The Real Art of Human Alchemy-1I
Sharma Acharya
The word "Upasana" in Sanskrit means to sit near. If
you sit near a fireplace, you would feel the heat; you would shiver with cold
if you were in an ice factory or on a snow-covered mountain. Sitting near
(being in the close company of) someone puts you under the influence of his
qualities; this induction flows from higher (more intense) to the lower levels
of the particular qualities which you lack or which you are not so strong at.
The trees and surroundings near a big sandalwood tree also smell of
sandal. Your upasana (worship, devotion) of God should also be so dedicated
that it envelopes your being in the divine aura of His grace, inspires your
inner self and links your consciousness with the omnipresent supreme
consciousness-force. It is said that the magic stone named "Paras" transforms
everything that touches it, into gold.
I do not know whether such a stone has been seen and tested in any
laboratory. But it is certain that touching (getting associated with) the
source of divine light enlightens everyone with its unalloyed radiance, which is
brighter and more precious than gold. Have you heard of the drop of Swati
(raindrop falling in swati nakshatra)? When a drop of Swati falls in the
oyster, it is gradually transformed into a pearl. But what if they don't meet?
The drop will disappear in the streams of rainwater or get absorbed in the soil
if it falls elsewhere.
The oyster would remain like any other shell on the seashore if it
does not open its mouth to take the Swati drop. You will also have to surrender
yourself to the beatifying grace of God, to purify yourself to adopt the divine
virtues if you want to turn your otherwise negligible tiny drop of life into a
shining pearl.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma
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