- Linkage between the visible and the invisible worlds
As a mark of his inexplicable gratitude, he
established a Church on the grounds where he saw the divine dream. He also founded a charitable trust for
free education of poor and helpless children. The above examples show that if
we maintain sincerity, piety and natural peace of mind, and thus, minimize the hindrances
in the expression of its unconscious impulses, we too may sometime be bestowed
with the miraculous knowledge and experience in dreams that we could have never
imagined to attain in our wildest dreams!
The source of all knowledge, all activities and
manifestations of the visible world as we experience it, lie in the
subtle, unseen world, which is beyond the reach of our perception. The gross
body of a tree is seen but its roots lie beneath the surface of earth. The
strength, greenery and fructification of the tree depend upon how strong and
deep are its roots. The same may be true of the trees of our lives, too.
Usually our mind remains engrossed within the peripheries of selfish interests
and passions. It therefore experiences only the dreams driven by the tamoguna.
That is why our dreams are most often vague and abrupt or haphazard expressions
of suppressed desires.
When the condition of our body and mind is
dominated by the rajoguna, one would experience active dreams and the things
and persons encountered in the awakened state would appear in the dreams with
slightly rhetoric transformations. The subconscious reflections of the bodily
conditions including those caused by internal disorders (disease)
are also experienced in such dreams. The divine or supernormal dreams
reflecting the transcendental realities are experienced in the turiyavastha,
when the aroused influence of satoguna overcomes the raja and tama. In this
state the human mind gets an opportunity of direct linkage with the soul-spirit.
Precognitive dreams, the dreams offering extrasensory knowledge and
clairvoyance fall in this category of higher-level dreams. A distinct class of
such dreams is the tejas swapna (enlightened dreams), which, as described in
the Paramhansa Parivrajak Upanishad, are perfect reflections of truth.
These are exactly materialized in the future. The gross or the visible world we live
in acquires its energy and life from the subliminal world. Understanding this
fact helps towards orientation of our mental and bodily activities in harmony
with Nature and the Omnipresent Consciousness.
This helps arousing the deeper potentials of our mind and heralds the possibility of attaining vibrant health and supernormal talents.
This helps arousing the deeper potentials of our mind and heralds the possibility of attaining vibrant health and supernormal talents.
The refinement and spiritual enlightenment of the
inner self with the help of sincere endeavors of yoga sadhanas can establish a
harmonious linkage between the subliminal and the gross worlds of life. Gnostic dreams serve this purpose, to
some extent, from time to time.
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma
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