Friday, May 17, 2013

Creativity : Pujya Gurudev

Creativity is Developed by Noble and PositiveThoughts
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya

A no bhadrah kratavo yantu visvatoadabdhaso aparitasaa udbhidah Deva no yatha sadmid vrdhe asannaprayuvo raksitaro dive-dive.
- Yajurveda 25/14
"Let benevolent, harmless, free and fruitful ideas come to us from all sides, so that the vigilant and protector gods continually make us prosper." Creative thinking is always oriented towards the good of all. Creative thinking means developing such a cast of mind which remains untouched by envy, anger, greed and other such destructive dispositions. Only a mind pulsating with positive emotions of joy, good will, equality, peace and forgiveness is the creative mind, because only in such a mind the creative impulses are at their peak. Not only this, even the physical health does not remain unaffected by its beneficial effects. The mind casts a direct impact upon our nervous system and the various organs of the body. Even the surroundings are affected by ones mental state. 
The emanating thought currents are potent enough to influence them. If the mind is pure, refined and energic creative thinking reaches such an exalted level that its effect may endure for centuries. Great personages have been able to inspire and induce great changes in the world on the strength of their powerful cast of mind. Remember, thoughts are shot from the mind like boomerangs. After piercing the target they come back to the person generating those thoughts. So, if we are sending out good, positive and creative thought signals, they travel through the world of ideas and reach the intended persons. 
These thought signals return to us carrying with them the blessings, goodwill and greetings of the people and make us feel inspired, elated and encouraged. Conversely, when destructive and negative thoughts fly towards the target, they bring negative reactions. If the target happens to be more powerful, the negative thoughts fail to penetrate them and boomerang on us with double speed. Even if they succeed in denting the target, they still return and hit us with negative vibes. Projection of noble thoughts gradually elevates the mind whereas negative thoughts put it on a downward slide. Consequently, many reactions ensue which ultimately give birth to mental/psychological disorders.
Experts of Ayurveda see a direct link between the nadi system and the mind. If our thoughts are pure, the nadis (nerve channels) open up and there is free flow of vital energy through them, whereas their functioning becomes unbalanced under the impact of impure thoughts. 
This inharmony in the flow of vital airs disrupts and destabilizes even normal physiological functions and the body falls prey to many diseases. In short, be it the body or mind, it is continually inspired and influenced by thought currents. 
This is self-evident in literal sense, too, and can be observed on people’s faces. Whenever the feelings of joy and hope arise in the mind, the face reciprocates by radiating a perceptible glow. A malicious thought, on the other hand, makes the face dull and twisted. That is why, those whose minds always carry the burden of negative thoughts have their facial features giving a permanently contorted and crooked look.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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