Tuesday, August 13, 2013

India’s Destiny-II; Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev Pt. ShriRam Sharma’s Kripa 
         Yugarishi’s Advent and India’s Destiny
(Akhand Jyoti,Jan-Fub.2008)
The defeat of India can neither be attributed to the genius or power of the winning side nor to the weakness of the dependent race. It is such a miracle of the history that cannot be explained. It may be said that it is such an example in which without any specific virtues, a great task was assigned to an agency; and an angel was supervising that the given task was completed in time.
“Once that goal is achieved, the messenger of God who is protecting England and is removing its obstacles and solving its problems will no longer serve as its shield. England will remain here so long as India needs it. Once this need is fulfilled, it will have to go back; because the British rule neither came here by virtue of its own power, nor it is surviving on its strength. India will achieve its goal whether England helps it or not or even if it opposes.”
In the first decade of twentieth century, except for Bang-Bhang movement, there was hardly any incident, by which it would appear that the dormant consciousness of India was getting awakened. There was certainly fierce opposition to the division of Bengal. However it was not that strong that one could forecast on its basis the independence of India. Yogi Vishnu Bhaskar Lele, who initiated Sri Aurobindo into Yogavidya, called the revolutionaries opposing this division as the instruments of God. He also said that India is a nation that will achieve freedom through Divine Dispensation.
In the following lines the context that is being described matches very well with this message of Yogi Lele. It was the year 1972, when Param Poojya Gurudev Pt Sriram Sharma Acharyaji had just returned from the Himalayas after spending about six months in some spiritually surcharged esoteric regions. Gurudev was sitting on a chair on the first floor of the main building of Shantikunj, where now his and Mataji’s Padukas (wooden slippers) are kept.
 A discussion on the research on how to acquaint the world about the grandeur and glory of India was going on. If we wish to tell the world about our greatness and glory, we need the facts and figures too. The aim of research was to collect such material evidences. The findings of this research were later published in the form of a book titled ‘ Samast Vishwa ko Bharat ke Ajasra Anudan ’ (India’s Perennial Gifts to the World). In the writings and speeches of Gurudev, he stressed that India was the Land of Divine Play.
 A parijan asked him ‘Why is God specially attached to India and takes birth here? We consider ourselves the inheritors of the oldest civilization and culture in the world. If we are no less than others in power, knowledge, skills and organization, then why were we slaves for centuries? If we were very powerful and brave, the aggressors should have never succeeded.’
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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