Saturday, May 11, 2013

Yagya Therapy : Pujya Gurudev

                 Yagya Therapy to Cure Cancer

=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
According to the scholars of ancient Ayurveda texts, there are hundred and eight prominent nuclei that are richest sources and repositories of prana (vital spiritual energy) inside the human body. Dysfunctioning of any of these may lead to immediate death. Blockage or disturbance in the flow of prana in any of these deep "marma sthanas" is said to be the cause of cancer. Tumor is described in the 11th Chapter of "Nidan Sthan" of the noted Ayurveda scripture:-
 "Shrushut Samhita" as r Gatra Pradese Kwacita Deva Dosa, Samurchita Mansamabhipradusya | Vrattam Sthiram Mandarujam Mahantamanalpamulam Ciravraddhayapakam|| Kurvanti Mansopacayam Ca opham, Tadarbudam astravido Vadanti | Vatena, Pittena, Kaphena Capi, Raktena Mansena Ca Medasa Va || Tajjayate Tasya Ca Lakshanani, Granthe Samanani Sada Bhavanti |
 Meaning: In some part of the body, the excess of vata and other doshas cause unusual growth which may consist of flesh and tissues, which may or may not cause little pain but spreads deeper inside and imbalances the important dhatus (chemicals), and which does not burst on its own and matures slowly.
This arbuda looks like a granthi (knot or hard acne) and which is a manifestation of abnormal tridoshas (vata, pitta and kapha) and infected blood, myoplams/tissues (majja), flesh or any cells. It may sometimes be caused by infections (leading to tridosharimbalance and abnormal changes) in a wounded or internally injured part of the body, which malign the blood, serum, lymph, or bodyrtissues, etc.
According to the scholars of ancient Ayurveda texts, there are hundred and eight prominent nuclei that are richest sources and repositories of prana (vital spiritual energy) inside the human body. Dysfunctioning of any of these may lead to immediate death. Blockage or disturbance in the flow of prana in any of these deep "marma sthanas" is said to be the cause of cancer. Abnormal levels of tridoshas is also described as a cause of cancerous transformation of blood and other body functions.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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