= Pt. ShriRam Sharma
My children, Our Yug Nirman mission is dedicated to the social, cultural,
intellectual and spiritual transformation. Our hands may be weak, we may be
small in number, but our devotion to the noble cause of meeting the call of the
Time-Spirit is steadfast. We shall run with our small buckets of water to
extinguish the fire around, to quench the thirst of drying throats. Small steps
lead to great heights. I have drawn a four-phase plan over the crucial period
of two to three decades of Yug-Sandhi to be implemented for shaping a brighter
tomorrow for all.
Apart from the sadhana-sessions for spiritual
refinement of personality and training courses on self-reliant education and
moral-upliftment, our ongoing local projects include: self-refinement; social
reformation; mass awakening and education and eradication of blind faith and
evil customs through religious platforms; total health; altruistic service;
alternative and eco-friendly solutions to water, health-food and
energy-resource generation and management, revival of the Rishi-Culture in
modern scientific light, etc. In addition, I have formulated four special tasks
for our participation in the mission of Mahakala. You might be well aware of
the Yug Nirman activities and may get further information and guidance about it
from Gayatri Pariwar
Centres. These pertain to grass-roots work in the physical world.
I have talked to you about these at length earlier
and will continue to guide and provide help in your efforts in any of our
numerous activities initiated at local levels. But what I am going to talk to
you today deals with the subtle realms of consciousness. The four experiments I
will outline here happen to be of successively higher spiritual levels. Each is subtler than the
previous one. Participation in the first one itself will initiate your
spiritual growth and enlightenment. I can't promise of my presence in this
physical sheath till the completion of these. But rest assured, I will continue
to guide and support you from the sublime realms till the accomplishment of this
unique project. We have to work on many fronts, there are many challenges to
meet, many wrongs that need to be rectified and set right. The most challenging
crisis of today is the crisis of faith (astha-sankata).
Todays man has become intellectual at the cost of
neglecting his sensitivity. He hardly has faith in human values leave aside the
divine disciplines. Our earlier generation was better and happier than us
despite much lesser resources. For example, my mother had no school education
but the sanskaras (mental impressions) I imbibed from her were sagacious and
saintly, which a noble guru gives to his disciples; as though she fed me with
great moral and ethical values of personal and social import with her milk.
There are many great people like her, who may not have any visible status or
intellectual distinctions but their being is pervaded with virtuous tendencies.
(Translation of a discourse of Pujya Gurudev on
"Mahakala Ki Pukara Ansuni Na Karen": Continued from the previous
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
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