=Pt. ShriRam Sharma Acharya
The important thing that needs to be understood is the purpose
underlying this particular direction of Gurudev. During those ten years of my
active participation in the freedom struggle, I interacted with people of
different nature in and outside of jail. In those days mass awakening was at
the highest peak.
I came in contact with several brave, courageous persons with firm
determination and I learnt many useful lessons from them. It took me less than
a couple of years to learn the art of winning over supporters, co-workers and
appreciators for the stupendous task of revolutionary moral reawakening that
was the primary aim and mission of my life. It would not have been possible for
me to learn these lessons even by touring the country extensively on my own.
Family attachments, feelings of mine and thine were got rid of and I lived a
happy life even in adverse circumstances.
This created self-confidence. The most important gain was that I
developed the attitude of a volunteer, which has helped me to remain humble
even at this late stage of my life. The suspense as to why I was directed to
perform mahapurushcharanas in two phases was thus removed by my experience of
the freedom struggle.
The Indian National Congress was established about a century back
but the congress in which we worked was altogether different from what it is
now and I had peculiar experiences while working in it. Effortlessly, I got an
opportunity to establish contacts with several eminent persons. I always
conducted myself as a disciplined volunteer. So, whenever any volunteer was
needed to serve eminent leaders, I used to be pushed forward in view of my
young age. From these contacts I imbibed many virtues and also got an
opportunity of living with GandhiJi in his Sabarmati Asram and VinobaJi in
Pavnar Asram. Others went to these great personages for their Darsan but to me
the insights provided by these contacts proved to be celestial boons. In 1933
the annual session of Indian National Congress was held in Calcutta. In those
days Congress was considered an anti-government organization. People were
arrested and police firing was resorted to on flimsy pretexts.
Delegates who were considered important enough were arrested at
Bardwan station and sent to jail in Asansol, which was originally made by the
East India Company for Europeans. I was also arrested along with my three
colleagues of Agra district. Eminent persons like Madan Mohan MalviyaJi, Devdas
Gandhi, Swarooprani Nehru (mother of Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru), Rafi Ahmad Kidwai,
Chandrabhanu Gupta, Kanhaiyyalal Khadiwala and Jagan Prasad Rawat were with us
in the jail. Malviyaji used to address us daily in the evening throughout our
stay there. Malviyaji and Mata Swarooprani used to treat us like their
children. Malviyaji used to emphasize in his speeches that we should beg a
paisa from every man and a handful of food grains from every woman to spread
the message of our movement so that they may realize that the Congress was
their organization and the freedom struggle was their own struggle, being run
with their cooperation and contributions.
The thing might not have been important for others but I took serious note of it. The Risis of yore maintained themselves, gurukuls and aranyaks on public alms (bhiksa). It had been pointed out to me by Gurudev that I was to take up an assignment in hand. I had been wondering where from the money would come for this purpose. In jail, I got the clue. After my release, I applied this formula, while launching important projects of moral and social upliftment and transformation.
The thing might not have been important for others but I took serious note of it. The Risis of yore maintained themselves, gurukuls and aranyaks on public alms (bhiksa). It had been pointed out to me by Gurudev that I was to take up an assignment in hand. I had been wondering where from the money would come for this purpose. In jail, I got the clue. After my release, I applied this formula, while launching important projects of moral and social upliftment and transformation.
Amounts running in crores have been spent on these projects through
willing and volunteer contributions (minimum of ten paisa or a handful of
grains per person per day) from lakhs and lakhs of well wishers and friends of
the mission. Like Gayatri and Gangotri, Congress had been the fount
of my lifes course. However, after independence I concentrated only on those
tasks that would contribute to the fulfillment of the aims of political
freedom. Politicians look after the political and economic affairs of the
country. But far more important and crucial is the moral, intellectual and
social transformation of the society to usher in an era of truth, equality,
fraternity, freedom and harmony.
This can be accomplished by persons and organizations committed to
deeper values of life. This is the task dearest to my soul. Except for wearing
khadi, I withdrew myself from active participation in all other programmes of
the congress from the day of independence. This had the blessings of Bapu and
the sanction of my divine guide. My friends sent me a form for accepting
pension for having worked as a freedom fighter for about twenty years, I
plainly declined to avail of this offer. Eminent persons of that age, who are
still alive, would testify that when the time for rewards came, I withdrew
behind the curtain. All the aforesaid three assignments were accomplished with
utmost dedication and concentration. In between I also visited the Himalayas
only for six months each time.
I was told that the work of the Congress was important from the
point of view of attainment of freedom and so my sojourn for six months each
time would be enough. It is not necessary to mention here what I was told and
what I was required to do during these sojourns. There are events and
happenings even of my work-a-day visible surface life, which I consider
miraculous, acts of divine grace; and my heart is filled with deep gratitude
and humility when I recall them.
Thanks GOD,Thanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma
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