound. As the severity of attack increases, the colour of mucous membranes
begins to turn bluish due to lack of oxygen. The longer the time the patient struggles
while breathing, that much more the attack appears to be prolonged, intense and
painful. The escalation of this discomfort peaks up and then automatically
weakens. This is an amazing psychological nature of this disease.
Problems due to long-term (chronic) Asthma
When the disease gets prolonged, several other complications also arise. The body becomes weak and thin. In children suffering from asthma physical deformities like permanent expansion of rib cage, drooped shoulders, hunch in the back etc. also begin to show up. Asthma can also lead to psychological problems. The patient becomes so completely dependent upon family members that he prefers to remain ill, because in that period he gets increased attention of all members. This makes him get entangled in the endless trap of disease and his capability to fight disease diminishes.
Causes of Asthma
There can be many causes of asthma, the most prominent being hereditary, psychological, allergic reaction etc. Among physical causes the significant ones are pollution, medicines, dust, smoke, animal fur, wings of birds etc. When elders in the family like parents or ancestors have this disease, it is commonly found to also occur in children or young adults due to heredity. The psychological cause of asthma is also very important. Suppression or inhibition of negative emotions like jealousy, anger, hatred etc also causes asthma. Fear of loneliness, need for love, excessive emotional or sensitive nature, fear of disrespect or disregard, hesitancy etc. are also reasons that can enhance susceptibility to asthma.
Asthma can also arise during change of
seasons. Increased sneezing, hay fever, wheezy bronchitis and
eosinophilia are found to transform into asthma with passage of time.
Eosinophilia is even called ‘initial asthma’. Unhealthy food and undisciplined
life style also produce asthma. Bread, cake, ghee, oily foods, milk and milk
products can lead to asthmatic attack. In addition, less intake of fruits,
vegetables, and natural grains is also considered as a cause.
Modern Medical Treatment
In modern medical science, many strong and effective medicines have been invented which can control asthma and reduce the recurrence of its attacks. For this, steroids are generally used, but it is not possible to completely cure one from asthma using these medicines. In fact, sometimes after taking these medicines the patient feels more sick and weak. The person becomes psychologically and sometimes also physically dependent upon these medicines. Most affected persons fear to face adverse circumstances without taking support of medicines. These have strong side effects also. So for permanent solution of asthma we must take recourse to its yogic treatment.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma
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