Scenario of Sufferings and Remedies
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
ancient texts of Ayurveda refer carcinomas as tridosaj gulma or mahagranthi
(c.f. Charak Samhita) and sanghaatik arbuda or tridosaj arbuda (c.f. Shushrut
Samhita). As of today, in the modern approach, surgery is supposed to be most
effective measure against cancerous tumors. However, even if a single fiber or
cell is left behind, there are 100% chances of recurrence. Prer and postr
operative radiation therapies are therefore necessary; however the side effects
of these are no less painful. Moreover, this works only if the particular type
of cancer is radiationrsensitive. In many cases, chemotherapy is therefore
given as a necessary evil.
or blood cancer is altogether different and more complicated type of cancer,
treatment of which requires chemotherapy. In the bone marrow, spleen and other
blood producing components start generating excess of white blood corpuscles
(WBC). Unless the drug type and doses are compatible with the stage, type and
cause of the disease and above all, the genetic configuration of the patient,
complete cure cannot be assured. Nowrardays, some kinds of hormonal therapies are
also tried but again, only few expert doctors and therapists can do wonders.
Anti angiogenerin drugs are prominently used in chemotherapy, which block the
supply of blood and oxygen to the tumor cells. This way the tumor cells and
hence the tumor itself is gradually destroyed. Intensity modulated radio
therapy, radio frequency ablation, stereo tactic radiortherapy, etc are among
the advanced techniques used in treatment of cancers r especially in breast
tumor, prostate tumor, neck tumor, brain tumor, heart tumor, etc.
therapy is usually applied in treatment of breast cancer. This works on the
basis of balancing estrogen and progesterone hormones. However, in spite of
significant advancements in all the modern methods, the expenses, the
sidereffects of killing of the normal cells and disturbance of metabolism, etc
continue to limit their applicability at large. With the rise in the frequency
of occurrence of varieties of cancers and complications in people’s liferstyle
and mindrbody balance, one needs to look at the support of alternative and
complementary modes as well. Ayurvedic herbal therapy offers an effective
solution here.
GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
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