Friday, April 19, 2013

Pranic Energy VIII ; Pujya Grudev

The Amazing Potentials of Pranic Energy 
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
He participated in a Step-and-Jump competition in 1896 and won it. Surprisingly he had never undergone any professional training or practice in athletics. Facing lot of difficulties, through his own efforts and the demonstration of his capabilities, he was able to get a place in the official team of his country. All he had was a strong inclination towards athletics and an inner zeal. After winning the Olympic award he simply said that it was a pleasant coincidence that his dearest hobby (of running) since childhood got a boosting chance that day. 
Thirty-eight years old Joe Giradley had made news in England around the year 1818 because of her fireproof body. During one of the demonstrations, she put some nitric acid in her mouth for few minutes without feeling any burning sensation. When she spat it out on an iron sheet, people could see the flames of fire leaping out of the iron sheet. In a similar show, she easily gulped boiling oil; not only that, when she spat out the boiling oil after holding it in her mouth for some time, the oil was still extremely warm. She could keep melting wax in her mouth and even sealed her lips with it. 
What is more, she converted hot, melting zinc into a smooth coin by chewing it for some time! Joe was born in Italy. Since childhood she used to jump on red-hot iron grids; could even lick them without getting any wound or blister on her tongue; used to tattoo her body by a burning stick and even tried to burn her hair several times. She was able to mold heated iron rods in any desired shape by hitting them with her feet. In some instances she had kept her hands on the flames of eight candles in such a position that flames could pass through in between her fingers. Although smoke would blacken her fingers, there were no signs of burns anywhere. Investigations showed when her skin was touched with hot metal rod there were no signs of reddishness or wounds. 
That means there was some insulating aura that kept the heat or fire away from her skin and tissues! According to Joe herself, she had several times entered fire with pieces of flesh in her hand. The flesh pieces would be charred but she would come out without any burn marks on her body. These are some factual instances of the supernormal physical effects of higher pranic energy. Its expressions in the mental domains are more astonishing. We shall look at them in some more articles in future. What we should note here is that the super-energy of prana is present in all of us but mostly remains dormant and underutilized. We all can protect and enhance the potency of our pranic energy through strong will and steadfast dedicated endeavors. 
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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