order and organization from the world of nature
Sharma acharya
One can learn profitably from the ship of the desert, camel, how to
survive in hostile conditions with minimum needs. In humans water constitutes
12% of the body weight while in camels it is 25%. The camel drinks more than
100 liters of water at a time and can, therefore, go without water for several
days at a stretch. None can excel the cockroach in longevity of survival of
this species on earth. Its beginning on the earth is estimated to go back to
160 million years. During this long period, this planet has seen many
vicissitudes; many ice ages and tumultuous changes, which obliterated the
existence of giant dinosaurs.
The cockroach has survived all these catastrophes, which really is
an awe-inspiring feat. On deeper probe, the secret of its amazing endurance
becomes apparent. It has no equal in eating habit. It is omnivorous and can
digest literally everything. What is more, it can survive for one month without
any food or water, for two months on water only without any food, and for five
months on food only even if it gets no water. If submerged under ice, it goes
into hibernation, and becomes active with the melting of snow.
This unique capacity to adapt itself to the extremes of hostile conditions
is the secret of its long survival on earth. It is clear that Mother Nature has
equipped the creatures with the instinct and ingenuity by which they may
successfully lead their individual and collective lives on the path of
progress. Man, who, in his false arrogance of material achievements, has lost
even the quality of humaneness, can benefit much from the life-patterns of
these creatures and animals. He should be humble enough to welcome and imbibe
excellence, from wherever it comes.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma
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