Fundamental Tenets
of Vedic Culture
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Those who regard it thus are under a wrong impression or have not
been introduced to it correctly. There are so many religious and social
festivals in our system, which involve collective cultural activities and
celebrations in varieties of forms quite frequently throughout the year and
induce joy and energy in the personal and social life. Not only that, the
rituals and customs originally associated with these parvas and tyoharas are
based on healthy psychological conditioning and uplifting and serve as effective
measures for the treatment and positive orientation of people's psychology.
The scientifically devised education system for ideal development of
a civilized and cultured personality and virtuous talents is another
significant component of the Indian Culture. Spending the most important
developmental phase of life in the gurukuls of the wise, sagacious Rishis since
childhood, learning the shastric knowledge from them and intense practical
training from their noble life, following the disciplines of brahmcarya and
altruist service, living and playing in the lap of Nature, and staying in a
family like ambience of the gurukul with the other students of different
socio-economic backgrounds all these used to work wonderfully in the
integral growth and education of the young student - inmates.
The system of Sodas samskaras similarly was an excellent mode of
psychological and emotional elevation and prior training of a person at
different transitional phases of his lifespan. As the purification, subtlization
and fine processing of the raw herbs convert them into a lifesaving, nectar -
like medicine, Sodas samskaras work as effective remedies towards initiating
the internal and external refinement of one's personality. It was this bequest
of the Indian culture that had nurtured multi-talented development of the
people from all walks of the society.
This is why India was a pioneer and leader in the diverse fields of
commerce and trade, archaeology, agriculture, artillery, astronomy, medicine,
music, dance and other forms of creative arts. The first ever-scientific
instruments and methods of experiments were also devised on this land of the
Vedic Rishis.
The ethics of humanity, orderly and disciplined mode of progressive
life ranging from healthy eating habits, nature friendly life-style, to
scientific attitude and orderly social system, were all devised and adopted
first in this country. The supremacy of the Indian culture, which also is the
core of its global benevolence and respect, is its openness and accommodating
and adaptive attitude towards all faiths. It can embrace all cultures in its
liberal folds. It is founded on such universal principles and values that it
can't clash with any other culture. As the diverse currents of different rivers
commingle in the ocean, similarly, all the cultures of the world are merged and
absorbed in the Vedic Indian Culture. Another reason for this natural
confluence is the fact that the Vedic Culture has been the origin of all
ancient cultures of the world.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma
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