=Pt. ShriRam Sharma Acharya
exists in this world (animate as well as inanimate) is the manifestation of
Shakti (Eternal Power). At some places it appears as dormant inactivity while
at others it is seen as awakened activity. All the forms of life have
originated from it. It is this consciousness that is seen in all the fauna and
flora. It is this energy that is responsible for all the action, growth and
expansion in this world. The whole cosmos is the play of Shakti. The play of
this Shakti in human life is deeply mysterious. The awakening and strengthening
of the three layers of our body physical, subtle and causal; and the five
koshas (shells) annamaya, pranmaya, manomaya, vigyanmaya and anandmaya generate
different types of currents of Shakti.
awakening of different subtle chakras muladhar, swadhisthan, manipur, anahat,
vishuddhi, aj�a ( Aghya) and sahastrar - is done for unraveling
the mysterious world of this Mahashakti. In fact kundalini maha shakti is the
base of human life itself. Mother Goddess Adya Shakti Herself energizes the
awakened kundalini and enables a sadhak to achieve the highest goal of life.
People, who remain ignorant of this mysterious play of Shakti, are akin to a
fish that is thirsty in the vast sea. Those, who strive to delve deep in this
mystery and undertake appropriate sadhana, achieve the honor of being called
the children of Adyashakti. They become full of spiritual power. Nothing is
impossible for them to achieve and accomplish.
supreme knowledge of this Shakti sadhana, capable of transforming the impossible
into the possible, is hidden in the twenty-four letters of Gayatri Mahamantra. Advanced sadhaks realize
this truth. From this point of view, the nine days of Navaratri are very
significant and auspicious for Gayatri sadhana. Those sadhaks who undertake
the sadhana of Gayatri Mahashakti, will become dynamos of
uplifting spiritual energy which will be a boon for themselves as well as the
society. Let all parijans engage themselves in intensive Gayatri sadhana during the coming Navratri
Parva .
GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
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