Noble Eight-Fold Path of the Buddha
Sharma Acharya
1) Blessed are they who
understand That Life is One. Its "forms" do come and go: But Life
itself floweth on!
VIEW (Samyak drishti)
(2) Blessed are they who
resolve That they will build the strength To lessen suffering and pain And
attain to Wisdom pure!
RESOLVE(Samyak sankalpa)
(3) Blessed are they who
speak In sympathy and gently to all, Who do away with bitter words And never speak
in anger or in hate!
SPEECH (Samyak vak)
(4) Blessed are they who
rightly act and put away all thought of gain, Who know that motive is the deed
And who, renouncing power, are pure, indeed!
EFFORT (Samyak Prayatna)
(5) Blessed are they who
earn Their daily bread in such a way That brings not hurt nor pain To living
creatures on the Earth!
LIVELIHOOD (Samyak ajiva)
(6) Blessed are they who
cast Out ill-will and pride in daily life And act obedient to the Law In
sympathy and love!
ACTION (Samyak karmanta)
(7) Blessed are they who
walk the Way, Aware by night and day that life is sacred still! They strive for
Peace: and ever before them shine The noble Truths of life!
MINDFULNESS (Samyak smriti)
(8) Blessed are they who
meditate In silent joy and see how rich, indeed, Is the life of compassion,
Service, Love! Radiant as the Lamp of Light is such a life!
Thus taught the Blessed
One, moving from town to town and village to village, teaching men and women
the Way of Deliverance the Way of Peace, Compassion and Illumination.
Thanks GOD, Thanks
Shiv Sharma
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