Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Science and Spirituality = Pujya Gurudev

Science and Spirituality 

       The Magnetic Ocean Quavering in the Human Body 
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Human Body is a wonderful creation of the supreme creative power. It is endowed with all the physical and conscious energy forms existing in the universe. The living system of human body can be identified as a grand magnet or as a moving electric powerhouse. The   human-magnet through its vital energy can affect and get affected by others. An in-depth study and controlled utilization of such effects at (bio)physical and subtle levels offers challenging and important research problems in advanced sciences. 
The source of biomagnetism in our body gains energy from the earth’s gravitation, similar to what the latter gains from the Sun. All the universal magnetic forces affect the (bio)magnetism of a human body. Vital energy levels of a person vary according to the biomagnetism of his/her body.   The visible effects of reduction in this magnetic power are – dullness in eyes, spiritless face, dry skin and lethargic body.  Feelings of oblivion, illusion and fatigue are common in persons with weak biomagnetism.  Elevated levels of biomagnetism, on the other hand, give rise to corresponding increase in the general vitality, charm, enthusiasm, sound memory and intelligence.  Persons having more powerful biomagnetism naturally attract and influence the weaker ones. 
The reception of cosmic radiations by human-psyche is also characterized by the individual’s biomagnetic quality.  The North Pole of the ‘Human Magnet’ is said to reside in the brain.  The formation of an aura (halo of light) around this vital organ is a result of an upward bioelectric flow near this subtle pole.  The South Pole of this living ‘magnet’ is situated near the genital organs.  The sexual activities are controlled by the vital energy through this pole.  Excessive stimulation of this pole results in severe loss of vital energy. 
The body’s biomagnet can be made more powerful by a consistently upward flow of the vital energy.  Dr. Albert Abraham of San Francisco had defined the human body as a   whirlpool of magnetic energy waves.  A living human body continuously emits and absorbs these energy waves from its surrounding fields.  Dr. Abraham’s research indicates that the rate of emission of electromagnetic energy through a human body is of the order of     80 X 109   cycles per second; the rate of receiving energy from cosmic radiations however, is much higher.  The technique to measure the electromagnetic energy emitted by a body was also developed by Dr. Abraham.  This technique is called Radisthesia.  Dr. Abraham’s studies showed that the rate of emission of this energy is maximum in emissions from the brain, eyes, finger-tips (pores of fingers) and the genital organs. 

Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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