Friday, December 14, 2012

Energy = Pujya Gurudev

Energy and Environment
=Pt.ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Modern civilization has flourished on extensive consumption of energy. Thanks to the marvelous developments in science and technology, we have been able to produce energy by diverse means harnessing enormous resources of Nature. However, now our requirements are outgrowing drastically, putting a question mark on our energy-security itself. This is more because of excessive energy consumption in our comfort-driven life-style than in what is essential for development. Apart from the risk of energy scarcity, we have also invited environmental hazards. Excessive production and use of thermal and electrical energy and petroleum products has led to global warming which, if left unchecked, will result in unbearable rise in the temperature on earth’s surface, eventually melting the glaciers and submerging vast areas of the world in ‘overflowing’ oceans.
The threats of nuclear waste are more horrifying, as the nuclear radiations can cause abnormalities at the genetic and cellular levels, and thus deform, damage, and disrupt the structure and function of any part of the body including the brain. Protection and sustenance of healthy environment is therefore a natural concern associated with energy-security.
Depleting natural resources like oil and coal are signaling inevitability of energy-crisis in coming decades, if no drastic alternative measures are taken. Safe management of nuclear waste puts a question mark on use of nuclear energy as well. Hydropower plants too can’t be suitable substitute because of scarcity of water, environmental feasibility of its present technology and other issues of eco-system balancing, rehabilitation of people affected by dams etc. Scientists, developers, policy makers and alert citizens are well aware of these unprecedented challenges of synergistic management of energy and environment. Nature-friendly, alternative modes of harnessing renewable or non-renewable energy have shown a silver line of hope, which seems to be getting brighter with deeper research and dedicated efforts of implementation.
Public awareness, will and participation in maintaining energy-discipline would however be essential to reap the real fruits.Let us quickly review the facts as they are today and accordingly plan the best options and approaches for the future.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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