Monday, December 3, 2012

Happiness and Peace-III; Pujya Gurudev

The Path to Happiness and Peace
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Therefore, dear readers of Akhand Jyoti, arise and start cultivating unalloyed happiness in your life. The only way to do it is to generate power from within. Be strong; only then you will be able to cross the turbulent and turgid streams of agonies and adversities. Also remember that happiness and progress are not unilateral; neither can these be sustained in isolation. If you alone are stout, intelligent, resourceful and satisfied but others around you remain downtrodden, weak and ignorant, how will you be happy? How will you digest and enjoy lavish food if you try eating it while sitting amongst those starving to eat even a meal of coarse grains and those dying from hunger?
Attempting to do so will be rather cruel on your part. The cry of their sufferings, their jealousy, their oppression would also have a negative effect on your selfish attempts of enjoyment. The real taste and joy of food appears when you eat it in a cheerful mood with your friends or family members. A healthy person cannot remain healthy for long if he is to live with the patients of cholera, plague, tuberculosis or other contagious diseases. Likewise, the strength, affluence and abilities of a person cannot make him truly happy and calm if the people around him are plunged in the filth of infirmities, scarcities and agonies. Know this, all aspirants for happiness! And therefore pursue the motto of live and let live as you rise and uplift the others too,
be happy and make others happy��. Sprinkle the shower of your strength, talents, resources and joy upon others as well. Power and Service, Capabilities and Altruism together should be the aim of your life if you really seek for lasting delight and progress in your life. This is the ideal of yoga. Literal meaning of yoga is combination of two things.You the sadhakas of yoga, the seekers of supreme enlightenment, should first recognize the key to accomplishment of yoga-sadhana; it is hidden in the two-fold objectives of knowledge and compassion, possession and generosity. You should combine your selfishness with selflessness, cravings with satisfaction.
Your body finds joy in comforts but your soul always seeks inner peace. The body needs vigor, the soul needs soothing feelings of compassion and loving kindness. Selfishness is desired by the body, by the worldly self, while altruistic pursuits satisfy the inner self, the soul. Try to integrate the two. This yoga will enrich your life with enormous joy and light. This will bestow true happiness upon you. A cart has two wheels. Our body also stands and moves on two legs. Clapping becomes possible with the active participation of both the hands. Man and woman both together make a complete human. The grand chariot of happiness in our life also has two august wheels, two golden pillars, two marvellous horses one is bala and the other is seva (compassionate altruistic service). Cultivate and harvest your bala and also employ it in seva. Connection of the powerful poles of negative and positive charges generates a strong current of electricity.
The commingling of the grand sources of potentials and social-service similarly produces the nectar of unalloyed happiness. One experiences immense delight, enchantment and enlightened empowerment through heart after adopting this yoga in life. Consider yourself as a soldier of the savior army of the Almighty, which has descended on the earth to generate and expand all round happiness in this world. Rise and Uplift, Be Happy and Make Others Happy should be your theme songs in your march forward towards the goal of universal happiness, harmony and peace. Following these sincerely in every dimension of life is true devotion. God is pleased with such devotees. HE looks after their wellbeing and bestows such devotees with divine grace.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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