Tuesday, May 8, 2012

radical change = Pujya Gurudev

There will be radical change in the present map of the world-1
=Pt. ShriRam Sharma Acharya
Preparations for the third world war are in full swing and missiles are poised to destroy each other at a moment's notice; the reason being - the intention of certain groups or class of people to dominate over the under-privileged masses. It is irrelevant to discuss who made the first move. Traditionally more powerful and competent groups of aliens have been exploiting the helpless natives. This is the principle on which a governing system operates. Ever since the dawn of human history, exploitation of man by man has followed more or less a similar pattern.
The powers, which were encouraged to drop two nuclear bombs on Japan and made it surrender to them, had also been following the same course of forging an alliance for dominating over the vulnerable sections of humanity. This philosophy of exploitation of the weaker by the stronger is the root cause of all conflicts and wars. Ever since men began to think in this way, there have been wars with the available logistics and till man gives up this policy there will be no end to these confrontations.
Today, however, there is a greater cause for anxiety because of possibilities of widespread destruction by nuclear weapons. Even if a nuclear confrontation could be avoided, wars would continue to be fought with other armaments, since the root cause continues to be exploitation of the weaker, less privileged classes of people, by the powerful groups. This is also the basis on which the boundaries of countries have been drawn. Had it not been so, geographical features would have been deciding the national sovereignty.
A characteristic feature of such an ideal set-up would have been a just status for the backwards, and the progressive class would have realized its responsibility for upliftment and progress of the underprivileged people. Since in any society the number of competent persons is always less than that of the weaker section, the progressive class, which is in minority, is required to take up the responsibility to provide guidance to the former and also cater to its needs of reformation and social upliftment. But does such a situation exist today?
A small number of resourceful, privileged people have occupied maximum possible territory by virtue of their superior intellect, administrative efficiency, superior knowledge, greater resources and declared themselves as owners of land. This is the " Law of jungle " which advocates " Might is right ". The basic cause of confrontation between people as mentioned earlier, is demarcation of boundaries of nations and control thereof by groups having vested interests. It tantamounts to an unprincipled grabbing of power. The more powerful a country is, the more it would be successful in intimidating the weaker nations and in maintaining a strong hold thereupon. In such an environment, all classes of people aspire to become powerful and on the first available opportunity jump to subjugate the weaker.
This has been the scenario in the medieval period, when, whoever could muster a large army, was inclined to attack the neighbouring state and after plundering its people, annexed the land to their own. Today, this philosophy continues to be the same, but strategies have changed. Though open confrontations are not sought, there is a camouflaging of principles on sinister designs. Still the more privileged, powerful nations tend to exercise their control on the neighbouring and distant countries, so that they are able to exploit the latter to the maximum extent, besides retaining their own supremacy.
The Illogical Political Borders:
Since ages, the boundaries of countries have assumed such permanency, that they appear to us as natural landmarks. Whoever is an occupant of whichever part of land on this earth, appears to be its justifiable owner. Nevertheless, a critical appraisal from the point of natural justice and propriety would present an entirely different picture. Where does one find an equitable distribution of natural resources of earth amongst the sons and daughters of mother earth? Are the more affluent and developed nations endeavouring to provide the less privileged classes of mankind more happiness and prosperity by voluntarily reducing their own indulgences and comforts? Had man adopted such a philosophy, there would not have arisen any necessity for forging alliances or conquering lands. With such an ideology, man would have considered the whole earth as property of God and everyone would have had an equal opportunity to take advantage of natural resources found anywhere on this earth. With this doctrine, man would not have needed boundaries dividing the nations. Even if such a demarcation was required, the basis would have been necessities like transportation and not political groupism.
Gas and oil fields are mainly confined to some Arab countries of The Middle East. These are thus under the control of a small number of people, whereas being a god-given natural resource, should it not have been a property of the entire humankind? Likewise, there are very large unpopulated expanses in Africa and America, whereas in the densely populated countries like India and China, man has to face many inconveniences because of shortage of habitable land. The humankind should live like a family on this earth and the land should belong to all. Everyone should derive advantage from the produce of land without any discrimination. Injustice begins when inhabitants of a particular land behave like its owners and intend to keep the produce of its natural resources exclusively for their own selves.
On account of the aforesaid selfish unethical thinking, the more privileged class does not tolerate the freedom of the weaker section. On the other hand, there perpetually exists a suppressed desire amongst the vulnerable classes to become more powerful and stand in revolt against this domination. Such a disposition has been the cause of small and big confrontations between groups of people and if allowed to persist, there will not be an end to wars on this planet.
The Divine Will:
Let it be known that the divine powers are now going to force all militant and aggressive powers to accept a lasting treaty of peace. The big powers are today threatening each other of consequences of starting a war. Under these circumstances, those who do not intend to be wiped out are advised to see reason and boldly retreat. The war which appears imminent would not take place. It is Gurudev’s assurance and prophecy that open all out war will be definitely deferred. For the time being the I.C.B.M.s will not be launched. But is it going to save the human kind? War is not waged with explosives only. The real war is the war of economics – of acquisition of resources. So long the borders between the nations exist separating man from man, new frontiers of war would open and humankind would continue to face disaster.
The Almighty is going to provide a collective – one-time solution to all human problems. Not only there will be a deterrent to the nuclear war, the boundaries separating the countries, which various class and groups of people have drawn by forcible occupation by virtue of their superiority, would also be removed. None of the countries shown in today's political map of the world would remain as such in future. " A Global Nation " will come into existence and the land on this earth redistributed and reclassified according to industrial requirements and transportation needs of humankind as a whole.
Is It a Utopian Concept?
The fore-mentioned world order may appear inconceivable today. Why should America give up its privileges or Russia permit its allies to take a soft stand? Why China would allow its vast land to be distributed amongst others? Would the oil producing countries share their resources with aliens? It is unlikely that anyone would voluntarily agree to this arrangement in the normal course – particularly the nations which are prosperous and privileged ones. On the other hand, the under-privileged weaker nations hardly have a leverage to exert for a global redistribution of resources. In the present environment, it may appear that whatever is being said here is wishful thinking. But God's ways are strange. It should be remembered that man has never been able to predict the future course of history.
During the last few years, everywhere in the world, unimaginable revolutionary changes have taken place in political, financial and educational fields. The transformations, which this world has seen in economic and political scenario between the first and the second world wars and thereafter, have been extraordinary and were perhaps beyond any stretch of imagination for the contemporary people. For instance the changes which took place in Europe between the rise and fall of Hitler could hardly have been thought of earlier. The events to happen should, therefore, not be viewed in the background of present environment.
Advent of Global Brotherhood:
God is now going to eradicate wars from the face of the earth once for all. Divine powers are not bothered about trivialities like determent of atomic and chemical warfare. This much man is capable of achieving with his own common sense. Since God wishes to deter wars forever, HE will also remove the root cause - the boundaries between the nations. In the days to come, the map of the world won't show the many small and big countries as are in existence today. Since time immemorial man has been toying with the concept of " One World – One Nation ". The idea of " Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam " (all beings as a global family) has been advocated since long. Now it is going to become a reality.
Responsibilities of the Elders:
The largest number amongst the people of the world consists of those who are backward from the point of view of knowledge, resources, experience and skills. Since this is the class on which the interests of majority depend, it deserves a preferential treatment. The truth, however, is otherwise. The prosperous and knowledgeable sections of society, which are in minority, have an upper hand. The mature-grown-ups are supposed to look after the young ones. Following this principle, the so-called elders – the privileged minority - are required to rethink and take care of the under-privileged class of the people in the same manner as guardians bring up their large number of children and make them self-dependent. Let it be known, that the privileged minority will be made to give up the accustomed practice of exploiting the helpless weaker people.
Reconcile to The Inevitable:
Divine activities and creations are all miraculous. Out of a pitch dark cold night, suddenly appears the bright glowing globe of the Sun. Being used to this phenomenon, man does not consider it a miracle, which no doubt it is. In a clear sky, all of a sudden from nowhere clouds appear and within moments cover man and beast alike with a heavy downpour. This is greatly amazing.
The end of all wars is imminent and it is the WILL OF GOD . Let man mend his ways according to HIS desire. Since the armaments created by man for global destruction are going to be deactivated, let the sensible people also consider changing the present borders of countries which are illogical and damaging from the point of view of cause and consequences. This change would not depend upon superiority or might of man with whom the more powerful pulls apart the larger chunk of flesh, but on necessity of nature, which desires humanity to survive and live in peace for a long time. Hence, instead of having skirmishes now and then, it would be much better for man to take decisions once for all after considering all pros and cons. It has to be done, since God desires man to do so.
Thanks GOD, hanks Sadguru,
Shiv Sharma

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