The Incompleteness of Science
(Akhand Jyoti July-Aug.2010)
Science must know that it is still in its infancy and should express its opinions on profound issues like religion only after a very careful consideration. The progress made by science during the past few centuries deserves praise, but it should not be presumed that it is the ultimate repository of truth. There is no justified reason or scientific theory on the basis of which the existence of consciousness and religion – which infuses excellence in thoughts and actions of human beings – could be branded imaginary and unnecessary.
While admiring the contributions of modern science, the damages that have occurred in the name of progress should also be kept in mind. Creation of equipments for machineries is one thing, but a lot more care needs to be taken in regard to the experiments which initially appear to be of great benefit but prove harmful after detailed testing. Excessive impatience in such experiments does not yield desired benefits; instead, it results in untold damages. It would have been better if science had exhibited patience before commenting upon religion also. Experiments could have been conducted on a small scale and after carefully examining the benefits and costs, large-scale experiments could have been taken up.
The harm that has been caused in several fields like nuclear explosions and radioactive waste treatment, antibiotics, biological warfare, etc, as a result of excessive enthusiasm should always be kept in mind. Offending attacks by science on religion on the basis of incomplete information and overlooking its own immature state even in dealing with the material component of Nature can only be termed improper.
Indefiniteness of science in its own field : Science is still in its nascent stage in several respects. Several of its fundamental concepts, laws and principles have undergone a lot of change as it has evolved. There still is a lot of indefiniteness about several of its theories pertaining to physical domain of Nature itself. It is worthwhile to look at some of the concepts about which science has still not claimed absolute conclusion.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma
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