Healthcare and Spirituality
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
The term stress is defined precisely in Physics
(Mechanics) as force divided by area of impact. But there is no such pinpointed
definition at physiological, neurological or psychological levels. For
practical purposes, physicians and psychologists broadly describe [1] it as — “a disturbed state of
mind resulting from the imbalance between the demands of a person’s environment
and that person’s capability to meet this demand”. A close cousin of “stress”
is “depression” which also causes or aggravates a wide spectrum of
psychosomatic disorders, including low blood pressure, anxiety, suicidal
tendency, insomnia, some kinds of cancers, amentia, epilepsy, sciatica etc. It
mainly arises due to one’s inability to get what one expects and aspires from
the world and from one’s own self.
Neither modern medical science nor any
alternative medication mode has been able to ‘cure’ stress and depression
without incorporating some sort of psycho-spiritual healing. But then a natural
question arises — how spirituality could help combating these problems? In what
respect would it be different from and would complement use of Psychiatry and
Clinical Psychology? Still broader question is what should be the mode of
incorporating this new dimension into health care modules? Can health care
system ensure health for all by focusing on this component?
Before attempting to answer these vital
questions and addressing related issues of what one is supposed to do at
personal level to benefit from it, we should first understand that Psychiatry
and Psychology, as renowned experts of modern medicine also affirm [1] , deal mainly with mental
well-being, that too in the sense of not having any abnormality or disorder.
The diagnostic and therapeutic modules under these disciplines mainly focus at
weakness or malfunctioning at the level of brain. The entity of mind itself is
recognized and studied here with respect to behavioral aspects and
manifestation of brain functions. But mind is a faculty of consciousness force.
It exists at a much higher and sublime plane than the brain. It derives
sustenance and evolutionary thrust from spirituality. Spirituality pertains to
enlightenment and vigor at the levels of subconscious and unconscious mind and
hence at the deeper roots of emotions [3 .
The role of spirituality in healthcare has
several dimensions:
(i) spiritual healing;
(ii) preventive impact of spiritual practices;
(iii) overall well-being, and improvement and
enhancement of vitality, immunity and physical and mental potentials by
augmenting spiritual strength.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma
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