of Dev Sanskriti
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
example sages like Vishvamitra, Vashistha, Valmiki and Vyas considered Divine
Culture to be synonymous with the Knowledge of Eternal Life and expressed it in
the form of "art of living". They inspired their disciples by saying
svam svam caritram shikshate prithivyam sarvamanavah, meaning, "Go now and
explain the principles of the Divine Culture to the people of the world through
your conduct and character." This is the secret behind the global spread
of the Divine Culture. The teachers of Divine Culture did not explain its
principles to people through lectures but by themselves adopting them in
practice. They repeatedly said, "Human life is a precious gift by God.
They said
that we have not understood reality and this has resulted in misconception
about the aim of life." And it is true, if one person in the world is
standing in light, it means light exists; then, if we complain that there is
darkness, it means we have not searched for light. We have closed our doors of
our heart and mind for the entry of light. Similarly if one person can attain bliss,
surely everyone can. This possibility exists for every human being in every
era. In this era Param Poojya Gurudev demonstrated the principles of Divine
Culture in his life.
He lived
this truth in this era; therefore he came to be known as "yugrishi".
He taught the principles of Divine Culture after experimenting them on himself
and practising them throughout his life; hence he gained the title of
"acharya." He was a living embodiment of the Knowledge (Vedas) of
Divine Culture, so he was called "vedmurti". Through unwavering
tapasya, he maintained the practice of the truth of Divine Culture. That is why
he was called "taponishtha". He was the best self-restrained person
(maryada purushottam), just like Lord Rama, and was one of the latest links in
the chain of divine beings who have preceded him. He gave new expression to the
eternal spiritual truths propounded by the scriptures worldwide. He is revered
as "Gurudev" by millions of devotees around the world.
to Revered Gurudev, Dev sanskriti is a comprehensive way of sadhana which
synthesizes matter and consciousness; science and spiritually. For example, we
sow a seed and it sprouts. Water and sunlight play a crucial role in this
process. If we plant a stone instead of a seed, then even the most fertile
land, best quality of water and plenty of sunlight would not be able to make a
plant grow out of it.
On the
other hand, if the seed were planted in an infertile and arid land then also it
would not develop into a healthy plant despite adequate amounts of water and
sunlight. Just as several factors come into play for the sprouting and growth
of the seed, similarly several principles of science and spiritually are
necessary for the transformation of human life into Life Divine and attainment
of bliss. Divine Culture is a harmonious combination of such principles.
GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
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