Friday, April 12, 2013

attitudes and thoughts : Pujya Gurudev

Sowing the seeds for sublimation of attitudes and thoughts
(Autobiography of Poojya Gurudev Pt. Sriram Sharma Acharya)
There is no exaggeration in saying that there has not been any celebration of this scale since Mahabharat times. Hardly does anybody know about some mysterious occurrences relating to this celebration. Devoted Gayatri sadhaks, about four lakh in numbers, were invited from all over the country. They all took over charge of the work of educating the masses through moral and spiritual instruction. All these persons were unknown to me. But invitation letters reached them and they came at their own cost. It remains a riddle and a mystery. The number of daily visitors and participants in the yagya was about ten lakh persons. 
The latter were all lodged in a number of huge camps covering an area of seven miles. No participant in the yagya was sent back without food. We had provisions sufficient only for feeding about twenty thousand people at one time. But the store became inexhaustible. More than five lakh persons were fed in this function, which lasted for five days. 
Provisions were left over after the celebration which were distributed free of cost to deserving persons. Arrangements were so meticulous that they could not have been made even by engaging a thousand paid employees. All these are mysterious matters. I have described only the factual aspect of this celebration, but the underlying mystery is confined to me. Nobody could imagine how all these arrangements were made and who was behind these accomplishments. It was all the play of an invisible power. Rishis whom I had met during my first visit to the Himalayas were also present in the yagya in their astral bodies. People said that it was a miracle wrought by me but the fact is that I was looking at the entire game as a mere spectator, like Jadbharat. 
The third work which I had to do at Mathura was construction of Gayatri Tapobhumi. A small building could not have served the needs of such a stupendous programme. Its construction work is still going on even after my leaving Mathura. It has now been extended and developed in the form of Pragya Nagar. Those who have visited Mathura are amazed to see the campus of Gayatri Tapobhumi, its press, arrangements for the stay of visitors and the dedication of the workers. The credit for such a grand campus and its management cannot be given to an individual but to the invisible power, which is using me as an instrument. Arjuns chariot was driven by Shri Krishna as his charioteer. It may be said that Arjun and Pandavas fought the Mahabharat war and achieved victory by their own valour, courage and strength but it was not true. 
They were the same Pandavas in whose presence Draupadi was undraped and they could do nothing. 
During the period of exile they remained under disguise and worked as mere servants. My competence is quite insignificant. If anybody wants to take account of my achievements at Mathura, he will have to bear in mind the facts about my life sadhana. I should not be regarded anything beyond a puppet who surrenders and dances to the tune of its master. This feeling of dedication and surrender is the central theme of the story of my life. I have taught this to all those who have come in my contact. I have simply revealed the importance of upasana, sadhana and aradhana and, as for myself; I have been only an instrument of the invisible power.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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