Monday, June 11, 2012

the intellect = Pujya Gurudev

Guidelines for sharpening the intellect
=Pt. ShriRam Sharma Acharya
 Rigveda 8/95/5 O Supreme Lord of perfect majesty! Bless the one whoever sings new and beautiful encomiums to you with the intellect which is endowed with supreme wisdom and which enlightens the mind. Everyone is desirous of increasing his mental and intellectual capabilities.
This craving is more endemic to the student community. Most of them are on the lookout for some formula or technique that may enhance their mental power. It is seen in all spheres of life that the more intelligent are able to make progress and achieve success while the dullards are left behind in the race. This phenomenon has become almost a truism, to the extent that intelligence and success have come to be viewed as synonymous. How may the unintelligent become intelligent? And how can the intelligent ones further increase their brain power?
The answers to these questions have never been properly known or learnt. The results of research investigations made in this field generally remain unavailable to the common mass of people. Ignorant of the effective tools of intellect development, the majority of people resign themselves to their present mental level, branding it as destiny or fate. But the reality is otherwise. With the grace of God, combined with dedicated human endeavor, worthwhile goal is achievable. But before we embark on this venture, let us be clear about what exactly is meant by intellectual capacity. Most people have a misconception about the true nature and function of the intellect.
They identify intelligence with trickery and chicanery of all sorts. For them, being intelligent means an ability to fix things up and grab the desired object by hook or by crook. But those who are aware of the reality know that intellect or buddhi is, in fact, an instrument manifesting as a process of analysis, deliberation and discernment. An application of this process leads to the development of understanding, determination and far-sightedness. Analysis is made of the prevailing circumstances, available facts and the past experience. It helps in giving a right direction to the course. Deliberation means refining the thoughts and imaginations, properly arranging them and giving them a focused orientation. 
Discernment is the faculty to discriminate between the right and the wrong, the judicious and the injudicious, the true and the false. One in whom all these three dimensions of intellect are harmoniously activated is endowed with an outstanding capacity of understanding. He is able to perform the right action at the right time. (Countinue)
Thanks GOD, Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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